Sunday, February 2, 2020

Focus on What You Fear.... And See Where You Land!

Life can be so difficult, and beautiful, it can be utterly disappointing, and incredibly rewarding.
Reaching for your dreams can be terrifying, and exciting, and it can test you until you feel that you are about to break.
John Burroughs said 
"Leap and the net will appear"
So.... leap we did!
And then, working our butts off; we waited for that net to appear.
We believed in this business, we believed the risk we took would pan out, and that all our time and investment would make it worth while.
Have you ever taken a leap like that?
Sometimes it feels as though you have jumped off that cliff, believing that the risk you have taken to make this dream work, will all be worth it, 
and then 
before you know it; 
you are watching the jagged rocks below (You know, those rocks at the bottom of the cliff that you jumped off with so much hope) 
Those rocks are sharp and deadly and as you hurtle towards them your stomach contracts...
And you prepare for impact!
Even as we tumbled downwards towards those rocks, thinking that we were doing all we could to avoid them, the truth was, that our awareness was too contracted; while we waited for that net, we thought we were trying everything to get this business soaring
But the thing is, if you keep you head down and your eyes on those rocks.... you only get to them faster!
And with your head down... all you can see...
is those rocks!
The jagged details on those terrifying boulders became more and more vivid as we neared them
so suddenly in a panic, we tried a new tactic.....
We flapped our arms, like drunkards doing the chicken dance
And... to our utter shock and consternation... we kept hurtling downwards...
Of course we did.... why had we expected anything else?
Had we expected that our mad elbow-flapping frenzy would lift us up and save us?
Where had we gone wrong?
Had we gone wrong at all?
This is the point that you CAN choose!
You CAN literally defy gravity...
But not by repeating the same actions (head down and eyes on disaster) whilst simply waiting for that net to appear
and not by panicking and flapping those elbows wildly either!
When I analyzed how we had approached this, it hit me... we have lived in Africa all our lives
On this beautiful and challenging continent; there is no safety-net
There is no social welfare that is truly capable of uplifting anyone,
There is no dole, no grants, there is barely even good quality, free medical care!
We have grown up always expecting to be resourceful and create our own solutions
We have also learned that turning to others for mentoring and guidance is the easiest way to force your eyes open to new possibilities and answers..
And so our eyes opened properly at last!
Even while we hurtled downwards, we took a deep calming breath, stilled our mad-flapping elbows, and asked for help and mentoring...
Then, with guidance, our awareness gradually expanded, our eyes opened, our rapid nose-dive slowed and time even, seemed to slow down in our favour. 
Gradually we grew our OWN wings, big beautiful wings, that seemed to span so far that not only did they lift us out of reach of those dreaded rocks, they even shielded us from the scorching sun...
You see we always knew the answers, we already had the solutions, we just couldn't see them.
Have ever felt that you are heading towards disaster? 
Perhaps it is your health that you are worrying about.
Perhaps you are gaining weight and think that you don't know why or how.
Perhaps it is financial and you feel that you are getting deeper and deeper in to debt without knowing how to get out of it.
Perhaps its a relationship issue with your husband or even your child and you can see things getting worse and worse, but believe that you don't know what to do about it.
You do!
But as long as your head is down, all you can see is those rocks
With your eyes only focused on that deadly landing, and your mind and body contracted in to a tight hard ball you are only going to reach the rocks faster. 
Fear is powerful
You can use it as a motivator to push you in the right direction OR
You can let it suck you downwards, and the best way to do that, is to focus only on that fear.
What you fill your mind with has IMMENSE power over your life....
So, recognize the fear and know that you do NOT want that and then... 
fill your mind with the exciting positives of achieving that beautiful goal that had you jumping off that cliff in the first place!
Always ask for mentoring, get guidance and soon your eyes will be opened.
As your awareness expands you quickly see, that you do already know how to not only avoid those rocks, but to soar on beautiful wings to your purpose and destiny.
You owe the VERY best of yourself to you
You owe the very best of yourself to your loved ones and
You owe the very best of yourself to this world
Know your fears, but focus on your positive outcomes
If you look towards those rocks, that's where you will end up
When you lift your head 
and open your eyes to other possibilities and approaches that are all around you
Then you will find that you can spread your wings... 
and you don't need that net
Who wants to land on a net anyway, when they could be soaring through the air on their own strong wings?
Nets only get you in a tangle, wings make you limitless.
Expand your awareness so that you can become one of those people who always seeks and finds solutions.
There is no problem without it's solution but we usually wear blindfolds that keep us from seeing those solutions.
In almost every problem area of your life;
You are the problem
and You are the solution!
Thanks for reading!
PS. I am SUPER excited and proud of the content of My Online Courses. I have put so much love, thought, experiencing and care into them that I can honestly tell you that I am more confident and happy about them than ever! There is Free Video Training for You so go and take a peek... jump off that cliff and I will show You how to Spread Your Own Beautiful Wings
PSS: Remember our fantastic 8-week Fitness Program? Its up and ready for You Now So Get Started Now in the privacy and comfort of your own home!
PSSS: If you are a foodie then those healthy recipe books are Here as well! Prepare delicious meals without any of the guilt and... Your family will love them too!

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