Tuesday, November 12, 2019

You Need to Make Your WHY a whole lot more compelling to achieve Your Goals!

For many of You who are Feeling stuck in any area of your life; Be it financial, career or vocational... 
Perhaps you struggle to lose weight? 
Maybe you are not satisfied your relationship or relationships?  

Do you wonder why you just can’t seem to make progress in whatever that area of your life is? 

One of the major contributing factors to your current state of inertia, the reason that you seem to be stuck in that particular area of your life, is that your WHY just ain’t big enough!

I am talking about your WHY; your reason WHY you need to fix that part of your life.

For example; Someone who wants to lose weight to impress another person, or maybe a whole bunch of people, is far more likely to fail or to keep regaining weight than someone else who is excited, and  I mean truly excited about health, vitality and longevity.

Imagine someone who wants to open a business, just because that’s what all his neighbors are doing. He feels left out or somehow less successful than his peers because he is just an employee… This guy is far less likely to succeed, than the person who opens a business because he or she has a fired up passion about the service they dream of providing, or the lives they want to touch or the inspiring legacy they want to leave behind!

For years I dabbled with ideas of running my own business… I tried various small businesses on & off; From a bridal wear hire business, to selling various health products, to working for a few years as an artist who painted pictures. I even published an award-winning Children’s novel, and yet nothing stuck or made any meaningful financial impact in our lives.

For years my weight fluctuated as I learned more and more about nutrition and fitness & yet, I consistently either regained any weight I had lost or, failed before I gave the diet a chance! The result was an ever increasing bottom line… and I mean on the scale and my bottom!

So many of us live with that nagging feeling that we could be doing more with our lives. 
So many of us ignore those feelings, we dutifully hush those yearning voices in the chaos and speed of our demanding schedules. 
So many of us, (women in particular) put ourselves last in every area whilst convincing ourselves that’s what it takes to be a good wife or a great Mom.

On that note… Of being a great Mom… I want you to remember this;  your children learn more from what you show than what you say!

Moms out there; if you are putting yourself last then are you showing your daughter that one day, she must put herself last too?

Do you want your son to be the kind of man who considers his wife to be the LEAST important member of his family? REALLY???

But that’s an aside on the whole parenting thing… another day, another blog-post!

Let’s move back to You.
Are you satisfied with your own life and your achievements? 
Is there a dream you would love to pursue and yet… here you are… and the dream remains in the realms of that beautiful fantasy-land which seems to only move further and further away from your reality?

Do you LONG to feel the passion of purpose? I believe with all my heart that every single human being, is born with their own divine gift and purpose!

I stand here today SO fired up with excitement and purpose and energy that just a few days ago I heard myself making what was possibly the most amazing statement that I have made in years!

My Husband, (Mark) and I were driving from our home in St Francis Bay in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. We were heading towards Port Elizabeth where he would drop me at a fabulous ladies Pop-Up Event that a friend had invited me to. We were chatting about the work we are doing, and the incredible journey we are on. The words came out of my mouth before I had even thought about the huge impact of what I was saying;

“I am today, at 47 years old, closer to becoming, the person that I dreamed of being as a child, than I have been since I was about 15 years old”

“I am today, at 47 years old, closer to becoming, the person that I dreamed of being as a child, than I have been since I was about 15 years old”

Our conversation stopped, all you could hear was the sound of my little red Peugeot climbing the hill after the Gamtoos River. Eventually Mark looked at me and said “Wow! Did you hear what you just said?”
Well let me tell you…. I had heard what I had just said, and the enormity of that statement has filled my heart with SO much excitement ever since. That happened 4 days ago.

It wasn’t always like that… only 3 years ago I was a mess. I weighed over 100kg, I was sick, in constant pain from back injuries that simply could not cope with the weight my body was carrying.

When I say pain… I mean serious pain guys. Anyone who has ever suffered back pain will understand what I mean. Standing, sitting, lying down.. it was all painful. 
My hormones were a mess and doctors couldn't decide If I had hypothyroidism or not, my sugars were a mess and I felt like my body was struggling on every level. My vitality was gone and my usefulness was diminishing daily.

