Tuesday, September 17, 2019

My Own Miraculous Weight-Loss Journey! By Fiona Burdett

I had reached a stage of total despair. I had tried almost every diet out there, & often succeeded, only to pile it all back on again.

I had a pretty good understanding of what worked for me diet-wise, and what didn’t.
I had learned a lot about fitness and knew exactly what I should be doing to avoid injury in the process.

With all this knowledge, I would go on diet after diet – in the early years, in my 20’s and 30’s, the diets were more successful than they were by the time I reached my 40’s, but even so, before I turned 40, my weight fluctuated massively. In my 40’s weight-loss became harder and harder to achieve and it seemed that gaining weight became easier and easier!

As I write this – I am 47 years old. The last 2 years have been miraculous! I lost 35 kg; which came off in a period of about 8 to 9 months (I wasn’t watching that closely to be honest, I was already happy!) Even now at my age, this weight loss journey has been the easiest, most enjoyable & by far the most successful, that I have been on since I first started dieting at the tender age of 17!

Eating healthily has become as easy as I used to believe over-eating was. My fitness regime has been sporadic and less of a “calorie-burning” campaign than it has ever been in 30 years! Not to say that I recommend a haphazard fitness campaign – but that’s just the truth about what my year has been like.

Do you believe that you are too old to lose weight easily?
Do you believe that you are genetically destined to be overweight?
Do you believe that your metabolism is now too slow for you to ever reach your ideal weight again?
I call B**lSH*T………. Yes – you know what I mean!

I had those same lines, and several other stories ‘down-pat’ in my head too, and I believed them with all my heart & soul!

I have been on a brutal and treacherous campaign against my own body for many years. For a short time when I was very young – I became borderline anorexic in weight and fully anorexic in behaviour and mentality. (Note the use of the word borderline, it’s hard for Fifo to get too thin)

I have been gorgeous, healthy, fit and trim – many times- for a short while each time.

I have been varying degrees of overweight to downright morbidly obese – many times – for longer periods and higher weights each time.

During my stages of being healthy, fit & trim; even with all the knowledge that I had gained over the years – I always made the same mistakes!
I repeated the patterns time & again –
STEP 1: Get trim & fit by under-eating & over exercising

STEP 2: Maintain that for varying time periods each time

STEP 3: Start playing out a whole new set of stories in my head…
·       I can’t maintain my goal-weight if I don’t exercise!
·       I missed 2 days of running because of shin-splints – I am going to put on weight!
·       I am exhausted & feeling burned out but if I stop this regime, I will just get fat again!
·       I would rather avoid social occasions because I cant even eat one “cheat” meal without getting fat
And so, the list of worries & fears went on, it was a minefield.
STEP 4: Start “cheating” by eating the wrong foods, just a little bit here & there
STEP 5: Feel devastated and disappointed in myself and naturally…. Eat more to make me feel better
STEP 6: Feel Even Worse & Eat More & More, by now the fitness plan is completely abandoned & I am gaining weight rapidly…….
I think you get the picture!
Now, my life is very different! I am relaxed, I have loved this weight-loss journey – when winter came and I put on just a little bit of weight, I wasn’t worried, and as the warm weather arrived, I just shed that weight again, in less than 2 weeks, easy! I know that I will maintain my ideal weight for the rest of my life.
The excruciating back-pain that used to torture me 24/7 is gone and I have an abundance of energy and wellness. My peri-menopausal symptoms have all but disappeared, my libido is in top form and I am feeling great!
What changed?
My mind changed!
By learning how to change those stories that I was so attached to, I quite literally transformed my body and my life.

I stopped telling myself that weight loss was hard.
I stopped telling myself that my metabolism was slow… and that I was getting old, that I was ugly and fat and that I wasn’t losing weight.

Even on the days when I was pretty sure I was not losing weight – I reminded myself that the weight was literally falling off me.

Even more importantly – I began to be kind to myself. I replaced hurtful self-criticism with words of kindness.
Yes, even weighing in at over 100kg (224 pounds) I told myself every day that I am Youthful and beautiful among'st a long list of other kind & encouraging words. I became my own loving parent to a tender toddler.

Obviously, a physical strategy was necessary too, but I had tried them all before. I needed to create change from within in order to achieve successful & lasting change on a physical level! 
I had proved this to myself enough times that I knew I had to dig deep into my own mind, heart and soul.
To learn more, I humbly ask you to keep following me, more and more posts on this blog will be my own and I will continue to post you on my social media platforms, as much value as I can produce as well as curate for your benefit.
Thanks for sticking with me!

With Respect & Hope always

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