Saturday, August 31, 2019

The 5 Biggest Ketosis Mistakes

15 Intermittent Fasting Mistakes That Make You Gain Weight

3 Things I learned Being 100lbs Overweight

Can You Spot Reduce Fat? The Answer Is Yes

Scientific research has proven that spot reduction can in fact occur when addressing the hormonal imbalances that contribute to fat storage at a specific site on the body. This is based on over 35 years evidence. There was a U.S government funded study which was conducted by my mentor and strength coach Charles Poliquin. It allows for an accurate identification of hormonal, lifestyle and nutritional issues that are unique to the person tested, and enables us to provide individualized solutions. Inpower Fitness uses this also as a basis to find the best exercises that will get results while being able to prescribe the correct intensity, sets, reps and rest periods based off your hormonal imbalance results. It's unlike no other place on the planet.
The 5 determining factors that come up in the test are
2. Gynoid
3. Toxicity
4. Recovery
5. Android
Chin - wellness indicator & will often be the first sites to drop with positives change
Cheek- Another wellness indicator & will often be the first sites to drop with positives change I have also found that reducing (or removing) caffeine consumption can have a massive impact upon the cheek measure due to its over stimulation of the adrenals.
Pec- linked to testosterone. Women will have naturally higher readings in these areas, however, that's not to say that it's an area that can't be positively impacted by strength training to boost testosterone & a reduction on alcohol consumption to limit its estrogenic affect on the body. The impact of alcohol is often seen in the form of "man boobs" in guys who drink large amounts.
Biceps- Same as Pec. We use this to help with a clearer calculation of testosterone levels and high estrogenic effects on the body. It also helps determines how well your body uses androgens
Triceps- Another site for testosterone. It will more accurately determine total and free testosterone
Subscapular- is a brilliant indicator of your tolerance to carbohydrates. If this reading is greater than 10, you should be taking steps to improve your bodies response to insulin by doing a protocol to improve this such as two weeks with no carbs.
Mid Auxiliary- The consumption of inflammatory foods will impact the fat stored in this area and also relates to Thyroid function.
Supra-illiac- how well you control morning insulin and glucose response
The Australian- Amusingly this site the lower back "love handles" are indicative of poor gut health and insulin sensitivity. The introduction of probiotic foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut & yoghurts can have a positive impact in these areas.
The Umbilical- Extended periods of elevated cortisol can impact the fat held on the belly which is commonly incorrectly associated with food. Stress is the major cause of fat being held in this area & that can be stress from any area, training, lifestyle, caffeine, work, family life etc. Whilst utilising carbohydrates & supplements, such as glutamine amongst others that we prescribe, this helps to reduce cortisol post training & can be helpful when working with athletes. Also a reduction of stress can be key to reducing fat in this area for the general population. Meditation, Yoga, Wim Hof breathe exercises can all have a positive impact on getting a lean mid-section.
Calf- Relates to toxicity due to environmental pollutants. Can also be an indication of lack of recovery or sleep. Do you even like your cankles
Knee- Indicates liver toxicity
Quads- Relates to elevated estrogen. These are crucial in knowing and will help determine the correct form of exercise that will get best results. Any excess testosterone that you produce while training will convert to estrogen and make you fatter. It can become increasingly worse if this problem is not addressed with the correct supplementation and training protocol.
Hamstrings- Another site commonly shows up as the priority area, as its relates to the balance of estrogens in the body. Quads are linked to estrogens produced by the body, however hamstrings related to external estrogens that the body is unable to clear from its system. External estrogens are the toxins from everyday modern life such as chemicals in beauty products, fluoride & chlorine in our drinking & tap water, additives in our food and the list could go on & on. Actively reducing the consumption of these stressors on the body will reduce fat on the hamstrings supported by a good super greens product & fibre supplement to pull toxins from the body. I have found that this is the most common site affected by the pollution and chemicals for people in Australia. Probably one of the most highly sort after supplemental protocols sought after with my clients, especially in women. With the correct protocols you can see great results within weeks.
As you can see, all of this information is crucial for knowing lifestyle, nutrition and exercise changes that need to be made. For example, CrossFit, spin classes or high intensity exercise that destroys the nervous system will not be ideal for someone who carries fat around the midsection and thighs causing even more adrenal stress than they are already under.

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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

What to Eat to Improve Your Memory | Max Lugavere on Health Theory

Is Your Keto Diet Clean or Dirty?

At CrossFit Diet Tips we have wrote extensively about a good diet program for athletes. Whether you follow a keto style diet, or stick to a Paleo regimen, there are good ways and bad ways to do it. A name alone does not describe a particular diet program. You can follow one to the letter, but if the foods you are using are of poor quality, you may be doing more harm than good. In this article we will focus on the ketogenic (keto) diet.
A keto diet is defined as eating in a way for your body to produce ketones. Ketones are produced by the liver from fat and that process is triggered by eating very little carbohydtrates and a decent amount of protein. The ketones are used by the body for energy. Thus, a keto diet essentially burns fat as the body's source of fuel. The fat is burned nonstop by your body. When your body produces ketones, it moves into a state of ketosis. The ketosis will burn fat without even worrying about fasting. That is, as long as you keep eating a ketogenic diet.
This brings me to our topic of a clean vs a dirty keto diet. Since this type of diet is limited in carbohydrates, a normal staple might be seafood, meat, and low-carb vegetables. This doesn't mean it is fine to eat a fast food burger or other commercially raised meat. If you are only just cutting your carb intake, you are living a "dirty" keto diet. The vegetables, meat, seafood, etc... , should be organic and non GMO.
We advise you to stay away from any processed foods or those packaged with preservatives. These will do harm to any diet and prevent you from living a toxin free life. Any diet works best when the foods are basic and clean.
A Keto Diet has a detoxifying process when consumed properly. If you add toxins through the foods, you are not helping your liver, or your health.
Eat fresh, organic vegetables. Try to regularly eat a variety of colored vegetables high in fiber. The more you do this, the better and more flavorful they will taste. Before long, your body will actually crave them for every meal.
As far as fat products, choose healthy sources. These may be organic flaxseed, olive oil, avocados, or coconut oil. Many of these are considered non-inflammatory foods. Inflammatory foods would be those such as dairy products or some of the nightshade vegetables.
While living the clean keto diet, remember to stay well hydrated. Many people do not realize that water helps all of the daily functions including digestion and organ production.
In closing, remember, if you are living the "dirty" keto diet, your doing yourself a disservice. Stay 'clean" and stay healthy.
CrossFit Diet Tips

