Monday, September 30, 2019

What If This Was Your Last Day?

If today was your last day on earth, how would you like to spend it? Would it be the same as a regular day or would you spend it differently? How different would it be?
Following is a list of stuff that I would like to do differently if this was my last day. Read on.
  1. I would be full of compassion and act kind towards everyone I meet.
  2. I would send greetings emails to my sisters who live abroad and call my brother late in the evening after he gets back home from work.
  3. I would order something from Food Panda and share it with Mom.
  4. I would write my will, saying how I would want my life savings to be split.
  5. I would call my favorite aunt and have a chitchat with her.
  6. I would open my personal Facebook account and see which of my friends are online and knock those I feel like at the moment and chat with them.
  7. I would visit my Dad's grave and say a silent prayer.
  8. I would pray a silent prayer for myself.
  9. I would visit the nearest orphanage center and cancer hospital and talk to those orphans or sick people. I would donate generously to their funds.
  10. I would walk in mother nature and get connected to the Divine Earth and experience joy. I would do it for a while until I have consumed enough energy. I would walk back home happily.
  11. I would buy candies and chocolates abundantly and give them away to the children of my community. Watching the beautiful smiles on their faces, I would start smiling a lot myself.
  12. I would keep some time for myself for self-care. I would shampoo my hair and shower. I would cut off my finger and toe nails. I would put powder on my face in the heated summer time. I would put lotion on my hands and feet. I would decorate my face and wear a perfume.
  13. I would listen to the audio tracks of my favorite songs by John Denver and Abba. I would be in perfect spirit. The music will heal my fears and agonies.
  14. I would like to have a light meal at the end of the day and go to pleasant sleep, a while later, thinking probably I would die in my sleep as the doctor said this was my last day. It would be an amazing miracle if I do open my eyes in the morning and prove to my doctor that he was wrong all along.
Summing up, this is how I would tackle my day if it were the last, facing everything courageously and jubilantly. How would you confront your day if this was the end of your journey on this mighty planet? Would you slump down and regret or pass time fruitfully and happily like me only to realize that you would live longer - much longer than your doctor ever anticipated?
Rosina S Khan has authored this article. For a wealth of free resources based on stunning fiction stories and academic guides, amazing self-help eBooks, articles and blogs, all authored by her, visit: You will be glad that you did. Alternatively, for a different layout of free resources, visit: You won't be disappointed and remember to like her Facebook page

Kwik Brain Episode 101: 4 Keys to Changing Your Behavior & Habits

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Only Plan is Plan A: By Fiona Burdett

It is my firm belief, that with any goal you work towards, or any plan you make; if you have a Plan B… then that’s your plan!
Let me repeat that, this time in bold and italics;

If you have a plan B, then that’s your plan!

Am I suggesting that whatever goals you aim at, even if they are risky and downright terrifying, you shouldn’t have a fall-back plan as a safety net?

I am not suggesting that!
I am stating it categorically, and in bold italics!

Furthermore, if your Plan A doesn’t have you trembling with fear at the same time as being elated with the possibilities that it could bring, then honey; you ain’t aiming high enough!

The same applies to your health and your weight.
Do you, in the back of your mind, ever hear those little voices? No, I am not certifiable (not officially anyway) but think about those little voices and the things they say…
·       I am happy like I am!
·       I don’t want to become obsessed with my weight so it’s better for me and everyone around me if I just accept my fate.
·       I am just too exhausted to put myself and my family though the rigors of me being on another difficult diet.

Whatever your little voices may be saying to you, as an excuse to not try again; I urge you to search your soul a little deeper
·       Are you truly happy as you are? If you are, then well done! No further action required.
·       Are you truly healthy as you are? Will your current size support longevity and vitality?
·       Do you think that your health is important?
·       Can you believe that losing weight could be fun and without “obsession” or a sense of deprivation? If not, then you have a lot of work ahead of you!

      Once you believe that weight-loss is easy, once you believe that weight-loss will succeed, then setting up a routine that supports you plans and also fits in with your family, your busy schedule and even your social life, becomes natural and non-stressful.
      It all boils down to how you represent it to yourself.    
     Think about it logically; If you believe that weight-loss is such a challenge then will you see the difficulties of how to fit it in to the demands of your life?   
     If you believe that weight-loss is easy, and your health is just as important as the demands of your family or your job, then will you find and create manageable possibilities that soon become natural routines, that you, and your family no longer even think about as unusual?     Can you believe that if you start to celebrate food as wonderful fuel, that nourishes your body, that your body might derive more benefit from it?   
     Do you think that by associating food with guilt and anticipated weight gain alone, you are benefiting your body or your brain in any way?   
          If you are too exhausted right now, then work first, on changing your mind! Your health and your size will follow suit and, it will be fun.    

