Thursday, July 30, 2020

Lock-Down Layers Are REAL... And... It's Not Too Late or Too Difficult To Get Motivated Again!

The anxiety around lock-down, around Covid-19, around online schooling and of course the added housework due to having everyone at home all the time took it's toll on me too!

Yes, we have all loved the extra time with our kids but shucks it was a reminder that when they are away at school or at uni... so is their messiness!

A 16 year old son and a 21 year old son can eat... constantly...

And their version of "yes I have cleaned up after myself" left me questioning my parenting skills, and worrying how on earth they had become so alarmingly blind to the mess they can make!

Then of course... like so many Moms all over the world... I just picked up the slack...

I did more housework, I nagged my son to keep up with his schoolwork... (Teachers I love and appreciate you now more than ever!)

I kept on coaching and marketing and handling all the requirements of my business, I cleaned, and cooked, and shopped and... the list goes on!

I just took on more, and more

Sound familiar?

What happens when you just keep taking on more?

You give less time and care to yourself right?

Exercise takes too much time out of your day!

Keeping up your healthy meals just seems like its not a necessity right now. (Crazy when health is more relevant than ever right?)

Perhaps healthy foods just seem too expensive when your income has halved or worse... stopped!

These problems are real! I felt them too!

What I love about coaching, is that every challenge I face gives me an opportunity to meet it and beat it so that I can coach my beloved clients to do the same!

As I recover from the challenges of lock-down myself, my coaching around anxiety, weight, immune-boosting and lock-down-recovery is getting such great results.

Managing your mind makes weight-release SO much easier and SO much more fun!

My advice to you is this

First: Forgive yourself - this is no time for regret and self-loathing. It achieves nothing so don't look back, look forward with excitement and determination!

Second: Make your daily exercise a priority, whether it is your walk, or a run, or yoga (whatever exercise you love), make it non-negotiable. Remember that if you do not fill your own cup... then all you are offering to others... is an empty vessel!

Third: Develop an evening routine that will help you create a better tomorrow (literally)

Ensure that for the last 15 to 30 minutes before bed, you do not have your face in any screen at all!

  • Get a note-book/journal.
  • Write your to-do list for the next day
  • In that list, highlight the 3 most important priorities of the day
  • Take a moment to visualize how you will go about achieving those 3 things, and how great you will feel about those things once accomplished!
  • At the back of that book, start a gratitude list and every night you must add at least 3 new things that you are grateful for.
  • Take time to really ponder those things and FEEL that gratitude
  • As you drift off to sleep – “set your intention” on thinking about that gratitude 1st thing in the morning as you wake up.

Next week I will talk about why that gratitude is SO vital to living your best life, and I will also send some tips about developing a morning routine that will catapult your days forward to success and health!

If you would love to join this journey of personal transformation then

 Click Here to book your Free Intro coaching call.

As soon as I see that you have booked a time, then I will email you to confirm the details of how we can chat!

Slots for these Free Calls fill fast so HURRY!

Don't waste time being mad with yourself for that added lock-down layer. Remember that...

The only things from your past that belong in your future are the love in your heart and the lessons that you've learned. 

So hold on to that love and those lessons and don't waste time on regret!

Look forward with excitement, and decide to create a beautiful day, one day at a time, every day. Those beautiful days stacked up, become beautiful weeks, marvelous months, remarkable years and an extraordinary life!

When it comes to the story of your life, you can write one that is worth remembering!

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