Thursday, September 19, 2019

Tired? Depleted? Step One to Raise Your Vibration and Increase Your Energy!

Is it possible to cultivate your state of being so that no matter what happens, you feel safe, peaceful, compassionate, energized, and empowered? What I am talking about is not that you don't feel the whole spectrum of human feelings. Rather, it's how you relate to them. Is it possible to relate to all moments from a baseline of inner freedom, empowered energy, and elevated consciousness?
In this article, we'll explore the first step:
Increase Your Overall Charge or Energetic Power
The first step to raising your baseline vibration is to increase the overall energy you have. In Qigong Meditation the teaching is simple: gather more energy than you expend. When you look at this, it really is common sense. If you are expending as much energy as you have, you deplete yourself. You have nothing left over. The mere thought of doing one thing more, such as taking 10 minutes to improve your state of being is just too much. You're already at the edge of being overloaded, overwhelmed, and exhausted.
Therefore, if you want to cultivate an elevated state of being, it's absolutely essential that you manage your time and effort so you have a surplus of energy. This surplus is what you will use to grow new possibilities. Without this surplus of energy, you will always be just trying to get by, just trying to get everything done, and just trying to survive. Nothing will change.
So, how can you create an energy surplus?
Again, it's really common sense. It involves things most of us know. Yet, often, we're not doing them. The demands of the world compel us to give all our energy to work, tasks, and care for others. They push us to go against what we know is best for ourselves. The irony is that unless we take time to cultivate our own energy, we are less and less effective and useful to others and to the world.
In light of this predicament, gathering a surplus of energy will only happen when we commit to taking one or more small steps each day. These little steps accumulate into large gains as we do them consistently.
Here are some simple ways to build your energetic charge. Perhaps you can choose one or more that feel doable to you right now:
1. Go to bed 30-40 minutes earlier. Even an extra 30 minutes of sleep each night accumulates into a big energy gain over time.
2. Wake up 10 minutes earlier and center yourself using prayer, affirmations, or meditation. How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? No matter how you feel, you'll feel much better if you take the first few minutes upon waking to center your mind.
What if, as you lie in bed, you think of what you are grateful for in your life? This instantly puts you in a better mood. What if you spent a few minutes expressing your thanks in prayer?
What if you take a few minutes to calm yourself by attending to the sensations of breathing? What if you find a place within you that is peaceful by focusing on silence, stillness, and the feeling of spaciousness inside your body? Each of these cues can take the edge off anxiety and connect you to a deeper awareness that is free from tension, worry, and fear.
What if you affirm the deeper qualities you would like to live from such as peace, joy, compassion, and empowerment using simple, positive, present-tense statements such as "I am peaceful. I am joyful. I am compassionate toward myself and others. I am guided and empowered to do what I am here to do today."
Doing any one or all of these first thing in the morning will center your mind and give you a positive reference point to start your day on the right foot as well as a place to return to whenever you need.
3. Set a cellphone reminder to mindfully pause what you are doing. In this moment, pay attention to your breathing, and check in with how you feel and how others around you feel. As a suggestion, you might do this once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once in the evening.
When your reminder goes off, compassionately notice how you are feeling at this moment. Then, take three conscious breaths, paying attention to the sensations of breathing inside your body. Imagine your whole body fills up as you inhale and your whole body empties out as you exhale. Consciously release any thoughts, feelings, and tensions in your breath as you exhale. Then, take note of how others are feeling around you. Extend compassionate awareness toward others.
4. Consider everything you eat and drink in terms of if it is adding to your energy and supporting your health and well-being. Rather than mindlessly gulping, pay attention to everything you consume. Notice how it tastes and how it makes you feel. Notice if you are eating and drinking for nutrition or to counteract something you are feeling. See if you can do this with the mind of a curious observer, to the best of your ability without judgement.
At least once a day, interrupt a habitual unhealthy choice and choose something healthier instead. As a guideline, consider foods and beverages that are fresh, organic, moderate in size, and as close to their natural state as possible.
5. Consider everything you read, watch, or interact with in terms of if it is adding to your energy and supporting your health and well-being. Pay attention to how you feel as consume this information. Notice what state of mind and emotion they put you into. Notice if you are taking in this information for learning and well-being or if it is to counteract something you are feeling.
At least once a day, take a few minutes to read, watch, or interact with information that supports your mental-emotional-spiritual health and well-being.
6. Stand up and move your body once an hour. Exercise for 10 minutes or more every day. Your body is made to move. Just standing up makes a difference. Even a 10-minute walk improves your health and energy. When you move, you circulate blood, which brings energy as oxygen to your cells. You improve digestion, which helps you absorb nutrients. And, you move lymph fluid, which clears toxins from your cells. These are just a few of the benefits of exercise that raise your energy level. So, move in ways you enjoy daily.
As you commit to any one of the above, you'll find your energy level increases. You will be on a path of managing and cultivating your vital energy, rather than overextending and exhausting yourself. With small repeated efforts each day, you will begin to grow your energetic charge.
Are you ready to be free from negative thoughts, feelings, and habits that wear you out and keep you stuck?
Visit my blog for insights, tips, and tools to release stress, boost your health and energy, and find your Clear Quiet Mind. Subscribe for weekly updates and get a free guided meditation!

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