Thursday, August 22, 2019

If You've Ever Given Up on Mind Training, Here's Why

I hear a lot of folk who dabble in meditation or self-hypnosis, then stop.
Even though it's a shame... I get it. It's not easy to stick with it.
But I'm here to encourage you anyway, because it's worth it. Mind training is one of the best things you can do with your time. That's a bold claim, I know, but I can make it because it makes everything else better.
It makes you smarter, sharper, happier and more focused.
This improves every part of your life, some more than others.
If you didn't get anything out of meditation, self-hypnosis or any other mind training practice, this won't help you. This advice is for anyone who tried it, felt great for a little while, then stopped.
Like any skill, it's a thrill at the start. You learn so much, so quickly.
But it takes effort to keep climbing that incline.
And eventually... you plateau.
Now, I'm not going to tell you to power through that plateau. That on the other side are greater improvements like you can't even imagine.
You already know that - and knowing that didn't help.
Here's what happened to most of you:
You started off knowing nothing.
Then you learn a simple technique or two, and suddenly you can do a lot.
It's exhilarating. You imagine what you'll be able to do with 50 or 100 techniques under your felt.
Except... it doesn't work that way. More techniques don't lead to more experience.
You stop progressing as fast.
It stops feeling as fresh, new and exciting.
So you start going through the motions.
And that, right there, is the killer. I'd put money on it. You start showing up to the sessions with the attitude of 'here are some techniques for me to follow', the techniques don't work like they used to...
It's easy to get bored or discouraged.
But there's another way to approach it.
Instead of thinking about the techniques as things to tick off, think about what the techniques do.
Think about what you get out of them.
Say your goal is inner balance, and the techniques give you that, then great. But if the techniques don't, then you've wasted your time... right?
Or you can approach each session with the intention to create inner balance.
The techniques are irrelevant. You could follow them, or you could not. So long as you cultivate inner balance, you're winning.
I remembered this recently after constructing an elaborate self-hypnosis sequence. Six days a week, it works beautifully and I access fantastic inner states.
That other day, though?
It feels like I'm just going through the motions.
So I stop, reset, and wonder how I can get what I want. Is this technique the best way?
Or is there some other way to do it?
While you're learning, you're not going to know many alternative techniques. But while you're learning, it's easy to continue with it.
By the time you plateau like this, it's because you know enough to mix it up.
So mix it up.
Going through the motions will stall you.
Having said that, knowing many techniques helps. That's why I describe over half a dozen ways to hypnotise yourself. If you get bored with one, move onto the next.
Soon you'll know enough self-hypnosis to simply enter a trance whenever you need.
Here's how you get your hands on that program:

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