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Monday, August 26, 2019

Is The Stevia On The Shelf At Food Stores Really That Good For You? Part 1

Any observations around health & nutrition will generally identify "fads" that most sheeples will jump on and companies will exploit to gain a larger market share in the name of "better health". This has been the case for a long time and will most likely continue on well into the future.
The latest big "Thang" seems to be Stevia. Why? Simple really, as it is a naturally occurring plant grown traditionally in South America and avoids all of the adverse issues that can occur when sugar is consumed. The active compounds are steviol glycosides containing up to 150 times the sweetness of sugar and the compound Stevioside contains most of the beneficial properties despite the bitter aftertaste.
The type of Stevia used to produce product for the human market contains Rebaudioside A which is the most extracted compound and used in stevia powders and sweeteners.
Fantastic you might say!! Bingo, we get the best of both worlds - a healthy alternative to sugar and something that tastes really good too!
Hang on a minute though, not so fast...
Did you know that most of the Stevia sweeteners on the market contain erythritol from corn, dextrose and other artificial sweeteners?? Secondly, powdered Stevia sweeteners go through a large number of steps during processing, that can include bleaching and chemical alteration?
One of the problems with unprocessed Stevia is the bitter aftertaste caused by the compound Stevioside. So the reality is that there has to be processing of this plant to remove the unpleasant bitter taste that occurs naturally in the plant.
So, despite not being exhaustively studied, powdered and bleached Stevia undergoes an extensive chemical process to reach its final white powdered form.
In Canada you're not allowed to call Stevia a natural sweetener such is the complicated production process. Their food agency says:
"Sterol glycosides are not considered to be a natural ingredient due to its significant processing and the types of solvents used for its extraction and purification. Claims which create the impression that the sterol glycoside itself is natural are not permitted. Therefore, sterol glycosides cannot be described as a natural sweetener."
Varied solvents can be used in the processing and may include chemicals like chloroform, hexane, hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, aluminium sulphate and so the list goes on.
How appealing does that sound?
As an aside the heating and cooling that occurs in the processing is enough to get one's mind thinking about how "natural" the Stevia product is on the shelves of the supermarket or dare I say "Health" shop.
Having said all of that is processed Stevia bad for you - well no but maybe yes as well. (More on this in Part 2)
Greg Culver is the owner of Akuna Wellness, a website dedicated to delivering the best known natural products for improving and maintaining optimal health without having to take synthetic drugs prescribed by western medicine.

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Fruits that are Safe for a Keto Diet

Eating This Dietary Fat Will Help You Burn Fat

There is a kind of fat which we've been told was detrimental for a very long time. Interestingly, current data is now painting a completely different picture regarding the health and fat reduction benefits of this particular dietary fat.
This particular fat has the actual potential to help you the most with regards to shedding fat. Equally, it increases your cardiovascular well-being while supplying you with sustainable strength during your day.
Apart from the above, this particular dietary fat aids the adrenal glands and thyroid. What's more, it has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal health-protecting qualities.
In addition, the cells of the body can make use of it for energy production without the support of insulin.
This particular fat belongs to a group of fats generally known as saturated fat. As a saturated fat, it falls under the branch called medium chain triglycerides or MCTs.
Nearly half of the saturated fatty acid in coconut oil is an exceptional kind of saturated fat referred to as lauric acid - a medium chain triglyceride. Next to it, oils from coconut also includes other MCTs including caprylic acid. These types of oils offer all of the above benefits and a lot more.
There have been interesting observations if individuals seeking to drop some weight make use of these types of oils as substitutes for various other dietary fats in their diets. A large number of people who have undertaken this have reported dropping far more body fat and having improved amounts of energy.
A good way of making use of these oils in your diet would be to include about 1-3 tablespoons of coconut oil daily in your meals. An exceptionally potent option would be to use around 1-3 tablespoons of MCT oil daily.
You could likewise try the "Bulletproof Coffee," which is coffee mixed with butter, MCT oil, and in some cases heavy cream. Utilizing coffee with MCT oil can equally aid to boost ketone levels in the blood stream leading to improved fat reduction.
The ketone compounds that your body makes any time you consume dietary fats (specifically fats gotten from coconut oil or MCTs) are far better for your brain. They have also been demonstrated to help in the reduction and treatment of Alzheimer's.
Let's look at the bulletproof coffee issue once again. While the amount of dietary fats in the beverage may appear like a lot, this fat is going to provide your body with energy which it is going to immediately burn off. Your body never ever stores these fats.
Just how potent is that? Imagine your body instantly utilizing the ingested MCT oils without the need of stocking them in any way within your body?
This fat doesn't stimulate your body to store body fat. MCT oils are actually like super-fuel for your metabolism, cells, bones, and also your brain.
This ought to be an excellent replacement for less healthy fatty acids such as vegetable oils in your meal plans.
Thinking of it, palm oil and coconut oil are great for cooking oil - surely an additional benefit of these oils.
You can as well make use of MCT and coconut oil in your salad dressings whenever possible.
There are likewise suggestions that adding MCT in high dosages many times daily, along with a ketogenic diet might aid patients who experience memory decline.
A very simple step towards boosting your overall health as well as to decrease inflammation would be to swap your vegetable oils, margarine, cooking sprays, or olive oil with either palm or coconut oil.
Coconut oil is generally solid at room temperature. Therefore, you may need to soften it if it is frozen. The unrefined coconut oil normally has a powerful flavor of its own. Coconut oil equally enriches the taste of pure protein shakes as it provides a creamier and richer overall feel.
Make sure to go for premium quality virgin coconut oil - preferably natural but not essential.
For some of the best healthy weight loss diets and nutritional tips to fast-track your weight loss efforts, kindly visit this link today!