Those little voices that hold you back are simply your limiting beliefs trying their best to keep you in the familiar zone that your sub-conscious mind finds so comfortable. They are stating the case for Plan B. (For example: I will learn to accept my extra weight as being okay and I will find peace with that)     
The problem with Plan B, is that it is always within your comfort zone and that, is exactly what you need to break away from!     
If you even entertain Plan B, then Plan B is all that you will achieve. This is not just about how we look my friend; If you believe that your current weight is healthy, and that you truly can accept the size you are right now; then great and as I said before; No further action required!
If, however, you are serious about losing weight, once and for all, if you love the idea of reaching your ideal weight and easily maintaining it for life, then you must learn to first change your mind!
Ditch Plan B, give yourself no alternative. Health and weight-loss must your only option.   Believe that you will achieve it & celebrate your milestones and wins along the way (don’t celebrate by eating cakes and junk – use you head please!)
        Maintain internal and external dialogue that supports you new mindset and body, for life!

Maintenance is key and, you should realize by now that I am referring to maintenance of your mind!
Once you are losing weight and even before you have reached your goal weight – the joyous journey of maintaining your new positive dialogue patterns, will continue to deliver revelations regularly. This is a joyful and liberating process.
Remember that your external dialogues (the words you say out loud) are just as important as your internal dialogue, don’t confuse yourself by telling yourself every day how well you are doing while using negative statements about yourself out loud.

Always respect the immense power of words. The quality of your life is hugely dependent on the words that you use!

Consider the words and phrases that are holding you back and not serving you. Remember that this applies, not only to weight-loss but in fact to all areas of your life.
You have 2 options;
1    Use language that builds you and supports you.
2    Use language that holds you back, keeps you where you are and does not serve you.

I am so stupid.            Is this a belief that will serve you? Say it out loud often enough and your sub-conscious mind will accept it as the truth. Your actions and your decisions will then fall in line to support this belief!

Your sub-conscious mind is, in fact, 90% of your mind, and my friend, that 90% is powerful!  Your sub-conscious mind has no filter, it absorbs and accepts every bit of information that it receives, good or bad, complimentary or downright unfair. In so doing, it creates our deep-seated unconscious beliefs of which, many are self-limiting beliefs. In turn, our actions then do us the glorious disfavor of upholding the lies that we tell ourselves (our self-limiting beliefs).
First, we create our thoughts and beliefs, and then our thoughts and beliefs create us.
We all do this to ourselves so often;
Eeeough I look terrible,
I am not clever,
I have no talents,
I am a slow learner,
I am such a plonker!
Don’t let those statements become part of your subconscious blueprint! Do you suppose that someone like Richard Branson believes he is stupid, or not good enough? Can you imagine that a large part of the reason that he is so successful is because he always believed that he could achieve the things that he has?
Even for losing weight, you can use the strategy that millionaires use for achieving success;

Believe it is possible and give yourself no other option!
The Only Plan, is plan A
Fiona Burdett

Thanks for reading & Look Out For My Upcoming Book; 
Change Your Mind, Change Your Size
I will keep you informed on this blog and all my social media platforms about its release!

With Respect & Hope Always

Monday, September 23, 2019

4 Approaches To Losing Weight

Most people, at one time, or another, decide, they, either need to, or want to, lose weight. Sometimes, this is, for vanity reasons, such as looking better in certain clothing, bathing suit, etc. Other times, it's for health - related reasons, because, excessive weight, has often been indicator, as a significant factor, in a variety of ailments and diseases, such as heart issues, type - two diabetes, knee and back problems, etc. As in many things, in life, there is no, one - size - fits - all, approach, to losing weight. One must begin, by setting a goal for this, to occur, both in terms of number of pounds, and a realistic time period, to achieve it. It is often wise, to combine, eating changes, with using a diet plan, which you feel, you will be ready, willing, and able, to stick - to. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 4 possible approaches, for losing unwanted pounds, and/ or, inches.
1. Exercise/ diet - and - exercise: Before beginning any plan or program, have a discussion, with your health care professional/ practitioner! If you are given clearance, begin the commitment to a well - planned, exercise program/ plan! When the right type of exercise is combined with a well - considered, diet, you maximize your potential, to lose weight!
2. Low calories/ low - fat: The original plan, of eating less fatty foods, and consuming fewer calories, works, when one is willing to remain consistent, and committed, to remaining on it. However, for some, it is difficult and challenging to maintain the patience, and discipline, to do so, and, when they don't, quickly, see their desired results, they cheat! This approach works, but, only, when one is willing to eat the types, and quantities of foods, and abide by the necessary restrictions/ limitations!
3. Prepared food programs: Many, who have tried to lose weight, on several occasions, with their desired degree of success, turn to one of the better known, prepared food programs, such as Weight Watchers, and Nutri System. The former uses a combination of prepared foods, a point system, and meetings, aimed at motivating individuals, to continue forward, despite obstacles.
4. Low Carbohydrate/ Keto: In the 1970's, Dr. Robert Atkins introduced, to the American public, the concept of reducing one's carbohydrate intake, for effective weight loss. Since his death, there have been many adaptations, to this approach, and one of the most popular, is referred to, as Keto. Many studies have demonstrated, when one uses this approach, and understands/ commits, to it, it is extremely successful, both in the shorter - term, as long as the longer - one!
Many approaches and plans work, so, one should determine, which one, he is willing to follow, and commit to, and stick, to it! Help yourself, is you want to be, happy, and healthier!
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for alternative health:

