Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Make This Your Day of Self-Kindness and Self-Appeciation

How many times have You been through something horrible?
Something that You could only see as a bad thing?
Difficulty, stress, tragedy, heartache... these things are not discriminatory...
They find us all at one time or another
And all we can do, is manage how we respond.
Remember that You are not defined by Your challenges or Your heartache
But You can choose to define Yourself by the way that You respond.
That is not to say that you are defining yourself to impress anyone else.... no no NO
This is all about looking at Yourself in the mirror every morning and
Being Proud of Your Resilience
Being Grateful for your Grit
Happy that Your Heart is so Soft... and so Strong
Remember that a hard heart is not a strong heart.
If your drop a hard glass ball on the ground.... it will shatter.... if you drop a soft ball on the ground it will bounce.
That is You!
You KNOW that you have so much strength and softness and love and resilience and goodness.
Today... all I ask of you is to remember that and celebrate it with pride!
Remember that not every day is about the size of your body
Or how you may have neglected your health
Or what you didn't get done at work, or at home
Today.... PLEASE take the time out to congratulate yourself for all the good things that make you...... YOU!
Thanks for staying with me on this journey. Your support means so much to me!
Right now, as I implement new and exciting developments into my business, it's so easy to get overwhelmed and overburdened and writing this email this morning on the 4th of March 2020 has been a great reminder for me too, therapeutic in fact... so thank you!
Thanks for reading and now.... before the sun gets too hot, I am going to treat myself to a run down to the beach before I come home and get busy with my one on one coaching clients.
Wishing You a fabulous day of self-kindness and self-appreciation
If You Feel that Coaching Can Help You Then Email Me Here For Your Zero-Obligations Quote

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