Friday, October 25, 2019

I used to wonder how my gorgeous Husband could be attracted to someone as fat & repulsive as me!

Have you ever wondered how your husband or partner could be attracted to someone as fat or repulsive as you?
Do you avoid dating & relationships because of the size or shape of your body?

Did you know that 98% of all diets FAIL.

That means that for every person who starts a new diet, only 2% succeed.

Are you sick & tired of diets that fail?
Do you struggle to stick to a plan?

You are NOT repulsive... but you can't see that

My name is Fiona Burdett. Nickname Fifo

I am a life coach, an NLP practitioner and the Author of the Book Change Your Mind, Change Your Size. More importantly, I am a woman who fought that same battle for 30 years until eventually, sick, in constant pain, and weighing in at something over 100kg… I decided that something had to change!

All the “BEST” diets and all the “INTENSE” fitness regimes that I had tried over the years had not resulted in lasting weight-loss.

I embarked on a life-changing journey that had NOTHING to do with nutrition or fitness and EVERYTHING to do with personal development on a mental, emotional & spiritual level.
THE RESULTS…. Not shabby… and yes….. I say so myself!

The traditional approach to losing weight always aims at the physical strategies:
Those being
A: The food that you do or don’t put in your mouth
B: Exercise - How and when to move your body more

The problem with this approach is that those steps are actually only steps 2 and 3 out of what the plan should be. Step 1 gets ignored which is why so many of us give up, or just regain the weight we lose!

My coaching teaches 1st & foremost the mental, emotional and spiritual side that is VITAL if you want to lose weight and keep it off! 

The current product that is at the forefront of my business is my 6-week, online course…

This Mind-Shifting course was designed as a life-changing fusion of inspiration and practical tools, to help you transform and to help you to see your own beauty as you are RIGHT NOW!
You must learn to love and forgive yourself and see your own beauty. Ironically that self love and acceptance is what will support your successful and lasting weight loss journey!

The course is packed with things that will disrupt you deeply as you realize

A: I have done this to myself!
And then
B: That means that I CAN UNDO this for myself!

I will teach you how to do that

Would you, or anyone you know… benefit from that?

Sign up  for this amazing mind-shifting course HERE 

  • The Course consists of weekly training videos at the start of each new week.
  • Written homework every week that helps you first to understand why and how you have done this to yourself. Then it will help you install habits and methods to transform your relationship with yourself and with food.
  • There are also daily self-care rituals which are fun and liberating....... AND
  • A weekly LIVE masterclass with me and a group of classmates! This gives you the chance to connect and chat live with me every week and also your "classmates" who are on a similar journey to you. This is a place of support, friendship & fellowship for the whole class. This is the space in which many "AHA" moments and breakthroughs are not only discussed but also achieved then and there!

There are maintenance programs and all sorts of fabulous bonuses stacked on to the course that help women to maintain their new-found mind-set and enjoy their journey of health, wellness and weight loss.
My own journey has given me a deep understanding of the cruelty that women inflict upon themselves when it comes to their own internal dialogues. It has also given me an uncanny "bullsh*t radar" when it comes to women convincing themselves that their “stories” about why they cant’ lose weight, are the truth, the whole truth… and... 
as they will learn....
nothing but a BIG FAT LIE! (EXCUSE THE PUN).

Sign up  for this amazing mind-shifting course HERE 

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