Article Source:

Why Intermittent Fasting Burns Fat Faster And for Good

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Weight Gain From Fear and Worry - 3 Simple Solutions

The Amish consider worrying a sin! Makes sense to me, since worry, and fear as its evil twin, can only cause trouble and definitely weight gain. You probably know by now that when you are super stressed out, your cortisol levels hit the roof. Then, you want to eat more of the kinds of food that generally cause weight gain-carbs and sugars.
After eating all those carbs and sugars, how do you feel? Relaxed at first, but over the next few minutes (not just guessing here-I know from personal experience-you likely feel more stressed, right? Guilt is a kicker and I would say that definitely fits In with worry and fear as cortisol instigator.
So, how do you keep yourself from worry and fear? It's nearly impossible not to react with worry or fear at times, but you can try several things that may help you:
1. Herbs and other supplements. For example, Holy Basil (or Tulsi Tea) really helps calm my nervous system. It's supposed to be especially good for those of us who have abandonment issues like adoption (I was seven years old when adopted, so had lots of issues from before that time).
Some supplements, like B-12 vitamins and some amino acids, like tryptophan, may work well for you.
Be sure to check with your doctor, chiropractor, or other health practitioner.
2. Keeping the body aligned with good chiropractic or osteopathic care makes a world of difference! I had a friend who told me she knew when her atlas vertebrae was "out," since that's when she felt sick to her stomach and so depressed that she wanted to kill herself! She would never have done that, but it gave her a clue. Then, after her adjustment, she was her normal, happy self again!
3. Most Important: Remember you have a choice! Immediately shift to gratitude. Quickly think of the things that are going Right in Your Life! For example, my car needed an expensive repair. I started to worry and feel stressed until I realized that life had already given me a great solution. I had a speaking gig that would cover the expense! Yes, I had earmarked that money to pay some debt, but I could always do that later. The thing that was going Right in My Life was that I had a solution before I even had the problem.
It's been proven that most of the things we worry about never even occur! So relax and enjoy the ride.
Debbie Johnson is the Best-Selling Author of the original Think Yourself Thin. Think Yourself Young is a bonus eBook, available only with her new eBook, an updated version of the original Think Yourself Thin, available via

Article Source:

How I Lost 80 Pounds With Intermittent Fasting

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Losing Weight Involves Eating Good Food and Understanding The Psychology To Reach Your Goals

Reaching your weight loss goals will require the correct diet for your body type. This diet must consist of nutritious foods that taste good. You will also have to understand the psychology involved in reaching these goals. There will be a number of road blocks you will to face when trying to loss weight. These will be physical but most often psychological in nature. Of course one way to overcome the physical and psychological road blocks of weight loss is to eat nutritious good tasting food.
Good nutrition that tastes great can help you reach your reduction goals. Your weight reduction diet can taste great.
Having great tasting food in your weight reduction diet will motivate your you to reach your weight reduction goals. Having a proper weight loss cookbook should be part of the method you are using to loss weight. This cookbook should contain recipes that actually help you loss weight and optimize your fat reduction diet. The metabolic cookbook diet can help you with this.
There are a number of problems why most fat loss cookbooks fail when it comes to long-term success, when it involves weight reduction. In fact they might encourage weight gain.
Many of the these weight loss cookbooks use the wrong ingredients. There are a number of ingredients to consider for a proper metabolic diet. This can include beef steaks, garlic and oregano to create a salsa marinated steak. It can e cooked on a skillet or grill. If done properly it will have a total of 220 calories per serving. It will contain approximately 35 grams of protein and only seven grams of fat. Another great recipe is noodleless shrimp pad thai. This recipe contains shrimp, garlic and chopped peanuts. It contains 30 grams per serving and approximately 360 calories if prepared properly.
Often you continue eating the same foods that will not give you the results found in a proven metabolic cookbook. Eating these foods based on various recipes will not help you reach your weight loss goals.
The Physiological Aspects of Weight Loss
There are number of physiological factors to consider when trying to achieve your weight loss goals. This includes motivation. You could look in the mirror and decide you need to loss weight. However if you decide to commit to a weight loss diet program, having nutritious great tasting recipes on the menu will be an excellent motivator. You will look forward to eating what is on your weight reducing menu. Of course there will have to include daily exercise into your weight loss program. This may be a physiological barrier that you will have to overcome. To overcome this barrier go for a walk once or twice a day. Remember to take your fury friend with you, as he may also need the exercise and adventure.
Best regards
There are a number ways to loss weight. These include many routines which will require a change in your life style. One method involves eating nutritious great tasting food. Click here to learn more.

