Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Keep Moving Forward... No Matter How Uncomfortable it May Get!

YIKES! This week has been filled with Tech-No-Logical challenges! Take note of how I split that word up! That is exactly how it felt... I could see NO LOGIC in the Technical challenges that seemed to mount up this week, faster than I could say “Oh Sh*T!”

When our business online funnels (For those of you that don’t know what an online funnel is… It’s only the most important step of running your online business. So, NO BIGGY!), just stopped working,     my good-ole self-limiting beliefs absolutely-bloody rejoiced as they sucked me back in to that old minefield of explosive limiting thoughts...
Fiona you are not clever enough to grow this business!
Who the heck do you think you are, putting your business online?
You must have created this problem because you are not capable enough!
Fiona you are not good enough to follow through on this dream...

Goodness... this head was spinning... the great part is that the one old dialogue, that had no chance to even get a look-in was the one about my weight... The now hilarious bagginess (that proper Elephant-Bum look) of my shorts and in fact, of ALL of my old wardrobe, that used to be too tight to wear, and the ever improving feeling of health and well-being, now speak louder than any of those old weight-related voices, to the point that even thinking about those old stories is now just amusing!
What a joy is that?

So... whilst still battling against the voices of insecurity about growing this business online, I have been able to use my victories with my weight and my health to remind me that this too is a process. I will keep focusing on that absolutely beautiful end result... it is unfolding perfectly before my eyes and will continue to grow at a rate that is something that we are so grateful for and excited about!

That's how I did it with my weight.... I kept focusing on that beautiful end result, there were times that I felt I was aiming towards an impossible dream,      but I kept re-aligning myself, time & again.... and not only are the results something that have me waking up every single morning feeling overjoyed and grateful; the journey has been the easiest and most enjoyable weight loss journey of my entire life!
Anyhow... back to my tech-no-logical challenges... after immediately assuming that it was MY stupidity and short-comings that had created the problem... it turns out that the issues were from the side of our provider... not me at all!
So.... I could breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the No-Logical side that I had naturally blamed on ME.... was not about ME or my lack of ability at all, in fact; I can proudly proclaim that my "techy" knowledge has grown this year beyond anything I ever imagined!

We all do that to ourselves don't we? We call it "taking responsibility". That's a great thing to do... if it’s true... but so often, us women automatically indulge in self-blame and self-doubt and that is often why we battle with our weight too!
I use the word “indulge” on purpose because those old stories & limiting beliefs are a very easy way to allow yourself to slip back into your comfort zone.
Moving forward is challenging and sometimes tiring.
There are days when it really would be easier to slip back into your old state of inertia.

What is that state of inertia in your life?
Perhaps it is to hold on to the extra weight that you loathe yourself for?
Perhaps it is to give up on your dream business and go back to being dissatisfied & uninspired, working for someone else again?
Perhaps it is to cling to the unhappy parts of your relationship that have become an almost comforting misery?

The moral of the story is this; Those old voices of doubt and sabotage will always look for a "soap-box" to stand on.
They are longing to return you to the unhappy but familiar territory of that old comfort-zone!

Remember to kick that "soap-box" out from under them and KEEP MOVING FORWARD.

Some days you will feel like you are racing forward towards all your goals, including weight loss, other days will feel harder... but just keeping moving forward.

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” Martin Luther King

Monday, November 18, 2019

Motivation! Is It Time To Think About a New Year's Resolution That Will Actually Work?