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Sunday, August 25, 2019

5 ANTI INFLAMMATORY FOODS With Amazing Healing Benefits

Why The Fear of Dietary Fats Is Unnecessary

For several years many of us have been led to think that consuming a low-fat diet equates to leanness and even health. Our scientists, the government, doctors, nutritionists and also the media have made us all assume that any time we eat fat, it gets converted right into fat in the body.
The most awful of the recommendations is that eating fat does so much harm as to clog our arteries.
Time has flown by and now we know that none of this has any specific clinical truth supporting them. They are basically not clinically correct. This formerly held idea had been based upon defective science and neglects persuading proof to the contrary.
This unnecessary fear of dietary fat has created a very massive worldwide health epidemic.
This entire dilemma began when the governing administration recommended the Food Guide Pyramid. The pyramid placed carbs at the bottom and we were advised to base our eating plans around it.
Then again, oils and fats were set at the last part of this pyramid with the suggestion that they should be used cautiously. The medical care companies and also the food businesses hopped on board and the remainder is history.
Today, approximately 20 percent of the standard North American daily calorie intake is from sugar-sweetened beverages such as sweetened teas and coffees, energy drinks, sodas, and fruit juices.
And herein lays the most significant issue. These types of liquefied sugar calories are generally a lot more harmful than solid sugars or other carb calories. This owes to the fact that they are "simple" in structure, are easily absorbed into the blood, and consequently used directly for fat creation and storage.
In addition, sugar-sweetened drinks have been shown to cause heart disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.
Several scientific studies have made it unambiguously known that refined carbohydrates and sugars are the true causes of unhealthy weight and cardiovascular diseases - and definitely not dietary fat as previously suggested.
It is a well-known truth that too much carbohydrate ingestion results in an increase in the manufacturing of insulin which usually makes your body to retain body fat mainly in harmful places like the abdomen.
It is also one other clearly agreed upon fact that sugars and refined carbohydrates in our meals are the principal reason for the sheer surge in the occurrence of type 2 diabetes and also pre-diabetes.
Unlike sugar, which irrespective of the label or variety have unfavorable effect on the body, there are actually different types of dietary fats having varied impacts on the body. For sugars, its impact is direct while for dietary fats it is dependent upon the kind that is eaten.
Effectively, not all fats are exactly the same. They don't all have the same influence on the human body. A lot of them can adversely impact your health while many others are really critical for the correct working of the body.
As a consequence of this, we have the polyunsaturated, monounsaturated, trans fats, and saturated types of dietary fats. In addition, within all of these groupings you can still have varied types. For example, saturated fats and polyunsaturated fats come in several tastes.
Therefore, it's important to realize that not all dietary fats ought to be criticized. Ingesting the right portions of the good types will certainly not make you fat.
The shroud covering the real facts concerning the eating of dietary fats is progressively getting removed and the discoveries are becoming very fascinating.
There are actually irrefutable proof currently proving that eating the proper dietary fats help you not just to shed extra pounds but likewise assist to guard against heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Other gains of nutritious fat ingestion include improved state of mind, nails, skin, and hair.
The take home note in this article is that consuming the right quantities of the good dietary fats is the solution to proper well-being and fat reduction. Consequently, consuming these types of fats do not make you gain weight and causes no heart associated health conditions.
For some of the best healthy weight loss diets and nutritional tips to fast-track your weight loss efforts, kindly visit today!

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How to Lose Excess Arm Fat - 7 Simple Steps

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Is Today the Day For You For a Change?

I had reached my limit, and did not want to live my life feeling tired all the time anymore. I had decided that was going to take control of my wellness with unwavering "Laser Focus" and get healthy.
Set a goal - My goal was to lose unwanted fat, and have more energy
Make a plan to reach my goal - I created an exercise weekly schedule that I was able to follow even with my busy life. I follow a healthy nutrition plan that "works" which involves 2 healthy shakes, 2 snacks, and a normal 500-600 calorie fork and knife meal once a day.
Overall wellness is something many people take for granted. It is no secret that people that are overweight, are more likely to develop high blood pressure and have high cholesterol. High blood pressure and cholesterol can be prevented by maintaining a healthy weight.
I have struggled to maintain a healthy weight for most of my adult life. My problem is that I like to eat food that is not necessarily good for you, and then I eat it in large quantities. Fortunately, I love cycling (in particular mountain biking). If it was not for exercise, I would weigh 300 pounds.
It has taking me years of listening to my body, and figuring out what I can, and cannot eat (and when to eat), but I finally feel good about the current state of my health.
Many people worry that dieting means that you will always be hungry. Well, that truth is, you can't lose weight without feeling hungry a few times per day! Typically, I am not hungry in the morning. I am usually hungry around lunchtime, in the late afternoon, and especially at night when I go to bed. I believe it is important to be hungry when you go to bed, so you wake up not feeling bloated. My last meal (which is usually a healthy shake) is around 6pm. I try and fast for 14 hours per day (which means, I do not eat anything until 8am the next day if my last meal was at 6pm the night before.)
It is not rocket science to maintain a healthy weight, and it should not clean out your wallet. You should be spending around $10 per day on healthy food. It is very easy to stay focused on healthy eating when you have a proper plan in place to follow.
Follow the plan with "Laser Focus" until you hit your goal, and do not let ANYTHING stand in your way.
Commit, focus, and execute.
Darren Cox has been riding and racing mountain bikes for 20 years, and is passionate about health and wellness.