Article Source:

Friday, September 20, 2019

Mel Robbins | One of the Best Talks Ever on Self-Motivation

Daily Practices for Focus, Peace & Joy

I know sometimes I must sound like a broken record. I repeat myself again and again to my clients, my students, my friends, my family. And I'll say it again. Self-care is not an option if you want to live a happy, peaceful life. Especially if you're a sensitive, empathic, person.
Self-care, of course, includes the obvious elements, such as a nutrient-rich-plant-rich-diet, plenty of exercise, and good hygiene. None are optional if you want to maintain good health.
To maintain happiness and inner-peace, self-care must include emotional, spiritual practices as well. My daily practices, which I share below, help me stay centered, focused, optimistic, connected, creative, productive, peaceful, and happy.
These are the tools and techniques that work for me. With most, I mix and match, depending upon the day, the amount of time available, and my emotional/spiritual needs. Some practices, such as Meditation and Gratitude, are non-negotiable, and I do them every day.
Most days I usually do at least 4 or 5 of these techniques. Some days I do only 2. Other days I might do them all! Some are so quick, or so easy to fit in my day, that they don't take 'extra time.' And, truth be told, when I don't do anything, which does happen once in a while, I feel completely off, out of focus, and anxious. That's why I use a checklist to track my progress. I've learned the hard way, it's not worth falling off track.
Create your own plan. Take any of the following techniques that work for you, add in your own, and tuck them into pockets throughout your day. Choose at least one activity, such as meditation, to do each day, no matter what. None of the activities need to take a lot of time. And, as long as you're peppering them throughout the day, you'll be optimizing your energy.
Meditation I practice some form of meditation, each day, from 10 to 60 minutes. Some days I do two or more shorter meditations. Insight Timer is a fantastic, free, app that I use to time my meditations. It comes with an extensive library of sounds, bells, meditations, and music.
Abundance Meditation For this meditation, I use The Abundance Book, by John Randolph Price. It's a little green book with 10 principle statements. I meditate on one principle a day for 15 minutes, for 40 days or more. This helps keep me in an abundant, spiritual, frame of mind.
Gratitude Meditation Closing my eyes, I meditate for 5 minutes on something for which I am grateful. It can be something that I already have, or that I would like to have. This sense of gratitude feels truly authentic, and really, really good.
Goals I hand-write write my goals, in present tense, expressing my gratitude for reaching them. This feels good, and it helps me keep on top of my goals. I write my goals nearly every day. This takes about 10 minutes.
Morning Pages Originated by Author Julia Cameron, morning pages are 3 hand-written free-flow pages each morning. They're invaluable for clearing the mind, and sparking creative flow.
Yoga or ExerciseExercising in the morning invigorates me for the rest of the day. Movement is crucial for efficient energy flow, lymph flow, strength, anxiety release, and more.
Heart Breath I add the Heart Breath in whenever I feel stuck in my head. The Heart Breath helps me drop out of a busy, over-worked mind, into the peace and calm of my heart. It's a great tool for reducing anxiety. 1 minute, or longer.
Uplifting Reading Somewhere during my day, I find time to read. Sometimes it's work-related, but it's always uplifting.
Uplifting Listening This includes music, podcasts, Hayhouse Radio, audio courses, and more. I like to listen when I make dinner. This helps keep me in a positive, optimistic, frame of mind.
EFT Tapping This is an any-time-of-the-day, as-needed, practice. EFT Tapping is perfect for releasing anxiety, tension, fear, sadness, or any other unwanted feelings that might creep in.
More Gratitude Gratitude is something that can be expressed in many ways throughout the day. In addition to my 5-minute gratitude meditation, I enjoy spontaneous moments of gratitude, or write a gratitude list, or a thank you note, or simply say thank you, thank you, thank you as I do something that brings me joy. Gratitude helps me feel more connected to the spiritual world. And, the more grateful I am, the more I have to be grateful for.
Nature Walk Nothing better for pleasing the senses and soothing the soul.
Enjoy! And reach out -- let me know what works for you!
In Courage,
Hello! I'm Marian Buck-Murray, Certified Practitioner in both EFT Tapping and Matrix Reimprinting. I specialize in helping sensitive people boost courage, confidence and self-love. To schedule a FREE 30 Minute Call, where I'll help you get clear on your best strategy to honor your sensitivity, and give you a tool to turn it into a superpower, go to

Article Source:

3 Days in my life from early 2018. My journal; By Fiona Burdett

The words below are taken out of my journal from a Tuesday through to a Thursday in February 2018. I have not edited or changed what I wrote at all. I hope this gives you an opportunity to think about how you could use some positive affirmations to help you change the limiting thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve you!
When I write my journals, especially in reflection, I write as if I am telling my best friend all about my day.

I woke even earlier than 5 am and took time to enjoy the sound of the birds outside, before I started my daily meditation. I am currently signed up to Deepak Chopra’s free sample of a 21-day meditation on creating abundance. 
God knows we could use some of that right now!  Why only the free sample? We are, at this point financially broke. I am not mentally or emotionally broken, been there, done that, and pulled myself back up, via a spiritual journey that most of my friends and family would label as downright weird, and distressing enough to get them on their knees praying for the odd-ball that they love so much. (Yes, I am loved, and I am so grateful for that).

So…. In a fascinating combined state of inspiration and heaviness, I play day 2 of the daily meditations that providence has so kindly sent my way… For free!

