Friday, September 20, 2019

3 Days in my life from early 2018. My journal; By Fiona Burdett

The words below are taken out of my journal from a Tuesday through to a Thursday in February 2018. I have not edited or changed what I wrote at all. I hope this gives you an opportunity to think about how you could use some positive affirmations to help you change the limiting thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve you!
When I write my journals, especially in reflection, I write as if I am telling my best friend all about my day.

I woke even earlier than 5 am and took time to enjoy the sound of the birds outside, before I started my daily meditation. I am currently signed up to Deepak Chopra’s free sample of a 21-day meditation on creating abundance. 
God knows we could use some of that right now!  Why only the free sample? We are, at this point financially broke. I am not mentally or emotionally broken, been there, done that, and pulled myself back up, via a spiritual journey that most of my friends and family would label as downright weird, and distressing enough to get them on their knees praying for the odd-ball that they love so much. (Yes, I am loved, and I am so grateful for that).

So…. In a fascinating combined state of inspiration and heaviness, I play day 2 of the daily meditations that providence has so kindly sent my way… For free!

The mantra that Deepak guides me through on today states this 
“I create my own abundance from an infinite source” 
Instantly I am relieved, exhilarated and inspired! As I dream about becoming a properly published writer and professional speaker who writes for big people (not just kids), and whose musings and speeches will have an impact on people’s lives, this gives me massive encouragement. Should I dare to dream, that my own transformation (that has started on every level except for physically) will give me the platform to help others who have also fought the demons that I do?

At a time when money is scarce, dreaming seems ludicrous (especially in the exhausted farming community that I live in) and daring to dream so big had me doubting my worthiness for this cause. Doubting it with every breath I took, frozen in fear that I had no right to claim that I can help anyone, I found myself finding every excuse not to sit down and write in my blog or even my journal.

Then Deepak’s calm and gentle voice plays from my battered Samsung A5; “I create my own abundance from an infinite source”

Mark is away in Lusaka again, and last night, I fell asleep after bawling my eyes out listening to Lisa Nichols – amazing woman that she is. One of the many things she reminds us of, is that where we find our lives right now, is a direct result of the choices we have made. Yes – we have chosen this path – for whatever reason that we do or don’t yet understand – we write the story of our own lives; the pen is in our own hand and guess what…… It always has been!

So… Deepak’s affirmation that the abundance I create is from an “infinite source” is what really uplifted me. I need only to look around me to observe the abundance of the universe – it’s incredible when you stop to take it in. If I have that immeasurable energy & love to draw from, and I know I do, then why am I so scared? This isn’t even about me, this is about my duty, my responsibility, to offer my whole true self in all its shining light to every person who crosses my path.

I headed out a little later, on my almost daily walk. I used to be a runner, but my I have filled my own head with all sorts of sexy and very convincing excuses (That’s the problem with being good with words – you even believe your own BS) Now I am just a walker. That’s not all bad though – I love my walks, but I often walk slowly – my back is stiff and sore. 
Today – inspired by Deepak’s glorious words I started repeating the mantra out loud as I took our dogs out into the African bush.
“I create my own abundance from an infinite source” 

By Jove it works! I notice the breath-taking beauty around me, I quickly become energized and excited about my day and even my whole future – with the infinite abundance around me, and ready to help me to serve my life’s purpose, who am I to doubt its potential?

Being a learner in fully grasping this whole abundance concept I decide that more specific language is required to rewire this worry-some sub-conscious mind of mine, so I get more specific – I am a slow learner you see.

My mantra goes thus
“I create my own abundance from an infinite source”
“I create my own energy from an infinite source”
“I create my own health from an infinite source”

Did you notice? I am simply dealing with the lies I have told myself. That’s why I got down to specifics – my ADD/creative brain is so practiced at thinking of 20 angles at once that if I only say abundance – then even as I am saying it, there are a myriad of little voices in my head that just love to argue the case of scarcity and difficulty; 

Abundance is just a trendy non-specific word, what does it even mean? 
I am WAAAAY too much of a thinker to just buy in to this trendy vibing crap! 

And so, the list of sneaky little doubts goes on. 

I am incredible like that – when it comes to jaded, cynical doubt that I use to convince myself that I am of great emotional intelligence, and better than the other suckers who fall for this crap – I can pack it in sister.      I can pack it in faster than the speed of light.

