Monday, March 16, 2020

A Time For Solidarity, Compassion and Love For Humanity

​We have a choice 
To panic, fall prey to fake news, live in denial, be selfish
To stay calm and be informed of the real facts, grow our awareness and empathy for humanity and remember that COVID-19 does not discriminate!
Some people are indeed more vulnerable, but remember that COVID-19 sees each and every one of us as an opportunity for it to grow and spread and thrive.
Let's fight this with a solidarity that the world has not yet experienced. Let's be willing to shelve our rights to travel, and freedom-of-movement in general... for the sake of the greater good...
and let's remember our similarities and forget our differences. We cannot fight a monster who does not discriminate, while we are divided ourselves.
Lets extend our love and prayers and empathy to every single person affected ​and let's unite so that humanity can grow and thrive and beat this thing!
Right now, taking care of your own health is your duty
Not just to yourself
But to humanity!
Boost your health in every way that you can... 
There's that saying that "Self-Care is not selfish" 
Right now; Self Care is VITAL
So take every step that you can towards your own health and vitality. 
Renew your spirit every day by reading books and watching videos that uplift you and strengthen you, move your body to boost your health and nourish your body with real and wholesome food. Take time for meditation, prayer and contemplation for you, your loved ones and all of humanity.
Use the internet to reach out and encourage others to stay positive, positive thoughts really do help so right now, the internet is our greatest tool for solidarity!
We can and will beat this thing!
This comes with SOOOO much love from me to you 
Here's to your health and your inspiration

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