Thursday, March 26, 2020

Susceptibility to the Coronavirus? No One is Talking About This

CoronaVirus (COVID-19) Top 10 Vitamin C Foods You Must Eat

Coronavirus Outbreak: How to Cope With Anxiety and Self-Isolation - Marisa Peer

20 Days of Live Meditation with Jay Shetty: Day 2

20 Days of Live Meditation with Jay Shetty: Day 1

Protecting the Female Brain with Lisa Mosconi & Jim Kwik

The Great Equalizer

We are all feeling the pressure 
This year, this scary virus is reminding each and every one of us that
everything is temporary
anything and everything can be changed in an instant!
Right now that saying.... "A change is as good as a holiday" seems like the most ridiculous statement ever made...
as people all over the world; look ahead with such uncertainty.
So many of us, who were unhappy with our lives, frustrated, dissatisfied with how things had turned out, or disappointed with ourselves for one reason or another;
are now wishing that we could just KNOW that things would stay the same; the same as they were only a few weeks ago.. when we were feeling so frustrated and dissatisfied.
Now..... we find ourselves
wishing that we could KNOW that our loved ones and ourselves will get through this terrifying virus,
wishing that we could KNOW that our businesses would survive the economic crisis that Covid-19 has created,
wishing that we could KNOW that on "the other side" we still had jobs, that our kids schools would go on...
wishing that today, our lives felt as familiar and predictable as they did only a few weeks ago.
But "that ship" as they say... has already sailed...
and many of those problems that weighed so heavily upon us back in February, now seem insignificant... stupid even.
At a logical level there is very little that we can know when it comes to understanding exactly how this Corona Virus will affect our lives and our world as we know it
The best way to get through each day, and to use this very unique time in history, is to expand our awareness to so much more than just a logical level
This is a spiritual challenge to each and every one of us, call it faith, call it love, call it spirituality.... whatever you want to call it; remember this...
If there ever was a time to become more loving, more conscious, more mindful, more grateful, more respectful and more united... then this is it!
This is our opportunity to grow ourselves, grow spiritually, grow mentally, grow emotionally, become conscious and mindful of the safety of each and every person around you.
Still your mind, slow that rush, read great books that uplift you, spread positive messages across the internet, support and respect your body by eating as healthily as you can under the circumstances. Read to your children, remind your loved ones how much they mean to you and have faith...
Have faith that you and your family will get through this; the human spirit is so tenacious and so powerful when we tap in to the best of ourselves
That is how you get through each day right now,
Embrace and become the very best version of You...
Your positive vibes and your love will uplift everyone around you and it will uplift you too!
For those of you with children, this is your opportunity to show your children the power and love of the human spirit...
Remember; If there ever was a time to become more loving, more conscious, more mindful, more grateful, more respectful and more united... then this is it!
This virus knows no borders and no prejudice, it knows only how to spread, grow and destroy
This is our opportunity to unite as humankind, unite in our willingness to stay at home, unite in our peaceful acceptance of the rules, unite in our desire to keep all of humanity safe by beating this invisible enemy.
Quiet your mind, still your soul and you will see that what you DO KNOW is that this unity is not only our duty but it is our only choice.
Quiet your mind, still your soul and you will also see that you DO KNOW that you have so much to be grateful for now... right now.
Mahatma Gandhi said
"You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind."
So grow your mind, expand your consciousness and act with love.
Thanks for reading.
Stay safe and stay at home!
This comes with loads of love
From me
Instagram: @fifonow_coaching
Facebook: FifoLive

Monday, March 16, 2020

A Time For Solidarity, Compassion and Love For Humanity

​We have a choice 
To panic, fall prey to fake news, live in denial, be selfish
To stay calm and be informed of the real facts, grow our awareness and empathy for humanity and remember that COVID-19 does not discriminate!
Some people are indeed more vulnerable, but remember that COVID-19 sees each and every one of us as an opportunity for it to grow and spread and thrive.
Let's fight this with a solidarity that the world has not yet experienced. Let's be willing to shelve our rights to travel, and freedom-of-movement in general... for the sake of the greater good...
and let's remember our similarities and forget our differences. We cannot fight a monster who does not discriminate, while we are divided ourselves.
Lets extend our love and prayers and empathy to every single person affected ​and let's unite so that humanity can grow and thrive and beat this thing!
Right now, taking care of your own health is your duty
Not just to yourself
But to humanity!
Boost your health in every way that you can... 
There's that saying that "Self-Care is not selfish" 
Right now; Self Care is VITAL
So take every step that you can towards your own health and vitality. 
Renew your spirit every day by reading books and watching videos that uplift you and strengthen you, move your body to boost your health and nourish your body with real and wholesome food. Take time for meditation, prayer and contemplation for you, your loved ones and all of humanity.
Use the internet to reach out and encourage others to stay positive, positive thoughts really do help so right now, the internet is our greatest tool for solidarity!
We can and will beat this thing!
This comes with SOOOO much love from me to you 
Here's to your health and your inspiration

