Wednesday, February 26, 2020

You Are The Problem, & Therefore... You Are The Solution!

It took me SO long to understand...
That I was the Problem... And Therefore....
I was The Solution!
I thought that my Body Was Never Going to Work With Me
I believed That I was Genetically Doomed to Poor Health
And I was Convinced That My Metabolism Was SHOT and Could Never Recover...

Are You feeling that your life is not fully in Your control?

Perhaps it's Your weight that You cant seem to fix?
Perhaps your career is at a dead-end?
Maybe You are feeling financially strangled?

You Are The Problem, & Therefore... You Are The Solution!

As long as You believe that Your body struggles to release weight.... then so it will be.
As long as You believe that You have no option but to sit it out in Your miserable job... then so you will make it.
As long as You believe that money is hard to make and there just ain't enough to go round... then that's the reality you will create!

Sound like a bunch of baloney?

Think about this....

As long as You believe that Your body struggles to release weight; will you make decisions at a conscious and subconscious level to shed the extra weight off your body or will you, in time, sabotage yourself (sometimes subtly at first) every time you do start to make good healthy decisions?

As long as You believe that You have no option but to sit it out in Your miserable job; will you ferociously look for and create other options or will you simply stay-put? After all... there are no other options... Are there?

As long as You believe that money is hard to make and there just ain't enough to go round; will you fearlessly and boldly move ahead into businesses or new exciting careers that will reward you abundantly, or will you remain stagnant and ever fearful about stepping out of the security of the small earnings with which you are so familiar?

When a new client signs on with me for coaching, I can always tell pretty quickly how fast she will start seeing results.

It has nothing to do with how desperate she might be feeling.
It has very little to do with which particular plan she will follow

And it has EVERYTHING to do with whether she acknowledges the power that her beliefs have over her actions and even her very biology!

What I have noticed with my clients is a trend that literally applies every time!

The ladies that work soonest at changing their beliefs, get results the quickest; as I said

We all need to acknowledge those beliefs that hold us back
and then we need to change them.... AND FAST

I want to save you tons of time and frustration by sharing what I’ve learned. You see… you DON’T have to waste time getting frustrated and starting over… If You Learn How to Change Your Mind Faster Then.... You can become the best version of You FASTER and without all the heartache.

I’m so grateful to be on this journey with you!!
Remember the importance of association;  Proximity is POWER. The closer you are to the people who are doing what you want to do, the more powerful you become;

I have Changed my Mind & Changed My Size
I have Changed my Mind & Changed My Life!

Let me Show You How You can Too!

For 1 on 1 coaching  CLICK HERE to Book Your Free Zero-Obligations Quote & Free Assessment Call

Also Take a Look At My Online Courses to Change Your Mind & Change Your Size

Our Easter Promotion is on NOW & Seats are Filling Fast So Hurry!

Everybody Benefits From a Coach
Give Yourself Your Best Chance!

With Loads of Love

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Stop Fearing Rejection & Be The Real You | Marie Forleo on Impact Theory

The three secrets of resilient people | Lucy Hone | TEDxChristchurch

How to make stress your friend | Kelly McGonigal

Stanford Psychologist Reveals One Change That Will Dramatically Improve Your Life | Kelly McGonigal

What Foods Feed Your Brain? (Pt. 2) | Max Lugavere | LIFESTYLE | Rubin Report

The 9 Best Ketogenic Diet Ingredients

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

He Explains in 51 Seconds Everything That's Holding You Back | Les Brown on Impact Theory

This Trick Makes You Immune To Illness | Wim Hof on Impact Theory

Why You Should Quit Sugar, Appreciate Anxiety, and Experiment With Everything | Sarah Wilson

Intermittent Fasting: Why Fast Time is More Important Than Length

OMAD vs 2MAD - Which Is Better (One Meal A Day or Two) 28,362 views•Feb 17, 2020

If You Can’t Change Your Emotions Do This Instead | Hal Elrod on Impact Theory

Think you're lazy? Watch this. Mel Robbins

Friday, February 14, 2020

Are Your Obligations Weighing You Down? It's Valentines Day & I am Reminding You To Give Yourself Love Too!