Again, the mantra works! Before I know it and without having planned it, I start jogging. Look…. It’s a hilarious version of a jog okay! It’s slower than a 90-year-old tortoise and less elegant! Speed-walkers go faster than that jog! I am not joking! But it’s a jog! Perhaps it’s more of a hybrid between a walk and a jog? Should I call that a jalk? Hehehe – Fiona you are such a weirdo!

With the knowledge that it is not only wise, but also important, for us to celebrate our micro-wins and stack them up into macro-wins, in my head I embraced my huge achievement! 
For me…… my tortoise-jog/jalk was a macro win of monu-f****ing-mental proportions! 
I mean shucks – a week ago I couldn’t even walk 1km without pain, my back wouldn’t allow it and yet here I was…. Jalking!
I broke up the jogs/jalks with intermittent short walks but for 6km I jalked more than I walked and… I loved it!

In the final stretch my mantra changed just a little - “I create my own health from an infinite source” Became, “I create my own healing from an infinite source” Why? Any exertion creates micro damage in our muscles – I needed to block out my own story that I start well and then get injuries. I also need to believe that my back can handle this.

The dogs and I went out again.  I started with a walk of about 1km before I broke in to my comical jalk. 
Again, I contemplated the glorious abundance around me, again I felt uplifted and excited. Again, my mind was filled with inspiration; 
I am aiming to help people to transform their lives – my own transformation is a vital part of that. I decided to add that to my already specific mantra which was fast becoming more of a hysterical white-girl rapping session than a gentle meditation/affirmation. (Hilarious to watch I tell you, utterly hilarious.)

When I listen to music or sing anything at the same time as walking or jalking, I absolutely must move in time to the rhythm. Imagine it… with a catchy rhythm pounding in my head, it goes like this;

“I create my own abundance from an infinite source”
“I create my own energy from an infinite source”
“I create my own health from an infinite source”
“I create my transformation from an infinite source”

It worked like magic!

In fact, I was so energized by this process that I added another element; 
Actions – while jalking! 
Picture this hysterically funny mental image… “white (and definitely can’t move like so many of my  darker skinned sisters) 45-year-old woman – carrying curves at the time that can be described as…well… a whole lot more than generous, almost jogging whilst enthusiastically throwing her arms about and swinging her hips to fit the message that she is determined to drum in to her stubborn sub-conscious mind!”

Laugh if you will… And then my sister… try it!

The turn-around point of this daily walk/jog is at a beautiful little dam. The dogs swim and play and fetch sticks that I throw into the water. For a few minutes, I revel in watching their enjoyment, I take in the view and watch the ducks and the pair of Egyptian Geese that call the dam home. This time, as I turned to leave the dam and head home, something stopped me. I turned and looked back over the dam, a gentle breeze cooled my face, I felt amazing! 

This is it I told myself, this is the wind that brings the change in my life and the lives of my loved ones. Never again will we feel so helpless, never again will we feel so lost for purpose, never again will we be so strapped for cash. We will have enough money to create amazing memories with our family, we will have complete financial freedom. In the process my work will touch and bless the life of every person who crosses my path and needs my help. The breeze stopped and a sense of peace, elation and happiness surrounded me as I jalked home.

Those were the words I had written on Tuesday and Wednesday.

This morning I woke as usual, but today is different. I woke filled with excitement and gratitude, not the burden of fear and worry that has become my constant companion.

The dogs and I left home at 6.30 am. My jalk has almost evolved into a proper jog! 
I approached day 3 slightly differently. With a soul that felt full and blessed and overjoyed at the abundance that I could feel coming my way, my actions as I jogged were not constant and they were less frenetic, I didn’t need them to energize me today. 

Today I ran in peace, serenity and immense joy. Although I repeated the mantra for some sections (only if I felt that I was lagging), there were long stretches that saw me simply jogging, easily and happily.

Let’s see where this journey goes.
Those excerpts are not grammatically correct and edited – they are simple and genuine words that described what I was going through at the time. My transformation had begun, and little did I know that it was the beginning of a miraculous turn in the tide of my life!
At the beginning of this post I wrote this;

When I write my journals, especially in reflection, I write as if I am telling my best friend all about my day.

Only now can I say that in writing to myself I am indeed writing to my best friend! You should try becoming your own best friend! 
It is a million times more rewarding and joyful than being your own worst critic!
With Respect and hope always

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