Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Can You Have That Difficult Conversation?

As a coach, my job is not only to make my clients feel better, often, my role is about holding them accountable; accountable to themselves, not just me.

Sometimes this means initiating uncomfortable conversations with clients who believe that they are trying desperately to reach their goals...
With a bit of “peeling off the layers of the metaphorical onion” they soon see that they spend just as much time sabotaging themselves in thought and action, as they do taking the correct steps towards those goals.

Just like You, I’ve also had to have many difficult conversations with other people in my life.. my siblings, my kids, my Husband, my Mum, of course I have… that’s life…
But so many of us spend crazy amounts time avoiding those conversations, dreading the actual face to face interaction and how it may go, and fearing the consequences of the conversation itself.

Often… the difficult conversations that we most urgently need to have, are with ourselves, and those conversations need to be open, honest, and in the spirit of love and support. 
It’s usually hardest to be loving and supportive to yourself and even harder to be totally honest and unbiased with yourself, would you agree?

One thing that I have learned in my life is that each and every time I’ve opened the lines of honest, courageous and loving communication, with myself, or someone else; good things have happened. 

I have experienced so much in my life, and even today, with the challenges that I am facing right now, I am aware that confronting those challenges rather than avoiding them is the only way to break out of inertia… and keep moving forward.

Inertia, stalemate, frozen, confusion, feeling stuck – whatever you want to call it, in any area of your life, will not change without confrontation and action.

The confrontation always starts with a conversation; be that with yourself, or someone else

So… if You are feeling stuck my friend, my wish for you is that you will summon your courage to take the first step and have that conversation!

Stop avoiding confrontation and make the decision to move ahead.

Are you ready to put a stop to the thing that is holding you back? 

Remember that the anticipation of how difficult something is going to be, is always worse than the actual event!

Once the conversation and the confrontation are done, then achieving change takes consistency and dedication. 
Many clients come to me feeling that their situation at home or at work makes change impossible for them.

Have you ever been there before? You’re reaching for a goal, but it feels like everything is stacked up against you? 

This is the stage that I guide those beautiful ladies to deeper and more searching conversations with themselves, because the truth is, when you really uncover those blocks that life seems to stack up against you, you will start to understand that you have put many of those blocks in your own way, and....
 only You can move them out of your path.

The changes you are making are totally worth it!  Keep going!

Look out for more blog posts in which I will share with you, my own lessons of the past as well as current challenges and lessons in my life that I am dealing with in the here and now. 
I have realized that by not telling you my story, raw and ongoing, I am short-changing you guys, my loyal and lovely following. 
My hope is that, as I continue climbing this mountain called life… that my experiences and lessons can help you relate and give you courage.

Together, we’ve got this