Thursday, February 6, 2020

Why You don't Yet Love Yourself & How You Can Change That

It is crucial to love yourself!
If you don't love yourself, it is really hard to get real love from someone else.
So often people decide that they will do everything in their power to earn love from someone else
You know the story....
"I am going to look super-hot all the time so that he is besotted with me"
"I am going to be super-successful so that this woman loves me"
"I am going to be ultra independent so that this man is impressed with me"
"I am going to be totally indispensable so that he can't live without me"
Whatever it takes, so often we chase after love and that is a mistake
Love is not something to be earned, or worked for.
Love is not something that you should run after or trade for a set of actions or behaviors...
If you want to find love there is only one thing that you should change...
That thing is not the way you look; Its not the shape of your body, or your weight, it's not the amount of money you earn and its not what you wear. It's not your age or the color of your hair...
So what is it that you should change so that you can find love?
All you need to change is your own belief about how lovable you are!
The problem with relying on any other person to fill that gap and show you how lovable you are... is that that person can leave, or that person may pass away.
The longest relationship of your entire life is the one that you have with yourself, and when you fall in love with yourself you never get bored of you, you don't get restless or think about leaving; You are with You... for life!
The other amazing thing is that once you love yourself, once you KNOW that you are lovable; you easily attract real love from others.
If you are in a relationship with someone else right now and feeling unloved...
Before you change anything... change your relationship with yourself.
"Not as easy as it sounds Fifo" I hear you thinking...
It all comes down to that same re-programming that I talk about all the time
Look at yourself in the mirror every single morning and tell yourself
I LOVE you
I LOVE you because you are SO LOVABLE
The reason why you love yourself must simply be because you are lovable....
Not because you are pretty
Not because you are good at your job
Not because you are a great parent or a loving sibling...
The reason why you love yourself must simply be because you are lovable....
All other reasons carry a "condition" for you to be loved,
Being loved simply because you are lovable is unconditional... it's just how you are!
Say this to yourself as often as you can. Retrain your subconscious mind and imprint this new truth so powerfully in to your mind that soon you will believe it.
When you believe you are lovable, others will see you as lovable!
If you would love 1 on 1 coaching with me; Fiona then email me here and let's talk.
Until Then... Make this Day Great
You've Got This!
Change Your Mind
Change Your Life!

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