Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Being a Survivor Sucks!

Being a survivor sucks!
So many of us remain in an almost hypnotic state of survival.
Sadly, only the minority of people strive to thrive rather than just survive.
How do we become a thrivor rather than merely a survivor?
Being a survivor is woven into our upbringing and even pop-culture as being a good thing!
Yes, it is better to be a survivor than a victim, but surely it would be even better to expect so much more than mere survival?
“You get what you tolerate so raise your standards!” – Tony Robbins
The laws of nature dictate that if you consistently take positive steps/actions towards a goal, then you will successively get closer to achieving that goal.
The problem is that this is where we get in our own way!
We take action, consistently, for a while… and then those little doubts and worries start to play in our minds… before you know it, you are procrastinating about things you need to do at work, your skepticism raises its ugly little head, you are breaking your diet, or you are finding excuses to neglect, or even actively destroy relationships (personal or work-related) that were set to help you achieve your happiness or your goal.
If you desire to be a thrivor rather than a survivor, it would be really helpful to take consistent, disciplined action and then start telling yourself
I know and trust that things will all work out perfectly
I also strongly suggest that you start saying
Everything works out for the best for me, it always does!
On that note, I will tell you something positive that we learned from a guy who I had perceived as a rich bastard...
This guy has had immense financial success all his life. He has tried all sorts of businesses, has “stood on many people’s toes” and gained himself a reputation as being clever and successful but ruthless.
For the sake of anonymity, let us call this guy Harry
Harry is a guy who believes whole-heartedly in his own luck. People who know Harry well often comment on how he always says “I am just a lucky guy, always have been.”
Many who know Harry are downright jealous of his “luck”, be it in business, fishing, or even gambling.
Did Harry attract that luck, or did he create that luck?
To that question my response is this; As my clients know, I prefer to call it
‘The Law of Creation’ rather than ‘The Law of Attraction’
When you have instilled that positive energy of
Everything works out for the best for me, it always does!
Then you tend to be so much more solutions-focused than when you live in an energy of
Why is life always so hard for me?
The mindset of surviving rather than thriving is so much a part of our lives that it affects every facet of our lives, without us even knowing it.
We all need to install a mindset of thriving rather than merely surviving, but for many of us, our background, our history and the background and history of our parents, makes this is a real challenge.
That is not to say it cannot be done!
You are still reading this blog post, and that makes you someone who is looking for new answers to old problems.
Congratulations on being that person and, as a soul-searcher, you may already be a person who prides yourself in having the “mettle” to face up to challenges, the thing is, that there are hidden challenges in the depths of our minds and emotions that we have not yet recognized. Many of us feel out of touch with who we are, let alone what it is exactly that we want out of life.
Spend some time thinking about
  • Who do I dream of being?
Going back to my own Zimbabwean roots, I know that I was programmed to surviving rather than thriving.
If we have not even considered who we dream of being, let alone how… then how can we thrive?
When I began to dare to dream, at the age of 40, I took myself back to Fifo at 14 years old. For me that was an amazing age of closeness to my parents and ever-growing confidence. I was developing an idea of who I was and who I wanted to be. I used to go out on the farm on horse-rides or walks and my busy imagination would get going.
I would conjure up wonderful stories in my mind, sometimes about hunky guys arriving on horse-back and riding off into the distance with me, but more often, it was about me, saving the day! Even as I type this, I am giggling at 14-year-old Fifo and her colourful imagination, but going back to that age and identifying with my childish daydreams, really helped me to remember, for the first time in SO many years, who I had always wanted to be. In being the girl who saved the day, I was basically always the one helping people in distress, I knew how to relate to them and to help them out of trouble.
Remembering that who was extremely emotional I must say. I was, in fact, at the time, in an aeroplane on the way back to Lusaka from Johannesburg and desperately trying to hold back the tears so as to not scare the crap out of the poor unsuspecting dude next to me!
Obviously, for me, this then naturally led into my career choice as a coach but that is not why I want you to do this.
The first step towards thriving is to start getting in touch with that wonderful who that you would love to be.
Go back in your mind, remember your own daydreams, did you play imaginary games? Did you run imaginary stories through your mind? Who did you hope to be?
The great news is that it is never too late to become that person!
Always remember that for the rest of your life - today is the youngest you will ever be and the most experienced you have ever been, so use it wisely!
The best way to achieving you goals is to remember that everything that ever existed began as a 
Grew through
Imagination and creativity
And became a reality through
Commitment to Consistent Action
So, Think  first about Who you want to be use your Imagination and creativity to paint that picture vividly in your mind and Commit yourself to Consistent Action towards becoming that person. 
What you want to achieve? Yep... that's important too but will be a hollow victory if you have not first become Who you hope to be!
To truly thrive, I suggest that first you work on your personal development and your health. When those facets of your life are on an upward trend you will feel more inspired, more invigorated and more excited about figuring out exactly how to thrive rather than just survive!
Thanks for reading, stay healthy, get inspired and take action!
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