Sunday, March 8, 2020

International Womens Day 2020

To all You amazing women out there.....Today is Your day!

My clients are not young girls concerned only with how they look...

My clients are real, strong women who have lived through so much, given so much and often... have been so busy giving, helping and serving, that they have never got to know themselves... or what makes them tick, not truly at the deepest level of their minds.

Working with these amazing ladies is one of the greatest honors of my life and today I thank them ALL.

To all you ladies out there; My hope for you is that today you take a moment to stop and appreciate yourself.

You SHOULD stop, relax and EXPECT the men in your life to give you those little kindnesses that you normally extend to them....

but You should also remember that the way you treat yourself is how you show the world to treat you too....

So.... stop, relax and give YOURSELF some kindness

Today is not about how your week at work went

Today is not about whether you kept up with all your personal or household chores

Today is not about whether or not you stuck to your nutritional plan or your fitness program last week

Today is about contemplating about what it means to be a woman

Be grateful for the fact that your loving heart is so soft and so strong

Be proud of Your resilience and empathy and capacity for love

Be grateful for the fact that You have walked the journey that You have walked, lived the story that you have lived...

and now You are upgrading Your mindset, growing as a person and best of all.... growing as a great and powerful woman

And You can stand on your story and use it as the foundation for your incredible transformation

Thanks to all my amazing clients for allowing me to share your journey, I am so grateful for the honor and the opportunity.

I am also so excited that just by walking with me and opening your mind to new and better possibilities; Your journey of personal growth has already begun.

Congratulations beautiful woman, on being who you are... because remember...

There ain't nobody that will ever do a better version of You, than You!

This comes, on this International Women's Day; with SOOOO much Love


Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Learning with an Infinite Mindset | Simon Sinek & Jim Kwik

Deepak Chopra on the Power of Meditation to Unlock Infinite Possibilities | Impact Theory

Make This Your Day of Self-Kindness and Self-Appeciation

How many times have You been through something horrible?
Something that You could only see as a bad thing?
Difficulty, stress, tragedy, heartache... these things are not discriminatory...
They find us all at one time or another
And all we can do, is manage how we respond.
Remember that You are not defined by Your challenges or Your heartache
But You can choose to define Yourself by the way that You respond.
That is not to say that you are defining yourself to impress anyone else.... no no NO
This is all about looking at Yourself in the mirror every morning and
Being Proud of Your Resilience
Being Grateful for your Grit
Happy that Your Heart is so Soft... and so Strong
Remember that a hard heart is not a strong heart.
If your drop a hard glass ball on the ground.... it will shatter.... if you drop a soft ball on the ground it will bounce.
That is You!
You KNOW that you have so much strength and softness and love and resilience and goodness.
Today... all I ask of you is to remember that and celebrate it with pride!
Remember that not every day is about the size of your body
Or how you may have neglected your health
Or what you didn't get done at work, or at home
Today.... PLEASE take the time out to congratulate yourself for all the good things that make you...... YOU!
Thanks for staying with me on this journey. Your support means so much to me!
Right now, as I implement new and exciting developments into my business, it's so easy to get overwhelmed and overburdened and writing this email this morning on the 4th of March 2020 has been a great reminder for me too, therapeutic in fact... so thank you!
Thanks for reading and now.... before the sun gets too hot, I am going to treat myself to a run down to the beach before I come home and get busy with my one on one coaching clients.
Wishing You a fabulous day of self-kindness and self-appreciation
If You Feel that Coaching Can Help You Then Email Me Here For Your Zero-Obligations Quote

Mindset Expert Shows You How to Control Your Negative Thoughts | Trevor Moawad on Impact Theory