Monday, November 18, 2019

Motivation! Is It Time To Think About a New Year's Resolution That Will Actually Work?

The new year is almost here and we all want to feel great, shine and look our best, right?
So often, we make New Years resolutions and just never achieve our goals!
That was my life for 30 years until eventually at the age of 41, I gave up on New Years Resolutions altogether. (Let's call them NYR's to make it easier) I blamed the practice of making resolutions rather than facing the truth about myself!
Think about it....How can setting a goal be a bad thing? How can aiming for a positive change be bad practice?
I didn't want to face the truth that the problem lay within me... not the practice of setting a great NYR!
Not only had I not prepared myself with a clearly set out action-plan to lose my weight... I also had not clarified my deepest core reason as to why I wanted to lose that extra weight! .... My WHY was hazy and vague.
A competitive archer aims at her target not just because she wants to hit the bulls-eye! That is only her immediate short-term goal...
Other reasons could be;
A: That she wants to become the champion
B: That she wants to improve her archery with every practice and every competition
but digging even deeper.... Why does she want to achieve A or B?
Perhaps a deeper reason is that she wants to build her own self esteem by competing well and always improving?
Perhaps the sense of achievement empowers her to feel strong and capable?
First; Clarify your own deepest and strongest reason why you want to lose weight.
Second; Clarify exactly what your goal is.
Third: Set out a clear action-plan to achieve that goal!
Clarity and conciseness is vital! You will not succeed with any goal if that goal is not defined! If your target is not crystal clear then how the heck do you plan to hit it?
The successful archer takes aim with care and precision, in order to hit every target that she aims at. Sometimes, she gets the bulls-eye, sometimes she is close and other times she misses the mark completely... but still, she becomes successful, because she continues... one target at a time until she holds the champion's trophy in her hands.
Remember... the hardest step to take is always the first step, but without the momentum of crossing that start-line... You will never go anywhere.
Only You can take that first step!

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