The mantra that Deepak guides me through on today states this 
“I create my own abundance from an infinite source” 
Instantly I am relieved, exhilarated and inspired! As I dream about becoming a properly published writer and professional speaker who writes for big people (not just kids), and whose musings and speeches will have an impact on people’s lives, this gives me massive encouragement. Should I dare to dream, that my own transformation (that has started on every level except for physically) will give me the platform to help others who have also fought the demons that I do?

At a time when money is scarce, dreaming seems ludicrous (especially in the exhausted farming community that I live in) and daring to dream so big had me doubting my worthiness for this cause. Doubting it with every breath I took, frozen in fear that I had no right to claim that I can help anyone, I found myself finding every excuse not to sit down and write in my blog or even my journal.

Then Deepak’s calm and gentle voice plays from my battered Samsung A5; “I create my own abundance from an infinite source”

Mark is away in Lusaka again, and last night, I fell asleep after bawling my eyes out listening to Lisa Nichols – amazing woman that she is. One of the many things she reminds us of, is that where we find our lives right now, is a direct result of the choices we have made. Yes – we have chosen this path – for whatever reason that we do or don’t yet understand – we write the story of our own lives; the pen is in our own hand and guess what…… It always has been!

So… Deepak’s affirmation that the abundance I create is from an “infinite source” is what really uplifted me. I need only to look around me to observe the abundance of the universe – it’s incredible when you stop to take it in. If I have that immeasurable energy & love to draw from, and I know I do, then why am I so scared? This isn’t even about me, this is about my duty, my responsibility, to offer my whole true self in all its shining light to every person who crosses my path.

I headed out a little later, on my almost daily walk. I used to be a runner, but my I have filled my own head with all sorts of sexy and very convincing excuses (That’s the problem with being good with words – you even believe your own BS) Now I am just a walker. That’s not all bad though – I love my walks, but I often walk slowly – my back is stiff and sore. 
Today – inspired by Deepak’s glorious words I started repeating the mantra out loud as I took our dogs out into the African bush.
“I create my own abundance from an infinite source” 

By Jove it works! I notice the breath-taking beauty around me, I quickly become energized and excited about my day and even my whole future – with the infinite abundance around me, and ready to help me to serve my life’s purpose, who am I to doubt its potential?

Being a learner in fully grasping this whole abundance concept I decide that more specific language is required to rewire this worry-some sub-conscious mind of mine, so I get more specific – I am a slow learner you see.

My mantra goes thus
“I create my own abundance from an infinite source”
“I create my own energy from an infinite source”
“I create my own health from an infinite source”

Did you notice? I am simply dealing with the lies I have told myself. That’s why I got down to specifics – my ADD/creative brain is so practiced at thinking of 20 angles at once that if I only say abundance – then even as I am saying it, there are a myriad of little voices in my head that just love to argue the case of scarcity and difficulty; 

Abundance is just a trendy non-specific word, what does it even mean? 
I am WAAAAY too much of a thinker to just buy in to this trendy vibing crap! 

And so, the list of sneaky little doubts goes on. 

I am incredible like that – when it comes to jaded, cynical doubt that I use to convince myself that I am of great emotional intelligence, and better than the other suckers who fall for this crap – I can pack it in sister.      I can pack it in faster than the speed of light.

Again, the mantra works! Before I know it and without having planned it, I start jogging. Look…. It’s a hilarious version of a jog okay! It’s slower than a 90-year-old tortoise and less elegant! Speed-walkers go faster than that jog! I am not joking! But it’s a jog! Perhaps it’s more of a hybrid between a walk and a jog? Should I call that a jalk? Hehehe – Fiona you are such a weirdo!

With the knowledge that it is not only wise, but also important, for us to celebrate our micro-wins and stack them up into macro-wins, in my head I embraced my huge achievement! 
For me…… my tortoise-jog/jalk was a macro win of monu-f****ing-mental proportions! 
I mean shucks – a week ago I couldn’t even walk 1km without pain, my back wouldn’t allow it and yet here I was…. Jalking!
I broke up the jogs/jalks with intermittent short walks but for 6km I jalked more than I walked and… I loved it!

In the final stretch my mantra changed just a little - “I create my own health from an infinite source” Became, “I create my own healing from an infinite source” Why? Any exertion creates micro damage in our muscles – I needed to block out my own story that I start well and then get injuries. I also need to believe that my back can handle this.

The dogs and I went out again.  I started with a walk of about 1km before I broke in to my comical jalk. 
Again, I contemplated the glorious abundance around me, again I felt uplifted and excited. Again, my mind was filled with inspiration; 
I am aiming to help people to transform their lives – my own transformation is a vital part of that. I decided to add that to my already specific mantra which was fast becoming more of a hysterical white-girl rapping session than a gentle meditation/affirmation. (Hilarious to watch I tell you, utterly hilarious.)

When I listen to music or sing anything at the same time as walking or jalking, I absolutely must move in time to the rhythm. Imagine it… with a catchy rhythm pounding in my head, it goes like this;

“I create my own abundance from an infinite source”
“I create my own energy from an infinite source”
“I create my own health from an infinite source”
“I create my transformation from an infinite source”

It worked like magic!

