Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Great Equalizer

We are all feeling the pressure 
This year, this scary virus is reminding each and every one of us that
everything is temporary
anything and everything can be changed in an instant!
Right now that saying.... "A change is as good as a holiday" seems like the most ridiculous statement ever made...
as people all over the world; look ahead with such uncertainty.
So many of us, who were unhappy with our lives, frustrated, dissatisfied with how things had turned out, or disappointed with ourselves for one reason or another;
are now wishing that we could just KNOW that things would stay the same; the same as they were only a few weeks ago.. when we were feeling so frustrated and dissatisfied.
Now..... we find ourselves
wishing that we could KNOW that our loved ones and ourselves will get through this terrifying virus,
wishing that we could KNOW that our businesses would survive the economic crisis that Covid-19 has created,
wishing that we could KNOW that on "the other side" we still had jobs, that our kids schools would go on...
wishing that today, our lives felt as familiar and predictable as they did only a few weeks ago.
But "that ship" as they say... has already sailed...
and many of those problems that weighed so heavily upon us back in February, now seem insignificant... stupid even.
At a logical level there is very little that we can know when it comes to understanding exactly how this Corona Virus will affect our lives and our world as we know it
The best way to get through each day, and to use this very unique time in history, is to expand our awareness to so much more than just a logical level
This is a spiritual challenge to each and every one of us, call it faith, call it love, call it spirituality.... whatever you want to call it; remember this...
If there ever was a time to become more loving, more conscious, more mindful, more grateful, more respectful and more united... then this is it!
This is our opportunity to grow ourselves, grow spiritually, grow mentally, grow emotionally, become conscious and mindful of the safety of each and every person around you.
Still your mind, slow that rush, read great books that uplift you, spread positive messages across the internet, support and respect your body by eating as healthily as you can under the circumstances. Read to your children, remind your loved ones how much they mean to you and have faith...
Have faith that you and your family will get through this; the human spirit is so tenacious and so powerful when we tap in to the best of ourselves
That is how you get through each day right now,
Embrace and become the very best version of You...
Your positive vibes and your love will uplift everyone around you and it will uplift you too!
For those of you with children, this is your opportunity to show your children the power and love of the human spirit...
Remember; If there ever was a time to become more loving, more conscious, more mindful, more grateful, more respectful and more united... then this is it!
This virus knows no borders and no prejudice, it knows only how to spread, grow and destroy
This is our opportunity to unite as humankind, unite in our willingness to stay at home, unite in our peaceful acceptance of the rules, unite in our desire to keep all of humanity safe by beating this invisible enemy.
Quiet your mind, still your soul and you will see that what you DO KNOW is that this unity is not only our duty but it is our only choice.
Quiet your mind, still your soul and you will also see that you DO KNOW that you have so much to be grateful for now... right now.
Mahatma Gandhi said
"You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind."
So grow your mind, expand your consciousness and act with love.
Thanks for reading.
Stay safe and stay at home!
This comes with loads of love
From me
Instagram: @fifonow_coaching
Facebook: FifoLive

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