Do you know what the biggest challenge around personal evolution is? …
Especially when not everything is... shall we say... going as planned?
It’s a moment when you look at all the work you’re doing and still have to do, and all the million things you feel like you are juggling in your life, and you find yourself thinking...
“OMG. This is WAAAAY too much.”
Tell me, when life feels like too much, what’s the first thing to go?
It is ALWAYS Your self-care..... Right?
It is ALWAYS everything you’re doing to develop your own sense of personal mastery, and step into your full potential to hit your next level.
Why is that?
We were all raised to be selfless and practical; and personal progress, personal development & mastery feels like an indulgence.... nice to have, but not the stuff that pays the bills.
I hate to burst your bubble sister but that is all messed up!
That is not how the most successful people in the world do it...
And they are the Tycoons, They are the Health Guru's....... Are you?
When you set aside your desire to reach your full potential... there are negative side effects that are far more destructive...
You stop showing up for yourself, you stop learning, you stop exploring, you even stop questioning, and diving deeper into your personal power becomes a fun fantasy....
which in your mind... is for the lucky ones... not you.
Then... you stop taking action to reach your next level and achieve the transformation that you had been working towards
and you slump back... into the familiar misery of your comfort zone.... wondering why you cant maintain the excitement, the motivation.
It is so easy to get bogged down by all the "stuff"... that heavy, mundane stuff that is part of our daily challenges;
work, finances, toxic relationships, obligations, you name it... we've all got it.... but when we get bogged down...
We allow that "stuff" to hold us back and prevent us from pushing forward in our lives.
But don’t worry, It happens, it's a challenge... and I want you to remember this...
We are not defined by our challenges but we can define ourselves by the way we rise up to those challenges!
Remember that if you are not up-leveling your life
You are not showing up for ANYBODY as your best YOU!
Make that Self-Care a priority again RIGHT NOW!
You owe this to yourself and all your loved ones!
Today IS Valentines day... Fill your own cup first in order that you have a full cup to offer rather than an empty vessel!
You've Got This
This comes on this Valentines Day with Loads of Love from Me to You
PS: Remember those awesome Valentines Special Offers? Save Up to $3208 on this 1-Time Value Offer Of The Decade. The Prices Will Never Be This Low Again
PSS: Click Here to Launch Your Self-Care to The Next Level!

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Why You don't Yet Love Yourself & How You Can Change That

It is crucial to love yourself!
If you don't love yourself, it is really hard to get real love from someone else.
So often people decide that they will do everything in their power to earn love from someone else
You know the story....
"I am going to look super-hot all the time so that he is besotted with me"
"I am going to be super-successful so that this woman loves me"
"I am going to be ultra independent so that this man is impressed with me"
"I am going to be totally indispensable so that he can't live without me"
Whatever it takes, so often we chase after love and that is a mistake
Love is not something to be earned, or worked for.
Love is not something that you should run after or trade for a set of actions or behaviors...
If you want to find love there is only one thing that you should change...
That thing is not the way you look; Its not the shape of your body, or your weight, it's not the amount of money you earn and its not what you wear. It's not your age or the color of your hair...
So what is it that you should change so that you can find love?
All you need to change is your own belief about how lovable you are!
The problem with relying on any other person to fill that gap and show you how lovable you are... is that that person can leave, or that person may pass away.
The longest relationship of your entire life is the one that you have with yourself, and when you fall in love with yourself you never get bored of you, you don't get restless or think about leaving; You are with You... for life!
The other amazing thing is that once you love yourself, once you KNOW that you are lovable; you easily attract real love from others.
If you are in a relationship with someone else right now and feeling unloved...
Before you change anything... change your relationship with yourself.
"Not as easy as it sounds Fifo" I hear you thinking...
It all comes down to that same re-programming that I talk about all the time
Look at yourself in the mirror every single morning and tell yourself
I LOVE you
I LOVE you because you are SO LOVABLE
The reason why you love yourself must simply be because you are lovable....
Not because you are pretty
Not because you are good at your job
Not because you are a great parent or a loving sibling...
The reason why you love yourself must simply be because you are lovable....
All other reasons carry a "condition" for you to be loved,
Being loved simply because you are lovable is unconditional... it's just how you are!
Say this to yourself as often as you can. Retrain your subconscious mind and imprint this new truth so powerfully in to your mind that soon you will believe it.
When you believe you are lovable, others will see you as lovable!
If you would love 1 on 1 coaching with me; Fiona then email me here and let's talk.
Until Then... Make this Day Great
You've Got This!
Change Your Mind
Change Your Life!

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Focus on What You Fear.... And See Where You Land!