The new year is almost here and we all want to feel great, shine and look our best, right?
So often, we make New Years resolutions and just never achieve our goals!
That was my life for 30 years until eventually at the age of 41, I gave up on New Years Resolutions altogether. (Let's call them NYR's to make it easier) I blamed the practice of making resolutions rather than facing the truth about myself!
Think about it....How can setting a goal be a bad thing? How can aiming for a positive change be bad practice?
I didn't want to face the truth that the problem lay within me... not the practice of setting a great NYR!
Not only had I not prepared myself with a clearly set out action-plan to lose my weight... I also had not clarified my deepest core reason as to why I wanted to lose that extra weight! .... My WHY was hazy and vague.
A competitive archer aims at her target not just because she wants to hit the bulls-eye! That is only her immediate short-term goal...
Other reasons could be;
A: That she wants to become the champion
B: That she wants to improve her archery with every practice and every competition
but digging even deeper.... Why does she want to achieve A or B?
Perhaps a deeper reason is that she wants to build her own self esteem by competing well and always improving?
Perhaps the sense of achievement empowers her to feel strong and capable?
First; Clarify your own deepest and strongest reason why you want to lose weight.
Second; Clarify exactly what your goal is.
Third: Set out a clear action-plan to achieve that goal!
Clarity and conciseness is vital! You will not succeed with any goal if that goal is not defined! If your target is not crystal clear then how the heck do you plan to hit it?
The successful archer takes aim with care and precision, in order to hit every target that she aims at. Sometimes, she gets the bulls-eye, sometimes she is close and other times she misses the mark completely... but still, she becomes successful, because she continues... one target at a time until she holds the champion's trophy in her hands.
Remember... the hardest step to take is always the first step, but without the momentum of crossing that start-line... You will never go anywhere.
Only You can take that first step!

Give The World The Best Example Of How To Love You | Lisa Nichols

How to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Why Being Too Nice Leads To Rejection - Marisa Peer

Learn How To Control Your Mind (USE This To BrainWash Yourself)

You Need to Make Your WHY a whole lot more compelling to achieve Your Goals!

For many of You who are Feeling stuck in any area of your life; Be it financial, career or vocational... 
Perhaps you struggle to lose weight? 
Maybe you are not satisfied your relationship or relationships?  

Do you wonder why you just can’t seem to make progress in whatever that area of your life is? 

One of the major contributing factors to your current state of inertia, the reason that you seem to be stuck in that particular area of your life, is that your WHY just ain’t big enough!

I am talking about your WHY; your reason WHY you need to fix that part of your life.

For example; Someone who wants to lose weight to impress another person, or maybe a whole bunch of people, is far more likely to fail or to keep regaining weight than someone else who is excited, and  I mean truly excited about health, vitality and longevity.

Imagine someone who wants to open a business, just because that’s what all his neighbors are doing. He feels left out or somehow less successful than his peers because he is just an employee… This guy is far less likely to succeed, than the person who opens a business because he or she has a fired up passion about the service they dream of providing, or the lives they want to touch or the inspiring legacy they want to leave behind!

For years I dabbled with ideas of running my own business… I tried various small businesses on & off; From a bridal wear hire business, to selling various health products, to working for a few years as an artist who painted pictures. I even published an award-winning Children’s novel, and yet nothing stuck or made any meaningful financial impact in our lives.

For years my weight fluctuated as I learned more and more about nutrition and fitness & yet, I consistently either regained any weight I had lost or, failed before I gave the diet a chance! The result was an ever increasing bottom line… and I mean on the scale and my bottom!

So many of us live with that nagging feeling that we could be doing more with our lives. 
So many of us ignore those feelings, we dutifully hush those yearning voices in the chaos and speed of our demanding schedules. 
So many of us, (women in particular) put ourselves last in every area whilst convincing ourselves that’s what it takes to be a good wife or a great Mom.

On that note… Of being a great Mom… I want you to remember this;  your children learn more from what you show than what you say!

Moms out there; if you are putting yourself last then are you showing your daughter that one day, she must put herself last too?

Do you want your son to be the kind of man who considers his wife to be the LEAST important member of his family? REALLY???

But that’s an aside on the whole parenting thing… another day, another blog-post!

Let’s move back to You.
Are you satisfied with your own life and your achievements? 
Is there a dream you would love to pursue and yet… here you are… and the dream remains in the realms of that beautiful fantasy-land which seems to only move further and further away from your reality?

Do you LONG to feel the passion of purpose? I believe with all my heart that every single human being, is born with their own divine gift and purpose!

I stand here today SO fired up with excitement and purpose and energy that just a few days ago I heard myself making what was possibly the most amazing statement that I have made in years!