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Foods with No Carbs and No Sugar

Live Q&A: Should You Intermittent Fast Every Day - Clearing Up Confusion - SKIP TO MINUTE 6 FOR INFO

How Susceptible Are You to Sugar Addiction?

Quitting sugar was one of the most significant accomplishments of my life. I'm the World's Foremost Recovered Sugar Addict (!!).
While sugar is the most addictive food there is, it doesn't affect everyone that way. One of the key factors in sugar addiction is susceptibility.
I happen to be one of the susceptible people and have had strong reactions to sugar my whole life.
How Can You Tell If You're Susceptible to Sugar?
Well, it's often genetic.
Does either of your parents have hypertension? Diabetes? Obesity? Alcoholism?
How about depression? Or hypoglycemia (low blood glucose)?
Do you have an apple-shaped body type? (This really matters if you're a woman.)
Do you show any of these behaviors around sugar: compulsion to eat it, loss of control over how much you eat, unsuccessful efforts to quit, cravings?
Does sugar interfere with your health? Does it make you isolate yourself, miss important events, or use excessive exercise, self-induced vomiting, or laxatives to counter the effects of the sugar you ate?
If any of these sound familiar, you may be sugar-addicted. But what if you were to quit sugar? How might that change your life?
What Sugar Recovery Can Do for You
Sugar - actually, the high insulin it triggers - promotes inflammation & disease: diabetes, pre-diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cholesterol, obesity, cancers and more. Quitting sugar can reverse many, if not most, of those. Really.
Sugar can cause mood swings, anxiety, depression, irritability. Quitting can help reverse mood issues and keep you feeling great.
Sugar messes with your energy. It can make you lethargic and sleepy all day. Quitting can restore your energy levels.
Sugar makes you eat more. Quitting sugar can help you regain control of your appetite.
Sugar makes you want junky food. It changes food preferences so you want sugary and/or high-fat foods. Quitting can make healthful food seem appetizing again.
What Else Can Recovery from Sugar Do?
If you've recently quit alcohol, sugar can make you crave alcohol and even lead to relapse. Quitting can help prevent that and keep you feeling much better during your (ongoing and hopefully permanent) recovery.
Quitting can make you a better role model for your kids.
• Showing them how you handled a big problem.
• Showing them that you do what you say.
• Reversing the health problems above so you'll be around for their key life events.
• Behaving differently so you treat them the way they deserve.
• Becoming more 'even' and less reactive so you handle other things better, as well.
In these ways and others, quitting sugar can be one of the best things you've ever done for your health, your attitude, your appetite, your behavior, your recovery, your kids.
If you'd like help quitting sugar so you feel better fast, perfect! That's what I do. Just visit and grab your free Empowered Eating Consult. Discover how easy it can be to get things on track, regain control, and give yourself the freedom you'd love. You got this!
Brought to you by Dr. Joan Kent, best-selling author of Stronger Than Sugar: 7 Simple Steps to Defeat Sugar Addiction, Lift Your Mood, and Transform Your Health.

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Friday, August 23, 2019

9 Exercises For A Flat Stomach

The Trivial Way to Hack and Reprogram Your Unconscious

Your unconscious is outside your awareness, but it's not outside your control. It's a strange quirk of psychology that most of our minds are invisible to us. Even stranger is how easy it is to influence our inner black boxes.
But it's not as simple as thinking thoughts and hoping they'll stick. We've all had moments when we've consciously decided to do something - hit the gym, eat a vegetable, be more present - only for it to not happen.
In other words, not all conscious thoughts influence your unconscious.
If you want to lead a different life, the art of unconscious reprogramming is worth knowing. Change comes quickly and easily when it reaches your unconscious mind.
In fact, think about how you were ten or 20 years ago. Most of the problems that plagued you are nothing to you now.
You've grown, changed and become stronger since then.
And most of those changes happened outside your awareness. You simply woke up one day and realised you'd been free of the problem for a while.
Or maybe you're just realising it now...
Some of those changes, though, you were consciously aware of. You wanted them, so you thought about them. Maybe you took steps to fix things and, to your delight, these steps worked.
You have already reprogrammed your unconscious. It's simply a question of how.
Focus on your hands. Now focus on the sounds around you.
One of the things that you can consciously control is where you place your attention. Where you place it (and the quality of your attention) becomes a simple way to create change deep within you.
It's no surprise that it all comes down to focus.
But don't worry - even if you're distractible, there's something simple and powerful you can do.
It only takes a few minutes a day. And you can even do it while driving, cooking or doing other tasks.
Each morning, think about your day and what you want to happen. Take a moment to imagine what it would be like if everything went perfectly.
Then, right before bed, reflect on what went well, what you learned and what you could do better.
Time spent: about three minutes.
Difficulty level: super-duper easy.
Power level: extreme.
Most people won't bother doing this. They'll read it and decide it's too simple to work. You should know that the simplicity is a feature. It's easy to get this right, so you have no excuses.
And what does it do? Like a good hypnotic induction, it trains your attention towards things that you want. Early and late each day, you can't be bothered consciously interfering. You focus on what you want and your mind acts as if it's a self-hypnosis suggestion.
Because it is.
Not everything has to be fancy. This only works with discipline, though. Each day adds a little bit, creating massive changes over time. Sticking with it is what's going to separate your amazing results from everyone else's.
You can no longer say that you don't know self-hypnosis. Sorry about that. Many people like to assume you can't hypnotise yourself or that it's too hard. I've ruined that for you, forever.
So you might as well take the plunge. The updated version of Unlock the Vault has other self-hypnosis techniques just as easy as this one. Why stop now? Instead, keep ruining things by leapfrogging your self-hypnosis skills:

Article Source:

How To Become Younger | Eric Edmeades

Thursday, August 22, 2019

If You've Ever Given Up on Mind Training, Here's Why

I hear a lot of folk who dabble in meditation or self-hypnosis, then stop.
Even though it's a shame... I get it. It's not easy to stick with it.
But I'm here to encourage you anyway, because it's worth it. Mind training is one of the best things you can do with your time. That's a bold claim, I know, but I can make it because it makes everything else better.
It makes you smarter, sharper, happier and more focused.
This improves every part of your life, some more than others.
If you didn't get anything out of meditation, self-hypnosis or any other mind training practice, this won't help you. This advice is for anyone who tried it, felt great for a little while, then stopped.
Like any skill, it's a thrill at the start. You learn so much, so quickly.
But it takes effort to keep climbing that incline.
And eventually... you plateau.
Now, I'm not going to tell you to power through that plateau. That on the other side are greater improvements like you can't even imagine.
You already know that - and knowing that didn't help.
Here's what happened to most of you:
You started off knowing nothing.
Then you learn a simple technique or two, and suddenly you can do a lot.
It's exhilarating. You imagine what you'll be able to do with 50 or 100 techniques under your felt.
Except... it doesn't work that way. More techniques don't lead to more experience.
You stop progressing as fast.
It stops feeling as fresh, new and exciting.
So you start going through the motions.
And that, right there, is the killer. I'd put money on it. You start showing up to the sessions with the attitude of 'here are some techniques for me to follow', the techniques don't work like they used to...
It's easy to get bored or discouraged.
But there's another way to approach it.
Instead of thinking about the techniques as things to tick off, think about what the techniques do.
Think about what you get out of them.
Say your goal is inner balance, and the techniques give you that, then great. But if the techniques don't, then you've wasted your time... right?
Or you can approach each session with the intention to create inner balance.
The techniques are irrelevant. You could follow them, or you could not. So long as you cultivate inner balance, you're winning.
I remembered this recently after constructing an elaborate self-hypnosis sequence. Six days a week, it works beautifully and I access fantastic inner states.
That other day, though?
It feels like I'm just going through the motions.
So I stop, reset, and wonder how I can get what I want. Is this technique the best way?
Or is there some other way to do it?
While you're learning, you're not going to know many alternative techniques. But while you're learning, it's easy to continue with it.
By the time you plateau like this, it's because you know enough to mix it up.
So mix it up.
Going through the motions will stall you.
Having said that, knowing many techniques helps. That's why I describe over half a dozen ways to hypnotise yourself. If you get bored with one, move onto the next.
Soon you'll know enough self-hypnosis to simply enter a trance whenever you need.
Here's how you get your hands on that program:

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What Is Autophagy? 8 Amazing Benefits Of Fasting That Will Save Your Life

3 Reasons to Stop Eating Sugar

We are used to believe that sugar is life. For many of us, letting go of sweets constitutes true heresy. We believe that the worst thing about diabetes is you can't have sweets.
Couple of years ago, I couldn't imagine letting go of sugar. It was everything for me!
My whole world revolved around its sweet taste and the pleasure it brought. I firmly believed that without sugar, life wouldn't be worth living.
Later on I realized something was wrong, that I was too dependent on sweets. I did some heavy research and stopped eating sugar for good
Here are the top reasons why.
Sugar is highly addictive. Your body loves it because of all the easy-to-consume calories it provides.
Sugar is hyperpalatable, and that's exactly what our brain wants and rewards for. In the distant past this was a sound strategy. Food was scarce, and tapping into rich energy source meant surviving in harsh environment.
Today, it rather means obesity and diabetes, but we can't explain it to our subconscious.
In addition, sweet taste is a sign of food you can safely eat, and we learn it since we're born thanks to our mother's breast milk. That's right, it's also a little sweet because of the lactose it contains.
In short, sugar delivers a killer combo that's hard to resist, hooking you up once and for all.
Addiction is not the only danger of sugar. This substance is also responsible for obesity epidemic we have on our hands.
Did you know that by 2050, obese people will constitute the majority of population? Well, sugar is responsible for it.
It does so in a pretty complicated way. First, it makes your body more insulin resistant. This causes your pancreas to work harder and produce more insulin each time you eat, storing large part of incoming calories in fat cells.
Second, extra insulin blocks the hormone called "leptin" which signals your brain you've eaten enough. This causes you to eat more because your body thinks it's starving. Note this is partially true, because a serious chunk of your meal was just turned into fat.
Sugar also causes visceral fat, the most dangerous kind there is. There's a term "T.O.F.I.", which stands for "thin on the outside, fat on the inside". This is a very serious condition, as organs coated with fat can fail any moment.
Diabetes and Cancer
Finally, sugar leads to deadly disease. The first one is diabetes. As you know, sugar causes your body to become more resistant to insulin. When you abuse sugar long enough, it becomes chronic.
When this happens, your body loses the ability to process the incoming food. Since most things you eat are converted to blood sugar before further processing, high insulin resistance means certain death. This is the point where people need insulin shots just to stay alive.
The corporations tell us that diabetes is hereditary, and this is partly true. The type 1 diabetes is indeed caused by the genes, but that's absolute minority of cases. The majority is type 2, which can perfectly be acquired if you don't watch your sugar intake.
The second threat associated with sugar is cancer. Numerous studies have shown that high levels of sugar can lead to development of cancer cells. It makes perfect sense because sugar is a great nutrient. Having lots of it in your bloodstream gives your enemy the energy to survive and flourish.
Think about it when you eat that extra chocolate bar. Do you really want to take a chance? Especially considering many other health problems that sugar causes directly or indirectly.
I'm pretty sure that in the future we will discover more about the deadly effects of sugar on our health. What you should do right now is avoid sugar as much as possible, because the corporations have turned it into a weapon against us.
Avoid all sweet beverages, stay clear of processed foods as much as possible and replace sweets with fruit. It'll be hard at first, but your body will thank you later.
Anton is a former sugar addict and blogger dedicated to help people fight their addiction to sweets. For more advice and articles, check out

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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Intermittent Fasting: Top 5 Mistakes- Thomas DeLauer