In fact, I was so energized by this process that I added another element; 
Actions – while jalking! 
Picture this hysterically funny mental image… “white (and definitely can’t move like so many of my  darker skinned sisters) 45-year-old woman – carrying curves at the time that can be described as…well… a whole lot more than generous, almost jogging whilst enthusiastically throwing her arms about and swinging her hips to fit the message that she is determined to drum in to her stubborn sub-conscious mind!”

Laugh if you will… And then my sister… try it!

The turn-around point of this daily walk/jog is at a beautiful little dam. The dogs swim and play and fetch sticks that I throw into the water. For a few minutes, I revel in watching their enjoyment, I take in the view and watch the ducks and the pair of Egyptian Geese that call the dam home. This time, as I turned to leave the dam and head home, something stopped me. I turned and looked back over the dam, a gentle breeze cooled my face, I felt amazing! 

This is it I told myself, this is the wind that brings the change in my life and the lives of my loved ones. Never again will we feel so helpless, never again will we feel so lost for purpose, never again will we be so strapped for cash. We will have enough money to create amazing memories with our family, we will have complete financial freedom. In the process my work will touch and bless the life of every person who crosses my path and needs my help. The breeze stopped and a sense of peace, elation and happiness surrounded me as I jalked home.

Those were the words I had written on Tuesday and Wednesday.

This morning I woke as usual, but today is different. I woke filled with excitement and gratitude, not the burden of fear and worry that has become my constant companion.

The dogs and I left home at 6.30 am. My jalk has almost evolved into a proper jog! 
I approached day 3 slightly differently. With a soul that felt full and blessed and overjoyed at the abundance that I could feel coming my way, my actions as I jogged were not constant and they were less frenetic, I didn’t need them to energize me today. 

Today I ran in peace, serenity and immense joy. Although I repeated the mantra for some sections (only if I felt that I was lagging), there were long stretches that saw me simply jogging, easily and happily.

Let’s see where this journey goes.
Those excerpts are not grammatically correct and edited – they are simple and genuine words that described what I was going through at the time. My transformation had begun, and little did I know that it was the beginning of a miraculous turn in the tide of my life!
At the beginning of this post I wrote this;

When I write my journals, especially in reflection, I write as if I am telling my best friend all about my day.

Only now can I say that in writing to myself I am indeed writing to my best friend! You should try becoming your own best friend! 
It is a million times more rewarding and joyful than being your own worst critic!
With Respect and hope always

Mel Robbins: How To Control Your Mind (USE THIS)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Tired? Depleted? Step One to Raise Your Vibration and Increase Your Energy!

