Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Keep Moving Forward... No Matter How Uncomfortable it May Get!

YIKES! This week has been filled with Tech-No-Logical challenges! Take note of how I split that word up! That is exactly how it felt... I could see NO LOGIC in the Technical challenges that seemed to mount up this week, faster than I could say “Oh Sh*T!”

When our business online funnels (For those of you that don’t know what an online funnel is… It’s only the most important step of running your online business. So, NO BIGGY!), just stopped working,     my good-ole self-limiting beliefs absolutely-bloody rejoiced as they sucked me back in to that old minefield of explosive limiting thoughts...
Fiona you are not clever enough to grow this business!
Who the heck do you think you are, putting your business online?
You must have created this problem because you are not capable enough!
Fiona you are not good enough to follow through on this dream...

Goodness... this head was spinning... the great part is that the one old dialogue, that had no chance to even get a look-in was the one about my weight... The now hilarious bagginess (that proper Elephant-Bum look) of my shorts and in fact, of ALL of my old wardrobe, that used to be too tight to wear, and the ever improving feeling of health and well-being, now speak louder than any of those old weight-related voices, to the point that even thinking about those old stories is now just amusing!
What a joy is that?

So... whilst still battling against the voices of insecurity about growing this business online, I have been able to use my victories with my weight and my health to remind me that this too is a process. I will keep focusing on that absolutely beautiful end result... it is unfolding perfectly before my eyes and will continue to grow at a rate that is something that we are so grateful for and excited about!

That's how I did it with my weight.... I kept focusing on that beautiful end result, there were times that I felt I was aiming towards an impossible dream,      but I kept re-aligning myself, time & again.... and not only are the results something that have me waking up every single morning feeling overjoyed and grateful; the journey has been the easiest and most enjoyable weight loss journey of my entire life!
Anyhow... back to my tech-no-logical challenges... after immediately assuming that it was MY stupidity and short-comings that had created the problem... it turns out that the issues were from the side of our provider... not me at all!
So.... I could breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the No-Logical side that I had naturally blamed on ME.... was not about ME or my lack of ability at all, in fact; I can proudly proclaim that my "techy" knowledge has grown this year beyond anything I ever imagined!

We all do that to ourselves don't we? We call it "taking responsibility". That's a great thing to do... if it’s true... but so often, us women automatically indulge in self-blame and self-doubt and that is often why we battle with our weight too!
I use the word “indulge” on purpose because those old stories & limiting beliefs are a very easy way to allow yourself to slip back into your comfort zone.
Moving forward is challenging and sometimes tiring.
There are days when it really would be easier to slip back into your old state of inertia.

What is that state of inertia in your life?
Perhaps it is to hold on to the extra weight that you loathe yourself for?
Perhaps it is to give up on your dream business and go back to being dissatisfied & uninspired, working for someone else again?
Perhaps it is to cling to the unhappy parts of your relationship that have become an almost comforting misery?

The moral of the story is this; Those old voices of doubt and sabotage will always look for a "soap-box" to stand on.
They are longing to return you to the unhappy but familiar territory of that old comfort-zone!

Remember to kick that "soap-box" out from under them and KEEP MOVING FORWARD.

Some days you will feel like you are racing forward towards all your goals, including weight loss, other days will feel harder... but just keeping moving forward.

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” Martin Luther King

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