Friday, July 31, 2020

Time is The Only Commodity You Cant Ever Earn Back. Here is a Morning Routine to Help You Make The Most Of Every Day!

You've made it through another week!

Well done, but...

Wouldn't it be even better to look back on every week with a sense of accomplishment?

Imagine seeing every weekend not only as a rewarding time to rest and rejuvenate, but also as a reward in itself... just because you KNOW that you made the most of every day during your week!

Time is the ONLY commodity that you can never earn back!

Every day wasted... is gone!

Now that I have pointed that out, don't you DARE waste even more precious time on regret and sadness!

How can you become great at making the most of each and every day that you are blessed to be alive?

One of my favourite tools to set up powerful & productive days, is my morning routine

Last week I suggested an evening routine that clears your mind, settles you into a GREAT night's sleep and sets your intentions for an excellent tomorrow.

This week, let's look at how to start your day, to reinforce those intentions, clear your mind, and make the very most of each and every moment!

  • The best time to wake up is at 5am (at the latest)... or earlier! But WAIT... Don't run away! I can hear you screaming, groaning and gnashing your teeth (and some of you telling me EXACTLY where to go) You can break into this gently! If you don't already wake at 5 then just start waking 45 minutes to an hour earlier than usual.
  • For the first 5 minutes, as you are still in that beautiful, sleepy state of mind... be sure to push any negative or fearful thoughts away, and remember the gratitude that you focused on last night? (As per last weeks email)... consciously contemplate those things you are grateful for, and consciously FEEL that gratitude. While snuggling in the warmth of your cozy bed, remember that being alive is reason enough for gratitude. Take 3 long deep breaths and sit up!
  • While still in your bed, sit comfortably with a nice straight back and take 10 more long deep breaths. Remember to breathe in through your nose, hold for a few seconds and then exhale through your mouth. Every exhalation should be slightly longer and slower than your inhalations. This puts you in a calm and empowered state of mind.
  • After your deep-breathing routine, spend another 10 to 15 minutes meditating/contemplating... again on all that you are grateful for. Those of you that are going "EEEEK Fifo I can't meditate, I can't stop my busy, crazy brain!" just remember this... If that is what you tell yourself... then so it will be! I hear you - meditating is tricky! I used to think that I would NEVER be able to quiet my own thoughts until I was reminded that our thoughts don't just happen to us.. we create them! The trick to NOT getting frazzled by your own thoughts, is to calmly "watch them," take note of what they are, acknowledge them ever so briefly and release them. To release them, all you need do is to "see" that thought in your minds-eye, and then imagine it floating away. This practice helps you to get better at controlling your thoughts. As those thoughts float away, consciously bring your mind back to those blessings in your life for which you are grateful and again... really FEEL that gratitude.
  • The next step (10 minutes) is to check the to-do list that you wrote last night. Read through it, and then, spend a few minutes visualizing yourself absolutely CRUSHING your 3 main priorities for the day. Imagine how you will go about accomplishing these priorities and then vividly imagine how great you feel for having accomplished them! Your mind doesn't know the difference between imagination and reality... and once you have done something once... your mind finds it easier to do that again... do the math girl! This is like having a super-power, and it's all yours!
  • So far, you have used up approximately 30 minutes. Now is your opportunity to grow your mind. Read an uplifting book that teaches or inspires you, or listen to an audio book... this is no time for social-media or TV! Do this for 15 minutes
  • For those of you who have added a whole hour onto your morning (You little over-achievers you) you still have 15 minutes to spare! This would be a great time for moving your body! Whatever you prefer, be it yoga, skipping, simple stretches or a challenging core workout, these 15 minutes will really help you set up yourself for an energized and sparkling day!

Now you have used up an hour, if you already have a spiritual/prayer routine, then carry on as usual after you have filled this hour. You will find that you have opened your heart and mind to carry out this routine with more meaning and gratitude than ever!

Take note... for the first hour of your day, you have NOT looked at social media, you have NOT replied to emails... instead, you have granted yourself the gift of self-care. You have shown yourself enough respect to give yourself time!

If you would like to shed weight and learn how to manage your mind for lasting results, then book a free intro call with me here... I would really love to meet with you online, in that call, we can get to the bottom of what is holding you back!

These routines are transforming the lives of my clients... 

Don't just take my word for it, here's what some of those amazing ladies have said;

My Journey with Fifo: "Having suffered with depression, anxiety and low self-esteem issues for most of my adult years, I decided to step out, and make a significant change in my life earlier this year. I have shed eight kilograms since I began this incredible life changing journey. Fifo has equipped me with the most amazing tools to look after myself, re- evaluate my life, and change my limiting self- beliefs. A new balanced way of thinking, eating, and daily exercise have become my new way of life. Why did I do it? I did it for me! For a better me, to become the best I can be, because that’s what I deserve! Thank you Fifo!" - Charmaine

“From the get go Fiona made me feel comfortable and at ease, and as if I had known her for years! I definitely have loads more energy which is amazing, and has definitely helped me on my way with my weight loss journey. Small things that she helped me to implement, have had a major impact on my day to day activities and I get a lot accomplished!”


I know that you  CAN learn how to reclaim your body and to get your mind working WITH you to create lasting change!

This comes with LOADS of love

From me


PS: Remember to Book Your Free Intro-Call here. Slots are filling fast!

PSS: Talking about time again - one of my favourite quotes comes from the movie 'Kung-Fu Panda'... (Yes I am a 48 year old woman who loves Kung Fu Panda!) "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift... that's why it's called The Present." - Master Oogway

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