Friday, February 14, 2020

Are Your Obligations Weighing You Down? It's Valentines Day & I am Reminding You To Give Yourself Love Too!

Do you know what the biggest challenge around personal evolution is? …
Especially when not everything is... shall we say... going as planned?
It’s a moment when you look at all the work you’re doing and still have to do, and all the million things you feel like you are juggling in your life, and you find yourself thinking...
“OMG. This is WAAAAY too much.”
Tell me, when life feels like too much, what’s the first thing to go?
It is ALWAYS Your self-care..... Right?
It is ALWAYS everything you’re doing to develop your own sense of personal mastery, and step into your full potential to hit your next level.
Why is that?
We were all raised to be selfless and practical; and personal progress, personal development & mastery feels like an indulgence.... nice to have, but not the stuff that pays the bills.
I hate to burst your bubble sister but that is all messed up!
That is not how the most successful people in the world do it...
And they are the Tycoons, They are the Health Guru's....... Are you?
When you set aside your desire to reach your full potential... there are negative side effects that are far more destructive...
You stop showing up for yourself, you stop learning, you stop exploring, you even stop questioning, and diving deeper into your personal power becomes a fun fantasy....
which in your mind... is for the lucky ones... not you.
Then... you stop taking action to reach your next level and achieve the transformation that you had been working towards
and you slump back... into the familiar misery of your comfort zone.... wondering why you cant maintain the excitement, the motivation.
It is so easy to get bogged down by all the "stuff"... that heavy, mundane stuff that is part of our daily challenges;
work, finances, toxic relationships, obligations, you name it... we've all got it.... but when we get bogged down...
We allow that "stuff" to hold us back and prevent us from pushing forward in our lives.
But don’t worry, It happens, it's a challenge... and I want you to remember this...
We are not defined by our challenges but we can define ourselves by the way we rise up to those challenges!
Remember that if you are not up-leveling your life
You are not showing up for ANYBODY as your best YOU!
Make that Self-Care a priority again RIGHT NOW!
You owe this to yourself and all your loved ones!
Today IS Valentines day... Fill your own cup first in order that you have a full cup to offer rather than an empty vessel!
You've Got This
This comes on this Valentines Day with Loads of Love from Me to You
PS: Remember those awesome Valentines Special Offers? Save Up to $3208 on this 1-Time Value Offer Of The Decade. The Prices Will Never Be This Low Again
PSS: Click Here to Launch Your Self-Care to The Next Level!

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