Sunday, March 8, 2020

International Womens Day 2020

To all You amazing women out there.....Today is Your day!

My clients are not young girls concerned only with how they look...

My clients are real, strong women who have lived through so much, given so much and often... have been so busy giving, helping and serving, that they have never got to know themselves... or what makes them tick, not truly at the deepest level of their minds.

Working with these amazing ladies is one of the greatest honors of my life and today I thank them ALL.

To all you ladies out there; My hope for you is that today you take a moment to stop and appreciate yourself.

You SHOULD stop, relax and EXPECT the men in your life to give you those little kindnesses that you normally extend to them....

but You should also remember that the way you treat yourself is how you show the world to treat you too....

So.... stop, relax and give YOURSELF some kindness

Today is not about how your week at work went

Today is not about whether you kept up with all your personal or household chores

Today is not about whether or not you stuck to your nutritional plan or your fitness program last week

Today is about contemplating about what it means to be a woman

Be grateful for the fact that your loving heart is so soft and so strong

Be proud of Your resilience and empathy and capacity for love

Be grateful for the fact that You have walked the journey that You have walked, lived the story that you have lived...

and now You are upgrading Your mindset, growing as a person and best of all.... growing as a great and powerful woman

And You can stand on your story and use it as the foundation for your incredible transformation

Thanks to all my amazing clients for allowing me to share your journey, I am so grateful for the honor and the opportunity.

I am also so excited that just by walking with me and opening your mind to new and better possibilities; Your journey of personal growth has already begun.

Congratulations beautiful woman, on being who you are... because remember...

There ain't nobody that will ever do a better version of You, than You!

This comes, on this International Women's Day; with SOOOO much Love


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