My Husband, (Mark) and I were driving from our home in St Francis Bay in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. We were heading towards Port Elizabeth where he would drop me at a fabulous ladies Pop-Up Event that a friend had invited me to. We were chatting about the work we are doing, and the incredible journey we are on. The words came out of my mouth before I had even thought about the huge impact of what I was saying;

“I am today, at 47 years old, closer to becoming, the person that I dreamed of being as a child, than I have been since I was about 15 years old”

“I am today, at 47 years old, closer to becoming, the person that I dreamed of being as a child, than I have been since I was about 15 years old”

Our conversation stopped, all you could hear was the sound of my little red Peugeot climbing the hill after the Gamtoos River. Eventually Mark looked at me and said “Wow! Did you hear what you just said?”
Well let me tell you…. I had heard what I had just said, and the enormity of that statement has filled my heart with SO much excitement ever since. That happened 4 days ago.

It wasn’t always like that… only 3 years ago I was a mess. I weighed over 100kg, I was sick, in constant pain from back injuries that simply could not cope with the weight my body was carrying.

When I say pain… I mean serious pain guys. Anyone who has ever suffered back pain will understand what I mean. Standing, sitting, lying down.. it was all painful. 
My hormones were a mess and doctors couldn't decide If I had hypothyroidism or not, my sugars were a mess and I felt like my body was struggling on every level. My vitality was gone and my usefulness was diminishing daily.

My children were growing up fast and becoming more fantastic more independent. They needed me less and less… which is so exciting, and as it should be, but I was left wondering what the hell I was on the planet for.

Although my incredible husband was always loving and told me how beautiful I was, I just felt sorry for him. I couldn’t imagine how this amazing, healthy, youthful guy could love someone as fat, repulsive and useless as me!

And yet…. Here I am today…. Making statements like this;

“I am today, at 47 years old, closer to becoming, the person that I dreamed of being as a child, than I have been since I was about 15 years old”

I want you to think about the enormity of that. 

Wouldn’t it feel great to achieve that in your life?

I am very ordinary, you don’t get to put me on a different level to you by saying “aww but Fiona is amazing, she is running her dream business and has lost what is now at least 40kg, because she special, or just lucky. 
No no NO You don’t get to think that, because that is just a cop-out for you!

I am an ordinary woman who is now achieving extraordinary things. Why?

Because my own WHY finally became big enough! Big enough for me to make extraordinary decisions, one decision at a time… one day at a time because my WHY fills my heart with excitement and gratitude.
When You are moving towards a goal, towards a dream… if your REASON WHY is halfhearted, you are NOT going to move with purpose, you are not going to aim with pinpoint accuracy and you are not going to have what it takes to cross that finish line.

Sorry to be blunt but that’s the truth… I am not going to lie to you.

Why is this actually Great News? Because one of the biggest things that you can start to work on that will propel you towards your own passion, your own purpose…. Is to really think about and then create that Amazing Reason Why in Your Life.

My first set of reasons that I realized and built upon were obvious; Achieving health and weight loss was no longer  just about looking good. I realized that I do desire a long & vital life, I do desire health and well-being, so that I may be present and energized for myself and my family. I desire balance! Those reasons are worth running towards, don't you think?

My second set of reasons were broader... dare I say... grander!
My mission…. My why that is propelling my life forward so beautifully, is to serve.
As a little girl… I was always in my own dream world… in that dream world I was vital, energetic, fun and most of all… I was the person that helped. I would dream up scenarios of other people in trouble, and I would always arrive and save the day!

Today we can smile and say… Aah the dreams of children… but let's go back to that statement I made earlier; Do you long to feel the passion of purpose? I believe with all my heart that every single human being, is born with their own divine gift and purpose!

I also believe that children are more in touch with themselves and what that gift and purpose is.
Did you imagine yourself in a particular role as a child?
What lights you up? It doesn't even have to be about work! What situation makes you feel that you are shining and at your best? 
Perhaps you are that person that others turn to for advice? Do you have an affinity with children? Perhaps for you its all about numbers and balancing the books that makes you feel excited and gives you that sense of achievement, but perhaps for your best friend it is painting a beautiful picture that lights up a room.

In my childish dreams... I was the one that saved the day. It may sound cute, or silly, or funny, but when I realized that by transforming my life, I could reach out and show others that they can too…. All of a sudden, I felt that passion of purpose to do what I now do. My own journey has been so perfect because it is a journey that many many of us have been on. Now….. Lucky lucky LUCKY me gets to use my own story to help others transform their own lives.

