Tuesday, April 7, 2020

What CAN You Do In Lock-Down?

Have You Got Cabin-Fever Yet?
I know I have had my moments... It's so easy to let it get the better of you, but that too is a choice!
Some people are doing a really great job of staying positive during lock-down.
Others… not so much ….
What can you do to cope with this unprecedented time when more people in the world are feeling that they are “in captivity” all at the same time than probably ever before in history?
"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves." - Viktor Frankyl
So many of us are stuck in lock-down FAR away from the people that we most love.
Its difficult, but you HAVE to make a daily decision …..My life is Good
You kids might be driving you nuts - but choose rather to focus on the gratitude that you have those kids!
Get up in the morning – at a good time – don’t lounge in bed (it doesn’t do your mental state any good at all)
Start your day with gratitude. Write a gratitude list and every single morning add 3 NEW things to that list. Big or small. Gratitude really puts your life and your problems into a whole new perspective that is so much more positive!
Yes…. Literally COUNT your Blessings!
Make your bed…. And do a GOOD job it. This starts your day with a sense of accomplishment and sets your mind up to accomplish more that day. When you accomplish more, you feel better…
Look after your health. Avoid junk food – right now you want to boost your immune system and SUGAR IS THE ENEMY of your immune system! Move your body…. You probably cant go to gym right now but you CAN exercise at home!
Stay hydrated – not with sugary drinks but with water, tea, health teas are great - Learn how to drink them without sugar.
Do NOT revert to what I like to call sloth-dom and binge-eating or comfort eating.
When you are stressed – often the hardest thing to do is to do those healthy things… you don’t feel like it but that’s what you MUST do… now more than ever! Boost your immune system by supporting your body!
Stress, worry and anxiety upset your immune system which likes calmness and positivity. A great way to stay calm is through meditation. You don't have to be experienced at meditation and there are SO many free meditations out there right now. Just do your best version of meditation every day.
There are no drugs that specifically cure covid-19 and the very best drug you have, is in YOU. Use your mind and your actions to boost your immunity. When you think negatively you weaken your immunity….
Do NOT watch the news all day or follow the latest numbers on the pandemic like an obsession. Be informed but honestly, checking the news once a day is more than enough. Rather than watch the news all day, read uplifting books, grow your mind, grow your skills; study for a new qualification.
This lock-down is an opportunity for you to do some of the things you’ve always wanted to do!
In a crisis - You have a choice, you can either rationalize why you are feeling so miserable and excuse yourself for succumbing to the misery
You can talk yourself out of it!
Just remember though, that it IS a choice!
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way." - Viktor Frankyl
The best way to understand that you CAN choose your attitude Is to remember that the way that you feel about anything and everything including this virus comes down to the pictures that you put in your head and the words that you say to yourself.
If you say; "I cant cope with the worry", or "I don’t think I can handle this", well that’s how you will feel and will be highly likely to make that your reality.
But, If you say; "This IS bad, but what can I find or create in this situation that is good?" Then you will find and create good… even in this crisis.
In a world of uncertainty that feels so out of control… you CAN control your thoughts and and your thoughts help you control your feelings. Positive thoughts and feelings lead you into positive actions and positive actions… get positive outcomes.
The human spirit is powerful, beautiful and resilient and this is an opportunity to show that powerful, beautiful resilient side of you… to YOU
Stay strong, Stay at home, and make the right choices, every day
This comes with loads of love
From Me...
PS: If you are finding yourself sucked back into those old compulsive-eating habits or If you have surrendered to comfort-eating and are feeling bad about it then Take a Look Here At The Free Video Coaching on This Page, You CAN beat this, ESPECIALLY in lock-down!

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