Tuesday, August 20, 2019

It's Amazing Isn't It, How Life Can Often Get in the Way?

This year has been one of my busiest ever. Then I suddenly realised that I had locked in outside activities on more than half of every week. And that that was is NOT good. Not for me and certainly not for my health and fitness. SO - time to forget sitting at the computer working on more research and so often shooting out to help with this group or that. Time to focus on what I need to do for me that will also help me as well as everyone else.
FIRST Update my wall chart to include both my commitments for others as well as my new commitments to MYSELF. Which are:-
Walk for at least 1 hour, three times per week. There are beautiful walking areas in my area, somewhere I can start to use the hiking poles I received from my son as part of my Christmas present. Even though the weather has started deteriorating and we are definitely deep into winter, it's never as bad as when I lived in the far south. And I now have the gear to be able to accomplish this.
NEXT Eat good, home cooked food regularly, avoid the foods I shouldn't eat. (Not easy that, I slipped up again as recently as yesterday. OOpsy I promise to do better). My last check up was very good, my health, as usual up to par. I continue to take the medication I need and also the supplements I have found that work for me. I have been and continue to be, aware that I need to care for myself first before I can be of use to others.
AND With that in mind here are my latest thoughts, funnily though these days the stray thoughts just seem to pop up out of nowhere.
"Darn it!! You've reached the big 5-0, or 6-0, or even worse, 7-0 - gulp! What to do now? Do you retire to the sofa as some did in the long ago past? Prepare yourself for "OLD AGE"? - Horrors! Perish the thought.
But - if you are anything like me, you're not READY for old age yet. So, what do you do? Well, when my other half left me a widow, and after the first very long months (of which I have no real recollection) had passed, I suddenly found I was a single person again. A 'mature' single person who didn't know what to do with myself now that I was no longer part of a couple. I tried reclining on a sofa, but I couldn't sit still long enough, so the only alternative was to sit up and think.
As a result I have spent plenty of time since researching ways of staying healthy and fit. For after all, I am now wholly responsible for my own health and fitness. My first forays took me out walking, weather permitting and after a while it no longer took half an hour just to walk into my local village and back. And after an even longer time, I was walking for up to an hour and a half, sometimes covering 5+kilometres.
Today is the day I resume living my life with a healthy work/leisure balance. Today is also the day I commit to updating my blogs more frequently.
And having written the previous, I managed to succumb to a flipping bug, which put me in bed AND on the dreaded sofa, for over 2 weeks!!!!
I finally believe that I might now survive and, with the winter in full swing, (cold windy with too many wet days), I will just have to wrap upon those days I can do so, to take myself down onto the gorgeous walks in my local Karangahake Gorge. I am really looking forward to getting my feet under me again. I have a lovely thick infinity scarf, made last year, & a very windproof jacket, courtesy of my late husband
So, if the rain holds off till after lunch, off I will go.
I WILL get fit again and I now truly believe I will survive this darn bug.
Watch this space!
Hilary A Green, copywriter to the health and insurance industries. http://www.hilaryagreen.com. Researching and writing about health matters are my major focus these days. Also writing White Papers, newsletters and articles, which takes most of my days. If you want someone to help with the words you need to inform and attract, I can be contacted on hilary@hilaryagreen.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10157229

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