60 Year Old, Former Paratroopers on Fitness, Injuries and Dating

I recently interviewed two, very fit, former paratroopers, who still train and work hard and enjoy dating younger women and fatherhood. Find out how three 60 year old, former paratroopers, stay strong, overcome injuries, date and even have children. Listen to the attached audio clip and/or read the summary:
AS = Andy Slusarenko
DB= Doug Burgis
DS= Interviewer
AS- Ate peanut butter sandwiches, hiked, swam and played soccer in the rural areas on Vancouver Island. Age 12, jumped and beaten by six guys. AS trained in judo and other martial arts. Was only "white guy" in judo classes.
DB- Born in small town. Loved freedom of outdoors. Moved to Vancouver and experienced culture shock, such as never seeing a black or gay man before. Lied about his age to join army cadets and enjoyed camping and individual sports.
DS-Born on Airforce base. Enjoyed outdoors and individual sports.
AS- Joined army. Was fittest guy in battalion. Joined CAR.
DB- Joined army, infantry and CAR (Canadian Airborne Regiment). At CAR, you were judged by your physical abilities. You never wanted to fall behind.
DS- After too many beatings, joined army reserves, then regular army and trained in martial arts.
AS- Gift to self was workout challenge at local gym.
DB- Gave self "Birthday Workout." Bench press was better than my 20's. Reverse pullups: 6 sets of 8.
DS- Run up Grouse Mountain, take girlfriend out dancing.
AS- Pain is different as a kid. Had to work around a shoulder injury since I was 13 years old. Still went onto become a paratrooper and aikido black belt.
DB- Always work around the injury. Older means better patience with injuries. Have the wisdom to know I can "work around" the injury and get back in shape. Always keep training. If I cannot run, I skip, etc.
DS- If I injure my knee, I work on flexibility and upper body. The same with other body parts. Always keep moving.
AS- It is what YOU want out of training. It is NOT what other people think. Take on challenges. You need a reason to get up in the morning. If you get hurt, just suck it up and get it done. During my Airborne reunion, so many guys were unfit and overweight. Take fitness challenges.
DB- You need to do something that boosts adrenaline and testosterone. Life will give you what you need. Look for challenges. Leave some mystery in it. I am going motorcycling in the Baja, Mexico and don't have my logistics together yet. I'd like to see more guys fitter. Usually, when I train, there are only about four of us over 50 during kettle bell seminars. It should not be that way. There should be more over 50 year olds exercising. During my PPCLI infantry reunion many ex-soldiers looked bad. They should still be fit enough to play soccer.
DS- You have to have some kind of excitement, some kind of risk to give you that boost.
AS- Get a boat and see friends all over the world. Wind is not taxed and water is free.
DB- Finish home renovations. I will do my adventure while retired, while my younger partner keeps working
Hear the audio file, get free fitness and health tips and learn more about over 60 year old fitness. I am (Sgt.) Doug Setter, author of Flat Gut After 50, Simple Secrets to Handle Your Alcohol Better, One Less Victim and award winning novel, Selo. My websites are: &

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Why Japanese Live So Long ★ ONLY in JAPAN

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

It's Amazing Isn't It, How Life Can Often Get in the Way?

This year has been one of my busiest ever. Then I suddenly realised that I had locked in outside activities on more than half of every week. And that that was is NOT good. Not for me and certainly not for my health and fitness. SO - time to forget sitting at the computer working on more research and so often shooting out to help with this group or that. Time to focus on what I need to do for me that will also help me as well as everyone else.
FIRST Update my wall chart to include both my commitments for others as well as my new commitments to MYSELF. Which are:-
Walk for at least 1 hour, three times per week. There are beautiful walking areas in my area, somewhere I can start to use the hiking poles I received from my son as part of my Christmas present. Even though the weather has started deteriorating and we are definitely deep into winter, it's never as bad as when I lived in the far south. And I now have the gear to be able to accomplish this.
NEXT Eat good, home cooked food regularly, avoid the foods I shouldn't eat. (Not easy that, I slipped up again as recently as yesterday. OOpsy I promise to do better). My last check up was very good, my health, as usual up to par. I continue to take the medication I need and also the supplements I have found that work for me. I have been and continue to be, aware that I need to care for myself first before I can be of use to others.
AND With that in mind here are my latest thoughts, funnily though these days the stray thoughts just seem to pop up out of nowhere.
"Darn it!! You've reached the big 5-0, or 6-0, or even worse, 7-0 - gulp! What to do now? Do you retire to the sofa as some did in the long ago past? Prepare yourself for "OLD AGE"? - Horrors! Perish the thought.
But - if you are anything like me, you're not READY for old age yet. So, what do you do? Well, when my other half left me a widow, and after the first very long months (of which I have no real recollection) had passed, I suddenly found I was a single person again. A 'mature' single person who didn't know what to do with myself now that I was no longer part of a couple. I tried reclining on a sofa, but I couldn't sit still long enough, so the only alternative was to sit up and think.
As a result I have spent plenty of time since researching ways of staying healthy and fit. For after all, I am now wholly responsible for my own health and fitness. My first forays took me out walking, weather permitting and after a while it no longer took half an hour just to walk into my local village and back. And after an even longer time, I was walking for up to an hour and a half, sometimes covering 5+kilometres.
Today is the day I resume living my life with a healthy work/leisure balance. Today is also the day I commit to updating my blogs more frequently.
And having written the previous, I managed to succumb to a flipping bug, which put me in bed AND on the dreaded sofa, for over 2 weeks!!!!
I finally believe that I might now survive and, with the winter in full swing, (cold windy with too many wet days), I will just have to wrap upon those days I can do so, to take myself down onto the gorgeous walks in my local Karangahake Gorge. I am really looking forward to getting my feet under me again. I have a lovely thick infinity scarf, made last year, & a very windproof jacket, courtesy of my late husband
So, if the rain holds off till after lunch, off I will go.
I WILL get fit again and I now truly believe I will survive this darn bug.
Watch this space!
Hilary A Green, copywriter to the health and insurance industries. Researching and writing about health matters are my major focus these days. Also writing White Papers, newsletters and articles, which takes most of my days. If you want someone to help with the words you need to inform and attract, I can be contacted on