Is it possible to cultivate your state of being so that no matter what happens, you feel safe, peaceful, compassionate, energized, and empowered? What I am talking about is not that you don't feel the whole spectrum of human feelings. Rather, it's how you relate to them. Is it possible to relate to all moments from a baseline of inner freedom, empowered energy, and elevated consciousness?
In this article, we'll explore the first step:
Increase Your Overall Charge or Energetic Power
The first step to raising your baseline vibration is to increase the overall energy you have. In Qigong Meditation the teaching is simple: gather more energy than you expend. When you look at this, it really is common sense. If you are expending as much energy as you have, you deplete yourself. You have nothing left over. The mere thought of doing one thing more, such as taking 10 minutes to improve your state of being is just too much. You're already at the edge of being overloaded, overwhelmed, and exhausted.
Therefore, if you want to cultivate an elevated state of being, it's absolutely essential that you manage your time and effort so you have a surplus of energy. This surplus is what you will use to grow new possibilities. Without this surplus of energy, you will always be just trying to get by, just trying to get everything done, and just trying to survive. Nothing will change.
So, how can you create an energy surplus?
Again, it's really common sense. It involves things most of us know. Yet, often, we're not doing them. The demands of the world compel us to give all our energy to work, tasks, and care for others. They push us to go against what we know is best for ourselves. The irony is that unless we take time to cultivate our own energy, we are less and less effective and useful to others and to the world.
In light of this predicament, gathering a surplus of energy will only happen when we commit to taking one or more small steps each day. These little steps accumulate into large gains as we do them consistently.
Here are some simple ways to build your energetic charge. Perhaps you can choose one or more that feel doable to you right now:
1. Go to bed 30-40 minutes earlier. Even an extra 30 minutes of sleep each night accumulates into a big energy gain over time.
2. Wake up 10 minutes earlier and center yourself using prayer, affirmations, or meditation. How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? No matter how you feel, you'll feel much better if you take the first few minutes upon waking to center your mind.
What if, as you lie in bed, you think of what you are grateful for in your life? This instantly puts you in a better mood. What if you spent a few minutes expressing your thanks in prayer?
What if you take a few minutes to calm yourself by attending to the sensations of breathing? What if you find a place within you that is peaceful by focusing on silence, stillness, and the feeling of spaciousness inside your body? Each of these cues can take the edge off anxiety and connect you to a deeper awareness that is free from tension, worry, and fear.
What if you affirm the deeper qualities you would like to live from such as peace, joy, compassion, and empowerment using simple, positive, present-tense statements such as "I am peaceful. I am joyful. I am compassionate toward myself and others. I am guided and empowered to do what I am here to do today."
Doing any one or all of these first thing in the morning will center your mind and give you a positive reference point to start your day on the right foot as well as a place to return to whenever you need.
3. Set a cellphone reminder to mindfully pause what you are doing. In this moment, pay attention to your breathing, and check in with how you feel and how others around you feel. As a suggestion, you might do this once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once in the evening.
When your reminder goes off, compassionately notice how you are feeling at this moment. Then, take three conscious breaths, paying attention to the sensations of breathing inside your body. Imagine your whole body fills up as you inhale and your whole body empties out as you exhale. Consciously release any thoughts, feelings, and tensions in your breath as you exhale. Then, take note of how others are feeling around you. Extend compassionate awareness toward others.
4. Consider everything you eat and drink in terms of if it is adding to your energy and supporting your health and well-being. Rather than mindlessly gulping, pay attention to everything you consume. Notice how it tastes and how it makes you feel. Notice if you are eating and drinking for nutrition or to counteract something you are feeling. See if you can do this with the mind of a curious observer, to the best of your ability without judgement.
At least once a day, interrupt a habitual unhealthy choice and choose something healthier instead. As a guideline, consider foods and beverages that are fresh, organic, moderate in size, and as close to their natural state as possible.
5. Consider everything you read, watch, or interact with in terms of if it is adding to your energy and supporting your health and well-being. Pay attention to how you feel as consume this information. Notice what state of mind and emotion they put you into. Notice if you are taking in this information for learning and well-being or if it is to counteract something you are feeling.
At least once a day, take a few minutes to read, watch, or interact with information that supports your mental-emotional-spiritual health and well-being.
6. Stand up and move your body once an hour. Exercise for 10 minutes or more every day. Your body is made to move. Just standing up makes a difference. Even a 10-minute walk improves your health and energy. When you move, you circulate blood, which brings energy as oxygen to your cells. You improve digestion, which helps you absorb nutrients. And, you move lymph fluid, which clears toxins from your cells. These are just a few of the benefits of exercise that raise your energy level. So, move in ways you enjoy daily.
As you commit to any one of the above, you'll find your energy level increases. You will be on a path of managing and cultivating your vital energy, rather than overextending and exhausting yourself. With small repeated efforts each day, you will begin to grow your energetic charge.
Are you ready to be free from negative thoughts, feelings, and habits that wear you out and keep you stuck?
Visit my blog for insights, tips, and tools to release stress, boost your health and energy, and find your Clear Quiet Mind. Subscribe for weekly updates and get a free guided meditation!

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Wednesday, September 18, 2019

It's Amazing Isn't It, How Life Can Often Get in the Way?

This year has been one of my busiest ever. Then I suddenly realised that I had locked in outside activities on more than half of every week. And that that was is NOT good. Not for me and certainly not for my health and fitness. SO - time to forget sitting at the computer working on more research and so often shooting out to help with this group or that. Time to focus on what I need to do for me that will also help me as well as everyone else.
FIRST Update my wall chart to include both my commitments for others as well as my new commitments to MYSELF. Which are:-
Walk for at least 1 hour, three times per week. There are beautiful walking areas in my area, somewhere I can start to use the hiking poles I received from my son as part of my Christmas present. Even though the weather has started deteriorating and we are definitely deep into winter, it's never as bad as when I lived in the far south. And I now have the gear to be able to accomplish this.
NEXT Eat good, home cooked food regularly, avoid the foods I shouldn't eat. (Not easy that, I slipped up again as recently as yesterday. OOpsy I promise to do better). My last check up was very good, my health, as usual up to par. I continue to take the medication I need and also the supplements I have found that work for me. I have been and continue to be, aware that I need to care for myself first before I can be of use to others.
AND With that in mind here are my latest thoughts, funnily though these days the stray thoughts just seem to pop up out of nowhere.
"Darn it!! You've reached the big 5-0, or 6-0, or even worse, 7-0 - gulp! What to do now? Do you retire to the sofa as some did in the long ago past? Prepare yourself for "OLD AGE"? - Horrors! Perish the thought.
But - if you are anything like me, you're not READY for old age yet. So, what do you do? Well, when my other half left me a widow, and after the first very long months (of which I have no real recollection) had passed, I suddenly found I was a single person again. A 'mature' single person who didn't know what to do with myself now that I was no longer part of a couple. I tried reclining on a sofa, but I couldn't sit still long enough, so the only alternative was to sit up and think.
As a result I have spent plenty of time since researching ways of staying healthy and fit. For after all, I am now wholly responsible for my own health and fitness. My first forays took me out walking, weather permitting and after a while it no longer took half an hour just to walk into my local village and back. And after an even longer time, I was walking for up to an hour and a half, sometimes covering 5+kilometres.
Today is the day I resume living my life with a healthy work/leisure balance. Today is also the day I commit to updating my blogs more frequently.
And having written the previous, I managed to succumb to a flipping bug, which put me in bed AND on the dreaded sofa, for over 2 weeks!!!!
I finally believe that I might now survive and, with the winter in full swing, (cold windy with too many wet days), I will just have to wrap upon those days I can do so, to take myself down onto the gorgeous walks in my local Karangahake Gorge. I am really looking forward to getting my feet under me again. I have a lovely thick infinity scarf, made last year, & a very windproof jacket, courtesy of my late husband
So, if the rain holds off till after lunch, off I will go.
I WILL get fit again and I now truly believe I will survive this darn bug.
Watch this space!
Hilary A Green, copywriter to the health and insurance industries. Researching and writing about health matters are my major focus these days. Also writing White Papers, newsletters and articles, which takes most of my days. If you want someone to help with the words you need to inform and attract, I can be contacted on