Life can be so difficult, and beautiful, it can be utterly disappointing, and incredibly rewarding.
Reaching for your dreams can be terrifying, and exciting, and it can test you until you feel that you are about to break.
John Burroughs said 
"Leap and the net will appear"
So.... leap we did!
And then, working our butts off; we waited for that net to appear.
We believed in this business, we believed the risk we took would pan out, and that all our time and investment would make it worth while.
Have you ever taken a leap like that?
Sometimes it feels as though you have jumped off that cliff, believing that the risk you have taken to make this dream work, will all be worth it, 
and then 
before you know it; 
you are watching the jagged rocks below (You know, those rocks at the bottom of the cliff that you jumped off with so much hope) 
Those rocks are sharp and deadly and as you hurtle towards them your stomach contracts...
And you prepare for impact!
Even as we tumbled downwards towards those rocks, thinking that we were doing all we could to avoid them, the truth was, that our awareness was too contracted; while we waited for that net, we thought we were trying everything to get this business soaring
But the thing is, if you keep you head down and your eyes on those rocks.... you only get to them faster!
And with your head down... all you can see...
is those rocks!
The jagged details on those terrifying boulders became more and more vivid as we neared them
so suddenly in a panic, we tried a new tactic.....
We flapped our arms, like drunkards doing the chicken dance
And... to our utter shock and consternation... we kept hurtling downwards...
Of course we did.... why had we expected anything else?
Had we expected that our mad elbow-flapping frenzy would lift us up and save us?
Where had we gone wrong?
Had we gone wrong at all?
This is the point that you CAN choose!
You CAN literally defy gravity...
But not by repeating the same actions (head down and eyes on disaster) whilst simply waiting for that net to appear
and not by panicking and flapping those elbows wildly either!
When I analyzed how we had approached this, it hit me... we have lived in Africa all our lives
On this beautiful and challenging continent; there is no safety-net
There is no social welfare that is truly capable of uplifting anyone,
There is no dole, no grants, there is barely even good quality, free medical care!
We have grown up always expecting to be resourceful and create our own solutions
We have also learned that turning to others for mentoring and guidance is the easiest way to force your eyes open to new possibilities and answers..
And so our eyes opened properly at last!
Even while we hurtled downwards, we took a deep calming breath, stilled our mad-flapping elbows, and asked for help and mentoring...
Then, with guidance, our awareness gradually expanded, our eyes opened, our rapid nose-dive slowed and time even, seemed to slow down in our favour. 
Gradually we grew our OWN wings, big beautiful wings, that seemed to span so far that not only did they lift us out of reach of those dreaded rocks, they even shielded us from the scorching sun...
You see we always knew the answers, we already had the solutions, we just couldn't see them.
Have ever felt that you are heading towards disaster? 
Perhaps it is your health that you are worrying about.
Perhaps you are gaining weight and think that you don't know why or how.
Perhaps it is financial and you feel that you are getting deeper and deeper in to debt without knowing how to get out of it.
Perhaps its a relationship issue with your husband or even your child and you can see things getting worse and worse, but believe that you don't know what to do about it.
You do!
But as long as your head is down, all you can see is those rocks
With your eyes only focused on that deadly landing, and your mind and body contracted in to a tight hard ball you are only going to reach the rocks faster. 
Fear is powerful
You can use it as a motivator to push you in the right direction OR
You can let it suck you downwards, and the best way to do that, is to focus only on that fear.
What you fill your mind with has IMMENSE power over your life....
So, recognize the fear and know that you do NOT want that and then... 
fill your mind with the exciting positives of achieving that beautiful goal that had you jumping off that cliff in the first place!
Always ask for mentoring, get guidance and soon your eyes will be opened.
As your awareness expands you quickly see, that you do already know how to not only avoid those rocks, but to soar on beautiful wings to your purpose and destiny.
You owe the VERY best of yourself to you
You owe the very best of yourself to your loved ones and
You owe the very best of yourself to this world
Know your fears, but focus on your positive outcomes
If you look towards those rocks, that's where you will end up
When you lift your head 
and open your eyes to other possibilities and approaches that are all around you
Then you will find that you can spread your wings... 
and you don't need that net
Who wants to land on a net anyway, when they could be soaring through the air on their own strong wings?
Nets only get you in a tangle, wings make you limitless.
Expand your awareness so that you can become one of those people who always seeks and finds solutions.
There is no problem without it's solution but we usually wear blindfolds that keep us from seeing those solutions.
In almost every problem area of your life;
You are the problem
and You are the solution!
Thanks for reading!
PS. I am SUPER excited and proud of the content of My Online Courses. I have put so much love, thought, experiencing and care into them that I can honestly tell you that I am more confident and happy about them than ever! There is Free Video Training for You so go and take a peek... jump off that cliff and I will show You how to Spread Your Own Beautiful Wings
PSS: Remember our fantastic 8-week Fitness Program? Its up and ready for You Now So Get Started Now in the privacy and comfort of your own home!
PSSS: If you are a foodie then those healthy recipe books are Here as well! Prepare delicious meals without any of the guilt and... Your family will love them too!