Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Only Plan is Plan A: By Fiona Burdett

It is my firm belief, that with any goal you work towards, or any plan you make; if you have a Plan B… then that’s your plan!
Let me repeat that, this time in bold and italics;

If you have a plan B, then that’s your plan!

Am I suggesting that whatever goals you aim at, even if they are risky and downright terrifying, you shouldn’t have a fall-back plan as a safety net?

I am not suggesting that!
I am stating it categorically, and in bold italics!

Furthermore, if your Plan A doesn’t have you trembling with fear at the same time as being elated with the possibilities that it could bring, then honey; you ain’t aiming high enough!

The same applies to your health and your weight.
Do you, in the back of your mind, ever hear those little voices? No, I am not certifiable (not officially anyway) but think about those little voices and the things they say…
·       I am happy like I am!
·       I don’t want to become obsessed with my weight so it’s better for me and everyone around me if I just accept my fate.
·       I am just too exhausted to put myself and my family though the rigors of me being on another difficult diet.

Whatever your little voices may be saying to you, as an excuse to not try again; I urge you to search your soul a little deeper
·       Are you truly happy as you are? If you are, then well done! No further action required.
·       Are you truly healthy as you are? Will your current size support longevity and vitality?
·       Do you think that your health is important?
·       Can you believe that losing weight could be fun and without “obsession” or a sense of deprivation? If not, then you have a lot of work ahead of you!

      Once you believe that weight-loss is easy, once you believe that weight-loss will succeed, then setting up a routine that supports you plans and also fits in with your family, your busy schedule and even your social life, becomes natural and non-stressful.
      It all boils down to how you represent it to yourself.    
     Think about it logically; If you believe that weight-loss is such a challenge then will you see the difficulties of how to fit it in to the demands of your life?   
     If you believe that weight-loss is easy, and your health is just as important as the demands of your family or your job, then will you find and create manageable possibilities that soon become natural routines, that you, and your family no longer even think about as unusual?     Can you believe that if you start to celebrate food as wonderful fuel, that nourishes your body, that your body might derive more benefit from it?   
     Do you think that by associating food with guilt and anticipated weight gain alone, you are benefiting your body or your brain in any way?   
          If you are too exhausted right now, then work first, on changing your mind! Your health and your size will follow suit and, it will be fun.    

Those little voices that hold you back are simply your limiting beliefs trying their best to keep you in the familiar zone that your sub-conscious mind finds so comfortable. They are stating the case for Plan B. (For example: I will learn to accept my extra weight as being okay and I will find peace with that)     
The problem with Plan B, is that it is always within your comfort zone and that, is exactly what you need to break away from!     
If you even entertain Plan B, then Plan B is all that you will achieve. This is not just about how we look my friend; If you believe that your current weight is healthy, and that you truly can accept the size you are right now; then great and as I said before; No further action required!
If, however, you are serious about losing weight, once and for all, if you love the idea of reaching your ideal weight and easily maintaining it for life, then you must learn to first change your mind!
Ditch Plan B, give yourself no alternative. Health and weight-loss must your only option.   Believe that you will achieve it & celebrate your milestones and wins along the way (don’t celebrate by eating cakes and junk – use you head please!)
        Maintain internal and external dialogue that supports you new mindset and body, for life!

Maintenance is key and, you should realize by now that I am referring to maintenance of your mind!
Once you are losing weight and even before you have reached your goal weight – the joyous journey of maintaining your new positive dialogue patterns, will continue to deliver revelations regularly. This is a joyful and liberating process.
Remember that your external dialogues (the words you say out loud) are just as important as your internal dialogue, don’t confuse yourself by telling yourself every day how well you are doing while using negative statements about yourself out loud.

Always respect the immense power of words. The quality of your life is hugely dependent on the words that you use!

Consider the words and phrases that are holding you back and not serving you. Remember that this applies, not only to weight-loss but in fact to all areas of your life.
You have 2 options;
1    Use language that builds you and supports you.
2    Use language that holds you back, keeps you where you are and does not serve you.

I am so stupid.            Is this a belief that will serve you? Say it out loud often enough and your sub-conscious mind will accept it as the truth. Your actions and your decisions will then fall in line to support this belief!

Your sub-conscious mind is, in fact, 90% of your mind, and my friend, that 90% is powerful!  Your sub-conscious mind has no filter, it absorbs and accepts every bit of information that it receives, good or bad, complimentary or downright unfair. In so doing, it creates our deep-seated unconscious beliefs of which, many are self-limiting beliefs. In turn, our actions then do us the glorious disfavor of upholding the lies that we tell ourselves (our self-limiting beliefs).
First, we create our thoughts and beliefs, and then our thoughts and beliefs create us.
We all do this to ourselves so often;
Eeeough I look terrible,
I am not clever,
I have no talents,
I am a slow learner,
I am such a plonker!
Don’t let those statements become part of your subconscious blueprint! Do you suppose that someone like Richard Branson believes he is stupid, or not good enough? Can you imagine that a large part of the reason that he is so successful is because he always believed that he could achieve the things that he has?
Even for losing weight, you can use the strategy that millionaires use for achieving success;

Believe it is possible and give yourself no other option!
The Only Plan, is plan A
Fiona Burdett

Thanks for reading & Look Out For My Upcoming Book; 
Change Your Mind, Change Your Size
I will keep you informed on this blog and all my social media platforms about its release!

With Respect & Hope Always

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