And back to you Moms that are reading this… The best part for me… The bit that always gets me emotional; is that through my own journey of transformation on every level… I get to show our own 4 amazing kids that they too can lead extraordinary lives. 

You have the opportunity to show your family how we should all live!

Mahatma Gandhi advised us; “Be the Change You wish to see in the world” He didn’t tell us to talk about it or dream about it… he said be it.     Remember that!

For those of you have have read my book, 'Change Your Mind Change Your Size', and for those of you who have joined for my course Thank You! Thank You to all of you for giving me the opportunity to touch your lives. We are having SO much Fun and I am loving being on your journey with you!

For those of you that follow my social media posts or my blog…. The same goes to all of you. Thank you Thank you! I will continue to deliver value and inspiration to you all.

If you haven’t read the Book Change your mind, Change Your Size then you can find it for Free 

If you enjoyed this blog post, then please subscribe to my Youtube Channel. We would love to have you on board. I promise to always be real. 
Please don’t hesitate to comment and I will reply to you. Conversation between all of you, and I, is something that I love, so lets chat.
With Respect & Hope Always

Use This To Control Your Brain - Mel Robbins

Friday, October 25, 2019

How To Start The Ketogenic Diet | What You Must Know!

I used to wonder how my gorgeous Husband could be attracted to someone as fat & repulsive as me!

Have you ever wondered how your husband or partner could be attracted to someone as fat or repulsive as you?
Do you avoid dating & relationships because of the size or shape of your body?

Did you know that 98% of all diets FAIL.

That means that for every person who starts a new diet, only 2% succeed.

Are you sick & tired of diets that fail?
Do you struggle to stick to a plan?

You are NOT repulsive... but you can't see that

My name is Fiona Burdett. Nickname Fifo

I am a life coach, an NLP practitioner and the Author of the Book Change Your Mind, Change Your Size. More importantly, I am a woman who fought that same battle for 30 years until eventually, sick, in constant pain, and weighing in at something over 100kg… I decided that something had to change!

All the “BEST” diets and all the “INTENSE” fitness regimes that I had tried over the years had not resulted in lasting weight-loss.

I embarked on a life-changing journey that had NOTHING to do with nutrition or fitness and EVERYTHING to do with personal development on a mental, emotional & spiritual level.
THE RESULTS…. Not shabby… and yes….. I say so myself!

The traditional approach to losing weight always aims at the physical strategies:
Those being
A: The food that you do or don’t put in your mouth
B: Exercise - How and when to move your body more

The problem with this approach is that those steps are actually only steps 2 and 3 out of what the plan should be. Step 1 gets ignored which is why so many of us give up, or just regain the weight we lose!

My coaching teaches 1st & foremost the mental, emotional and spiritual side that is VITAL if you want to lose weight and keep it off! 

The current product that is at the forefront of my business is my 6-week, online course…

This Mind-Shifting course was designed as a life-changing fusion of inspiration and practical tools, to help you transform and to help you to see your own beauty as you are RIGHT NOW!
You must learn to love and forgive yourself and see your own beauty. Ironically that self love and acceptance is what will support your successful and lasting weight loss journey!

The course is packed with things that will disrupt you deeply as you realize

A: I have done this to myself!
And then
B: That means that I CAN UNDO this for myself!

I will teach you how to do that

Would you, or anyone you know… benefit from that?

Sign up  for this amazing mind-shifting course HERE 

  • The Course consists of weekly training videos at the start of each new week.
  • Written homework every week that helps you first to understand why and how you have done this to yourself. Then it will help you install habits and methods to transform your relationship with yourself and with food.
  • There are also daily self-care rituals which are fun and liberating....... AND
  • A weekly LIVE masterclass with me and a group of classmates! This gives you the chance to connect and chat live with me every week and also your "classmates" who are on a similar journey to you. This is a place of support, friendship & fellowship for the whole class. This is the space in which many "AHA" moments and breakthroughs are not only discussed but also achieved then and there!

There are maintenance programs and all sorts of fabulous bonuses stacked on to the course that help women to maintain their new-found mind-set and enjoy their journey of health, wellness and weight loss.
My own journey has given me a deep understanding of the cruelty that women inflict upon themselves when it comes to their own internal dialogues. It has also given me an uncanny "bullsh*t radar" when it comes to women convincing themselves that their “stories” about why they cant’ lose weight, are the truth, the whole truth… and... 
as they will learn....
nothing but a BIG FAT LIE! (EXCUSE THE PUN).