My children were growing up fast and becoming more fantastic more independent. They needed me less and less… which is so exciting, and as it should be, but I was left wondering what the hell I was on the planet for.

Although my incredible husband was always loving and told me how beautiful I was, I just felt sorry for him. I couldn’t imagine how this amazing, healthy, youthful guy could love someone as fat, repulsive and useless as me!

And yet…. Here I am today…. Making statements like this;

“I am today, at 47 years old, closer to becoming, the person that I dreamed of being as a child, than I have been since I was about 15 years old”

I want you to think about the enormity of that. 

Wouldn’t it feel great to achieve that in your life?

I am very ordinary, you don’t get to put me on a different level to you by saying “aww but Fiona is amazing, she is running her dream business and has lost what is now at least 40kg, because she special, or just lucky. 
No no NO You don’t get to think that, because that is just a cop-out for you!

I am an ordinary woman who is now achieving extraordinary things. Why?

Because my own WHY finally became big enough! Big enough for me to make extraordinary decisions, one decision at a time… one day at a time because my WHY fills my heart with excitement and gratitude.
When You are moving towards a goal, towards a dream… if your REASON WHY is halfhearted, you are NOT going to move with purpose, you are not going to aim with pinpoint accuracy and you are not going to have what it takes to cross that finish line.

Sorry to be blunt but that’s the truth… I am not going to lie to you.

Why is this actually Great News? Because one of the biggest things that you can start to work on that will propel you towards your own passion, your own purpose…. Is to really think about and then create that Amazing Reason Why in Your Life.

My first set of reasons that I realized and built upon were obvious; Achieving health and weight loss was no longer  just about looking good. I realized that I do desire a long & vital life, I do desire health and well-being, so that I may be present and energized for myself and my family. I desire balance! Those reasons are worth running towards, don't you think?

My second set of reasons were broader... dare I say... grander!
My mission…. My why that is propelling my life forward so beautifully, is to serve.
As a little girl… I was always in my own dream world… in that dream world I was vital, energetic, fun and most of all… I was the person that helped. I would dream up scenarios of other people in trouble, and I would always arrive and save the day!

Today we can smile and say… Aah the dreams of children… but let's go back to that statement I made earlier; Do you long to feel the passion of purpose? I believe with all my heart that every single human being, is born with their own divine gift and purpose!

I also believe that children are more in touch with themselves and what that gift and purpose is.
Did you imagine yourself in a particular role as a child?
What lights you up? It doesn't even have to be about work! What situation makes you feel that you are shining and at your best? 
Perhaps you are that person that others turn to for advice? Do you have an affinity with children? Perhaps for you its all about numbers and balancing the books that makes you feel excited and gives you that sense of achievement, but perhaps for your best friend it is painting a beautiful picture that lights up a room.

In my childish dreams... I was the one that saved the day. It may sound cute, or silly, or funny, but when I realized that by transforming my life, I could reach out and show others that they can too…. All of a sudden, I felt that passion of purpose to do what I now do. My own journey has been so perfect because it is a journey that many many of us have been on. Now….. Lucky lucky LUCKY me gets to use my own story to help others transform their own lives.

And back to you Moms that are reading this… The best part for me… The bit that always gets me emotional; is that through my own journey of transformation on every level… I get to show our own 4 amazing kids that they too can lead extraordinary lives. 

You have the opportunity to show your family how we should all live!

Mahatma Gandhi advised us; “Be the Change You wish to see in the world” He didn’t tell us to talk about it or dream about it… he said be it.     Remember that!

For those of you have have read my book, 'Change Your Mind Change Your Size', and for those of you who have joined for my course Thank You! Thank You to all of you for giving me the opportunity to touch your lives. We are having SO much Fun and I am loving being on your journey with you!

For those of you that follow my social media posts or my blog…. The same goes to all of you. Thank you Thank you! I will continue to deliver value and inspiration to you all.

If you haven’t read the Book Change your mind, Change Your Size then you can find it for Free 

If you enjoyed this blog post, then please subscribe to my Youtube Channel. We would love to have you on board. I promise to always be real. 
Please don’t hesitate to comment and I will reply to you. Conversation between all of you, and I, is something that I love, so lets chat.
With Respect & Hope Always

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