Wednesday, June 24, 2020

There is an underlying Root-Cause That is Affecting Your Weight!

There is an underlying Root-Cause That is Affecting Your Weight!
And the thing is, until you have got to the root-cause of why you have struggled to shed weight or why you cant maintain your ideal size, then you will keep repeating the same old patterns over and over again.
Nowadays I easily maintain my ideal size at 64 kilo's. It's a natural no-stress way of life and I had FUN getting there! I feel energized and healthy and my family ALL tell me that I look 10 years younger now, than I did 10 years ago! Best of all... I FEEL 10 years younger and am more at-peace with myself than I have been since I was 15 years old!
It wasn't always like that..
At my heaviest I weighed in at something over 100 kilo's (I jumped off the scale as the numbers were still racing upwards... because I really didn't want to know!) My health was a mess, I was pre-diabetic, peri-menopausal (don't those night-sweats take their toll?) and in constant physical pain from old back-injuries that simply could NOT cope with the weight on my body.
I have never felt so low. I felt like I had let my husband down, I felt like I had let my kids down and I knew that I had let myself down, but I was SO confused!
I believed that I had tried every diet and every type of exercise and that the problem was ME.... I believed that I was weak willed and that for me, weight loss was always going to be SO hard!
So how did I change that? I researched and learned and studied and began to uncover the root-cause of what MY weight problems were. Then I used a combination of NLP techniques and physical strategies that reprogrammed my mind and my body for lasting weight-release that felt natural and painless. Now I easily maintain a healthy lifestyle that I LOVE and I never feel like I am hard-done-by!
Now, I coach clients all over the world to achieve those same results and we are having SO much fun and they are achieving the most amazing results.
"Fiona, You opened my eyes. You have made me believe in myself. My physical transformation occurred due to the change in my mental state. I am stronger not just physically, but emotionally too & that is what I have been "searching" for all my life! Thanks for believing in me & teaching me how to love myself & take back control... Positive affirmations & Micro-Wins!— Bianca (Holland)
"15 kg down and counting! Best of all was that even after a weekend of over-indulgence with friends, I managed to get straight back "on track" without the usual self-loathing that I would have had before.... and I didn't even gain weight!"— Zen (Botswana)
For a FREE Introductory Call Just Click Here In that call we can get to the root-cause of your "dieting nightmares" so that you can understand how to move forward into weight-shedding and wellness that LASTS!
I am longing to share my message with you because I KNOW that my techniques can help You!
This comes with loads of love as always
PS: Remember to Claim Your Free Coaching Call Here and start to strategize how you can move forward into weight-shedding and wellness that LASTS!

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