Sign up  for this amazing mind-shifting course HERE 

Everything You Need to Know About the Keto Diet

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Think! Only You Are Responsible For Yourself

What keeps you non-productive? Are you living your life waiting for someone to validate it?
Do you find yourself looking around to see what others have done just to see if what you are planning fit in? Some will say, "yes, I have done that, and I only end up frustrated and boxed-in." If that is you too, know that you can divorce yourself from labels or being boxed-in.
People ask what you do. Are you a manager? Are you a health professional? Are you a web developer? Are you a marketer? Are you a personal fitness coach? Are you a _____ (you fill in the blank)?
Honestly, you don't have a title. Do you want to be defined or confined in one word?
For example, if you are a motivational type person, you can never be labeled or boxed-in, and you may have always been that way. Can you remember sitting in a room, and people go around the room, stating their name and title? How do you put one label on yourself? There are different elements to you. Whether it holds acceptable or not, you are operating in the assignment that is given to you.

When someone tells you to do something, are you notorious for asking 'why?' Do you ask 'why' or accept the status quo?

A friend took a job where they told him when to go to lunch when to go to the restroom, what he needs to do and how he needs to do it, how he should think, be, and do. We understand it was because a lot of people can think but don't trust what they see or their ability to make a decision. So, management steps in and defines a structured step-by-step rule to aid that set of people. But those rules hinder the creativity of people like you and me.
I believe that working at places like that will hinder creativity as we make every effort to 'fit in,' and that will not work for you. Why?
Created as a free spirit (individualist) who should never be boxed-in, you may find that you'll work well in an unstructured environment. Such an environment allows you to devote your whole self to your work and produce great results.

Have you heard the saying, "If there are boundaries, I will try to knock them down?" Does that describe how you feel? If so, start asking why?

Do you feel like you are intimidated to make certain decisions? Or when someone tells you to do something, you may not feel good about what they are telling you to do, but you do it out of respect.
Be okay with starting to ask why. Why should I do that? Why do you think I should go this way? Or build this kind of business? Why?
Tradition: Effective or Stuck in Time
Many times, people get stuck in tradition. Being stuck says, "this is the way it has always been done, so this is the way you should do it." Reality is the way that we flourish, as a world, at any level of history is because somebody had the vision to see we don't have to do it a particular way. Think about it -- you can fly around the world because the Wright Brothers broke the "rules."

There are so many things in our lives that people tell us we can do or cannot do. We begin to conform to the opinions of others. That tends to limit our potential because your potential lies in your vision.

Realize Your Vision/Dream
Your vision is what you see when closing your eyes and picturing in your thought. It is that moment of inspiration when you imagine yourself doing something, and you are living it out in your mind. And, you feel like you are there, and you are thinking, "Oh my goodness, this is me." Then you ruin it when opening up your eyes, looking around, and thinking, "Oh, that is not realistic."
  • Fulfilling your potential in life is being unrealistic.
  • Fulfilling your potential in life is breaking the rules.
  • Fulfilling your potential in life is being chancy.
  • Fulfilling your potential in life is not to do what everyone else is doing and not conforming.
  • Fulfilling your potential in life is learning how to align your decision-making and taking the actions according to the vision you see.
Set yourself free to be you. You will be a much better person, employee, entrepreneur, spouse, sibling, friend, overall person.
Release the Rebel Inside You (In a good way of course)
You have been a rebel all your life. A lot of it is because you do not see life the way other people see it. You question it and get in long drawn out discussion for the asking why.
It is asking why you should have to do it this way. It has gotten you in a lot of friendly conversations. Most of all, it helps you understand others when they take the time to explain their 'why' to you.
The more you grow in life, you will realize that you are right. You are challenging a traditional way of doing things. And, some people do not like you to challenge them.
If you feel stuck or controlled, you may need to begin owning being a rebel with a cause. Not in a disrespectful way. A rebel fight against something. That is why many people do not like the term rebel. It is okay if you are battling against something that goes against who you are.