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The Truth about Sugar - BBC Production

The Perfect Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes

Sunday, August 18, 2019

You Are What You Eat - How Fat Loss Reviews & Bodybuilding Reviews Can Help You Reclaim Your Health

Every time you put a morsel of food into your mouth, you're making a decision - about your mind and your body. They are affected by everything you eat, in a way that modern science is making clearer through new research.
What you eat is responsible for making you tired and exhausted, or keeping you energetic, vibrant and ready for action. It's the choice of food you eat that helps keep you calm and clear, and makes you glow with good health, or relish a healthy weight, or stay fit and trim.
Your dietary choice is guided by an undeniable reality. Anything that enters your body will influence your health. And whatever exercise you do will impact your vitality. And that's great news. Because through diet and exercise, you can improve and enhance your health dramatically.
You can choose to direct their power towards regaining your youth and healing your body, keeping it safe against future illness, or wear and tear. In that sense, healthy eating choices are magical in their effect.
Upgrading your diet to healthier choices and deciding to exercise regularly are the first steps in embracing a better lifestyle. There are some kinds of food that are very rich in nutrients. Those are the foods you should have more of in your diet, while the other alternatives that provide empty calories and unhealthy additives to your diet should be ruthlessly eliminated.
Some types of exercises and workouts are extremely effective at muscle gain and weight loss. Eating whole, unprocessed plant foods which are loaded with several health-enhancing compounds can rewind your biological clock and counter the effects of aging. You'll find yourself feeling younger, healthier and more fit when you do these exercises.
Such diets that are rich in minerals, vitamins, anti-inflammatory fatty acids and other healthy components can get rid of wrinkles, lower blood pressure, reverse diabetes, prevent bone weakness and injury and have several other health benefits that will make life more pleasant and enjoyable.
Exercise regimens that are tailored to your body type and physique can let you gain muscle, improve flexibility and develop strength without stressing your system too much or causing injury. And you'll do it without taking dangerous drugs or supplements.
So which are the most popular diets and exercise programs to follow? You'll find a list of them on good review websites that will help you choose the right diet and workout for your unique needs.
What are the popular diets and exercise programs? On the Fat Loss Reviews hub and Body Building reviews website, the focus is on reviewing the best fat loss and muscle gain programs available. Come along and take a look.

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Sugar: The Bitter Truth

How To Enhance Your Self - IMAGE?

You can think you can, or can't. Either way, you'll be correct. This advice, generally credited to Henry Ford, focused on the overall level of our attitude, and whether, it will help, or hurt us. Another wise individual proclaimed, You are what you think. How can we benefit from these wise ideas, unless/ until, our overall emphasis, focuses, consistently, on the best way, to proceed, with the most, personally beneficial, self - IMAGE? With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why this is such an important concept, if we hope to be, as happy, and healthy, as possible.
1. Introspection; integrity; inclinations; intentions; imagination; innovate: Give yourself, a check - up, from the neck - up, on a regular, consistent basis! Go beyond the surface, but proceed, with objective introspective, and maintain genuine integrity, to avoid the easy path, of lying, to yourself! Examine your primary inclinations, and whether your intentions, focus on the bigger - picture, or the short - term, easiest paths! Open, your mind, so your imagination, becomes your friend, and ally, and always, be ready, willing, and able, to innovate, to become, the best, you can be!
2. Motivations/ motivating; maintain: What are your priorities, and major motivations? Are these, personally, motivating, in a forward - looking, productive way? How might you maintain, an approach, which is most beneficial?
3. Attitude; aptitude; attention; actions/ approaches: Those, with true, positive, can - do, attitudes, combined with a willingness, and discipline, to enhance their skill - set, and aptitude, pay attention, to the possibilities! When they consider the best approaches, and take the necessary actions, to become, better, etc, one becomes better positioned, to become the best, they can be!
4. Greater; goals: Will you settle for good - enough, or seek something better, and greater, by taking the path, less - often, traveled? Carefully consider, your actual, personal goals, priorities, and perceptions, and be certain, they are ones, which inspire and motivate you, forward, towards being happier, more - fulfilled, and self - satisfied!
5. Energy/ energized; excellence; endurance: Doesn't it make sense, the more energized, you feel, the better, you will proceed? Will your personal energy, enhance your endurance, and persistence, towards genuine, meaningful excellence?
Those, seeking to become happier, and healthier, generally, proceed, with the discipline, and keen focus, on possessing a personally motivating, self - IMAGE! Are you ready, to care, enough, to do something, in your own behalf?
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for alternative health:

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Tackling diabetes with a bold new dietary approach: Neal Barnard at TEDxFremont

Saturday, August 17, 2019

It's Your Health: How Much Will You CARE?

Since, one's personal health, should be, perhaps, the single - most important consideration, and quest to address in a positive way, wouldn't it make sense, to do so, on a consistent, persistent, and focused manner? Doing so, means, proceeding, in an introspective, objective manner, and being ready, willing, and able, to admit one's weaknesses, while recognizing strengths, etc! When we take the time, and make the commitment, to regularly, give ourselves, a check - up, from the neck - up, it's important to, identify, whether we truly do, and how much, we, actually, CARE about our health, and well - being! With that in mind, this article will attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means, and represents, and why it matters.
1. Creative; consider; character; coordinate; clearly: When you think, clearly, and fully consider, how to enhance you health, and well - being, you begin, to seek creative considerations, options, and alternatives, to help you seek the best path, for you, to take! You must commit to coordinate your options, and determine, the best way, to proceed, with the best possible, quality of character, which focuses, on doing the right thing, and, thus, feeling better about your choices!
2. Attitude; aptitude; attention; actions: Those, who proceed, with a true, positive, can - do, attitude, focus on how to achieve, rather than, dwelling on the problems, which they perceive, from each and every obstacle! When one perceives challenges, instead of problems, he proceeds forward, seeking to overcome them, and achieve, what's in his best interests, in a timely manner! Combining this, with a well - developed, relevant, skill - set, and aptitude, he becomes willing to proceed, in the healthiest, and personally, happiest way!
3. Responsible; responsive; realistic; realistic; rational; rationale: What do you need to do, to proceed, in the best, most responsible way? What is responsive to you health, and well - being? Are you willing to be realistic, and rational, in your perspectives, in a truly objective way? Consider your rationale, and what makes the most sense, to you!
4. Efforts; effective/ efficient; excellence; enrich: When was the last time, you evaluated, the quality and effectiveness of your efforts? Will you proceed, in an efficient way, focused on the utmost degree of personal excellence, and trying to enrich your health?
A wise individual realizes, unless he is ready, to truly, CARE about his own best interests, he won't be able, to be, as happy and healthy, as he might hope and desire! Will you be your own, best friend?
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for alternative health:

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A One-Day Starvation Secret Got the Nobel Prize

Body Detox - What Is Detoxing and What To Expect

Doing a body detox is a way to improve your health and wellness. Detoxing is a way to get rid of bad toxins in your body. This alone will raise your energy level by eliminating these toxins that make you feel sluggish and tired. Doing a detox will give you energy and at the same time help you lose weight.
There are two types of toxins: controllable and uncontrollable. The controllable ones come from what you take in via food, drinks, etc.. You can reduce your intake of these toxins by a body detox. Uncontrollable ones are from things such as the air you breath and what environment you subject your body to like bath water.
You will find all kinds of diets and articles all over the internet about detoxing. Some claiming to complete the process in 2 days and some claiming to within 10 days. However, they are all very similar. The length of time to detox depends on the level of toxins in your body and how strict you stay to the process.
The basis to detoxing your body is living and eating healthy also known as cleansing and refreshing. Refreshing refers to the process of restoring the electrolytes and other nutrients your body loses during the cleansing process. Eating healthy refers to eating organic, nutrient-dense, and minimally processed foods. You should eat less animal protein and eat more alkaline with fresh vegetables. Eliminate alcohol, sugar, processed foods, sodas, and trans fat. All of these items puts harmful waste in your body.
Sleep is another important process to detox. Sleep at least 7 to 8 hours a night. Sleeping is a way to allow your body to rest and heal. It allows your body to focus more on the detoxification process.
You should drink lots of water. This helps your kidneys flush toxins out of your body. At the same time it keeps you hydrated and it will also help suppress your appetite. Purified water is better than regular tap water.
Exercise is also another important part of. This helps with your circulation and breathing. It will also help your skin to sweat and stretch. Exercising will also help with weight loss.
Taking a detox bath can also help with the process. Put 2 cups of Epson salt and a half a cup of baking soda in your bath water. Some people add their favorite essential oils too.
Hope this helps and good luck with your detoxing process.
Find out more about detoxing The Ultimate Detoxing Guide

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Dr. Jason Fung on Autophagy

Friday, August 16, 2019

Fasting Your Way To Gut Health

This article addresses something that's crucial to good health but many people still seem to be unaware of. That is daily fasting. Fasting is simply going without food for a period time.
It's not a complex thing, but if you want to look into it seriously (and by that I mean fasting over an extended period of time), you're diabetic, pregnant or have autoimmune issues it's a good idea to get advice and understand how to do it safely.
We actually fast every day without realizing it, because we fast during the night whilst we're sleeping.
Fasting is said to help boost your immune system, lower blood sugar and control weight among others. You're actually being kind to your gut when you fast because you're allowing the waste that's currently in your system to work its way out before you then start eating again.
Essentially you're giving your whole digestive system a rest, so that the body can go back to what it does naturally, which is to heal and repair.
What we often do, however, is to graze. So we may have a hearty breakfast first thing in the morning when we wake up because it's what we think we should do. We may have a snack at around 11.00. We'll then have lunch probably around 12.00-1.00pm. We may have a snack around 4pm, then we have dinner probably around 6.00-7.00pm. We may even have a little snack before we go to bed.
What that means is that we're constantly eating, which means our digestive system rarely rests. The consequence of this is that our body is constantly using energy to digest our food rather than burning fat which is what it is designed to do when we don't eat.
In addition, when we're snacking we don't always know whether we really are hungry, and over time eating between meals just becomes a habit. Sometimes we eat when we're not even hungry, we're actually dehydrated and thirsty.
If we adopt the following seven simple strategies essentially we'll be not only giving our body the chance to rest the digestive tract, we'll also be boosting our immune system:
1. Have a later rather than an earlier breakfast
2. If you must eat an early breakfast make it fruit based where possible, as your body is still in cleanse mode first thing in the morning
3. Eat when you're hungry
4. Drink water between meals rather than snacking
5. Don't eat after 8pm
6. Eat your last meal no more than 4 hours before bed
7. Fast intermittently each day for 12-16 hours between your last meal and your breakfast
Thinking about how you eat, what you eat and when you eat is the beginning of taking control over your own gut health. Be mindful of what you eat first thing in the morning when our body is still cleansing - in the same way you wouldn't feed a new-born baby solids, your stomach first thing in the morning needs to be nurtured a little.
Finally you can train your body to fast intermittently each day over a period of time until your body gets accustomed to it. Start with going without food overnight for 12 hours and gradually extend it. Intermittent fasting is not only great for your gut, it's one of the easiest and most effective ways to help your body to begin functioning optimally and to boost your overall health.
Carmen Gilfillan is the founder of Stimulus Development & Training. Stimulus specialises in helping people overcome emotional trauma, experience emotional breakthroughs, boost their health naturally and live their best lives. We do this through Life & Wellness Coaching, Emotional Freedom consultations and training in the areas of personal, professional and spiritual growth. Check out our website at to book your free Emotional Breakthrough consultation.

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