Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Open Your Mind To New Possibilities! Fiona Burdett

 Open Your Mind to New Possibilities

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” Albert Einstein

Do you feel that all the “normal” weight loss methods are just not working for you?

Are you ready to try another “normal” diet or fitness program or both… when you already feel that it is going to be really difficult and you are going to have to be so strong?

Have you tried before to lose weight but just struggled to stick to the plan?

Have you lost weight before… and then just regained it all again?

Do you feel that you just can’t fit a healthy regime in for yourself… what with the demands of family and career, it’s too difficult?

Was Albert Einstein an idiot?
He was a genius!

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” Albert Einstein

I am not suggesting you just try another type of diet or change your fitness regime… YET

I am saying that those physical strategies (Diet and exercise) are only steps 2 and 3 of a healthy regime. Step 1 is missing!

My methods are unusual and they can revolutionize your experience of losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle… but you must open your mind first, to new possibilities.

When I tell my clients that I teach the mental, emotional and spiritual side that is vital to successful and lasting weight loss; the usual response is that I first get asked for a meal plan or “diet” or fitness program… they all first want to know the physical strategies (step 2 and 3) of how I transformed my body.
They get a bit of a shock when they realize that they have missed the point!

The physical strategies that I used on my final fabulous weight loss journey, were ones that I had used before.
I already knew that they worked for my body but I still kept giving up and/or regaining all the weight again and then…. I developed a belief that my age and my metabolism and hormones etc etc were all working against me to make weight loss damn-near impossible for me!

Weight loss had become extremely difficult, it seemed that I basically had to stop eating and over exercise to achieve any results at all!

And then I learned to Change my Mind!

With good-ole Albert’s words ringing in my head, I researched and learned as much as I could about how our minds work. I needed to understand what I was doing wrong.

Do you have a friend who had her baby, managed to look gorgeous all the way through her pregnancy and then… to add insult to injury – her figure was back to gorgeous within just a few months after her baby was born?

Perhaps you know someone who puts on a little weight when she goes on holiday and then easily loses it again after she gets home… and then… she maintains that weight easily?

I wanted to be one of those people that find it easy to lose weight and easy to maintain a healthy weight.

“Everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in reality.”
Robin Sharma

With the wise words of Robin Sharma in my head, I decided to approach weight loss with a brand new mind-set. 

Had I created this reality myself?
I knew that I had

Now it was time to create a new reality!

If you could open your mind to positive new realities, what could you create?

As you follow my blog and my teachings… I ask you to open your mind.
Hush the doubts that say you need first a practical physical day-to-day guide.

If you have read this far… then you are interested…
If you are still reading… then you are wondering…

“Every human has four endowments - self awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom... The power to choose, to respond, to change.”
Stephen Covey

You too have the power to choose, to respond and to change. It is not in your own hands… it is in your mind!
Walk with me, open your mind, create and achieve new possibilities!

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