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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Think! Only You Are Responsible For Yourself

What keeps you non-productive? Are you living your life waiting for someone to validate it?
Do you find yourself looking around to see what others have done to see if what you are planning fit in? Some will say, "yes, I have done that, and I only end up frustrated and boxed-in." If that is you too, just know that you can accept labels or be boxed-in.
People ask what you do. Are you a manager? Are you a health professional? Are you a web developer? Are you a marketer? Are you a personal fitness coach? Are you a _____ (you fill in the blank)? Honestly, you don't have a title. Do you want to be defined or confined in one word?
Even though I am a motivational type person, I can never be labeled or boxed-in, and I have always been that way. I remember sitting in a class, and people go around the room stating their name and title. How do I put one label on me? There are so many elements to me. I am into entrepreneurship, into technology, into fitness, and marketing. Whether it holds acceptable or not, I am operating in the assignment that I am given.
When someone tells me to do something, I am notorious for asking 'why.' Do you ask 'why' too or just accept the status quo?

I took a job where they told me when to go to lunch; when to go to the restroom; what I need to do and how I need to do it; how I should think, be, and do. I understand it was because a lot of people can think but don't trust what they see or their ability to make a decision. So, management steps in and defines a structured step-by-step rule to aid that set of people. But those rules hinder the creativity of people like me.
The past two and one-half years I worked there, I made every effort to 'fit in,' and that does not work for me. Why? Created as a free spirit (individualist) who should never be boxed-in, I work well in an unstructured environment. Such an environment allows me to devote my whole self to my work and produce great results.
Have you heard the saying, "If there are boundaries, I will try to knock them down?" Does that describe how you feel? If so, start asking why?

Do you feel like you are intimidated to make decisions? Or when someone tells you to do something, you may not feel good about what they are telling you to do, but you do it anyway because you respect them. Be okay with starting to ask why. Why should I do that? Why do you think I should go this way? Or build this kind of business? Why?
Many times, people get stuck in tradition. Being stuck says, "this is the way it has always been done, so this is the way you should do it." Reality is the way that we flourish, as a world, at any level of history is because somebody had the vision to see we don't have to do it a particular way. Now, you can fly around the world because the Wright Brothers broke the rules.
There are so many things in our lives that people tell us we can do or cannot do. We begin to conform to the opinions of others. That tends to limit our potential because your potential lies in your vision.

The vision that you see when you close your eyes and picture in your thought. It is those moments of inspiration when you imagine yourself doing something, and you are living it out in your mind. And, you feel like you are there, and you are thinking, "Oh my God, this is me." Then you open up your eyes, and you look around, and you are thinking, "Oh, that is not realistic."
  • Fulfilling your potential in life is being unrealistic.
  • Fulfilling your potential in life is breaking the rules.
  • Fulfilling your potential in life is being chancy.
  • Fulfilling your potential in life is not to do what everyone else is doing and not conforming.
  • Fulfilling your potential in life is learning how to align your decision-making and taking the actions according to the vision you see.
Set yourself free to be you. You will be a much better person, employee, entrepreneur, spouse, sibling, overall person.
I've been a rebel all my life. And it was not always in the right way. A lot of it was because I did not see life the way other people see it. I question it and get in discussion for the asking why. Asking why should I have to do it this way. It has gotten me in a lot of friendly conversations. Most of all, it helps me understand others when they take the time to explain their 'why' to me.
The more I have grown; I have realized that I was right. I was challenging a traditional way of doing things. And, some people do not like you to challenge them.
If you feel stuck or controlled, you may need to begin owning being a rebel with a cause. Not in a disrespectful way. A rebel fight against something. That is why a lot of people do not like the term rebel. It is okay if you are battling against something that goes against who you are.
Some of the most successful people I know go against any mediocrity. They fight against being typical. They fight against blending in. They fight against doing things the way everybody else does it because that is the way that they do it.

Ensure that you are doing your work and doing the research about things you doubt you should do. This will allow you to have an honest conversation and let others see why you should not do it a certain way.
If doing something for the sake of 'it has always been done this way' does not fall into alignment with the vision that you have, you may choose not to do it. You can ask 'why?' And, if still, people tell you that you cannot do something your way, you ask why and then go out and show everyone that it can be done.
I hope this article jump-starts your progression to a successful personal and work life. I wish you well.
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