Thursday, April 16, 2020

Even Coaches "Backslide" and Now I Am SO Glad That I Did! Even in Lock-Down - Get BACK UP AGAIN & You Will Feel SO Much Better!

I have been doing my best in my business; Really putting my heart and soul into motivating, coaching and inspiring each and every one of my clients, fine-tuning and improving every module on my online courses. Studying and expanding my knowledge so that I can deliver more to my entire client base...
I have been doing my best to spend time with 2 of my kids who are at home for lock-down.
I have been disinfecting every single grocery item that comes through our door and then double-disinfecting the ones that we send to my Mum!
I have been wiping, scrubbing, sweeping, washing......
then there are those dog-poos!!!!
I mean WTF!?!?... How many times a day does a Labrador poo??? We have 3 lovable Labs and 1 regal Sausage-Dog and I think each one of them has decided to poo 4 times a day just to keep us entertained (because poop-scooping is just the BEST fun ain't it?)

This lock-down has proved surprisingly busy and... I have been using all of that as an excuse!
Sound familiar?

...An excuse to do EXACTLY what I advise my clients NOT to do... and that was to put my own self-care, right at the back of the queue!

1st to go was my fitness regime; YES it is a difficult adjustment to make when you are not even allowed to go running outside your own gate, but there is a BIG difference between difficult and impossible!

YES it is difficult to stay inspired when you feel the psychological pressure of "captivity"...but there is BIG difference between difficult and impossible!

Next - my normal healthy nutrition started to "take a knock" here and there... and before I knew it - I wasn't feeling that great
Sure - I didn't have the old "demons" of self-loathing buzzing around my head (which is WONDERFUL) but my "normal" is so utterly different from what it used to be when I was in my early 40's and weighing in at over 100 kilograms (224 pounds) and I didn't like how I was feeling!

Its not just about the size of my body... it's about a sense of wellness and physical strength that is now my norm and as soon as I realized that I was really missing that feeling... 
then it was a matter of MAKING THE DECISION

My mindset and inner dialogue (That all important internal conversation that we all have with ourselves) is SO different to how it used to be back when I lived my Yo-yo type of lifestyle
I didn't waste time with self-loathing and regret - I just went "STOP..... I am not feeling great right now and I don't love this!

A few years ago - I would have punished myself for weeks, wondering why I was so weak and so hopeless and feeling sad and weary that weight-loss and being healthy was just SO HARD!
That usually resulted in a harsh diet and then a rebounding eating-binge - all proving my own unworthiness (as I believed at that stage) to me all over again!
Sound familiar?

That is exactly why I go on and on and ON to my clients about that internal conversation...
Believe that you are unworthy and you will keep creating that result!

Why am I SO glad that I backslid for a few weeks?

Because I want to remind my clients that I am SO NORMAL... I do NOT live by harsh or restrictive diets but rather by healthy principals that I LOVE and CELEBRATE! Changing my mindset and loving myself again has made these principals FUN and my norm... and... how I released what is now at least 45kg (100 pounds).

Yes - I allowed lock-down to affect my mentality (and therefore my actions) for a few weeks, but we are not defined by our mistakes guys - we are defined by how we get back up!

"The greatest glory in living, lies not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall"
Nelson Mandela

So... IT IS NOT TOO LATE - If you have allowed lock-down to hijack your healthy routine... Just get back up my friend and I PROMISE that you will feel SO much better for it...

I "got back up" only yesterday and I am ALREADY feeling AMAZING as a result!

Lock-down does feel restrictive, especially for those of us in countries that have imposed strict measures... but remember that its never been easier to save a life so STAY AT HOME

"Even behind prison walls I can see the heavy clouds and the blue sky over the horizon"
Nelson Mandela

We have it SO much easier than our beloved Madiba did, so brace-up, chin up and get-up!
This comes with LOADS of love from me

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