Some of the most successful people I know go against any mediocrity. They fight against being typical. They fight against blending in. They fight against doing things the way everybody else does it just because that is the way that they do it.

Ensure that you are doing your work and doing the research about things you doubt you should do. Your work and research will allow you to have an honest conversation and let others see why you should not do it a certain way.
If doing something for the sake of 'it has always been done this way' does not fall into alignment with the vision that you have, you may choose not to do it. You can ask, 'why?' And, if still, people tell you that you cannot do something your way, you ask why and then go out and show everyone that it can be done.
I hope this article jump-starts your progression to a more successful personal and work life. I wish you well.
I work with fun company to help you lose weight & stay in shape. If you have fun you'll stick to it. If you stick to it, you'll get results. By helping you learn how to lose that unhealthy belly fat you will increase your self confidence, restore your self esteem, worth, and value along with enhancing your quality of life.
Help me spread the Fitness Truth!
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(c) Copyright - WHealth Fit, LLC. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Fast and Easy, and learn muscle build techniques from a real muscle builder.

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Open Your Mind To New Possibilities! Fiona Burdett

 Open Your Mind to New Possibilities

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” Albert Einstein

Do you feel that all the “normal” weight loss methods are just not working for you?

Are you ready to try another “normal” diet or fitness program or both… when you already feel that it is going to be really difficult and you are going to have to be so strong?

Have you tried before to lose weight but just struggled to stick to the plan?

Have you lost weight before… and then just regained it all again?

Do you feel that you just can’t fit a healthy regime in for yourself… what with the demands of family and career, it’s too difficult?

Was Albert Einstein an idiot?
He was a genius!

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” Albert Einstein

I am not suggesting you just try another type of diet or change your fitness regime… YET

I am saying that those physical strategies (Diet and exercise) are only steps 2 and 3 of a healthy regime. Step 1 is missing!

My methods are unusual and they can revolutionize your experience of losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle… but you must open your mind first, to new possibilities.

When I tell my clients that I teach the mental, emotional and spiritual side that is vital to successful and lasting weight loss; the usual response is that I first get asked for a meal plan or “diet” or fitness program… they all first want to know the physical strategies (step 2 and 3) of how I transformed my body.
They get a bit of a shock when they realize that they have missed the point!

The physical strategies that I used on my final fabulous weight loss journey, were ones that I had used before.
I already knew that they worked for my body but I still kept giving up and/or regaining all the weight again and then…. I developed a belief that my age and my metabolism and hormones etc etc were all working against me to make weight loss damn-near impossible for me!

Weight loss had become extremely difficult, it seemed that I basically had to stop eating and over exercise to achieve any results at all!

And then I learned to Change my Mind!

With good-ole Albert’s words ringing in my head, I researched and learned as much as I could about how our minds work. I needed to understand what I was doing wrong.

Do you have a friend who had her baby, managed to look gorgeous all the way through her pregnancy and then… to add insult to injury – her figure was back to gorgeous within just a few months after her baby was born?

Perhaps you know someone who puts on a little weight when she goes on holiday and then easily loses it again after she gets home… and then… she maintains that weight easily?

I wanted to be one of those people that find it easy to lose weight and easy to maintain a healthy weight.

“Everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in reality.”
Robin Sharma

With the wise words of Robin Sharma in my head, I decided to approach weight loss with a brand new mind-set. 

Had I created this reality myself?
I knew that I had

Now it was time to create a new reality!

If you could open your mind to positive new realities, what could you create?

As you follow my blog and my teachings… I ask you to open your mind.
Hush the doubts that say you need first a practical physical day-to-day guide.

If you have read this far… then you are interested…
If you are still reading… then you are wondering…

“Every human has four endowments - self awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom... The power to choose, to respond, to change.”
Stephen Covey

You too have the power to choose, to respond and to change. It is not in your own hands… it is in your mind!
Walk with me, open your mind, create and achieve new possibilities!

Complete Women's Guide to Intermittent Fasting

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Best Weight Loss Solution That Works Like Magic

Are you prepared to lose some pounds but tired of paying attention to all the out of date tested-and-real weight loss counsels such as working out more, limiting food portions, and eating more vegetables? All you need is weight loss solution that works like magic.
As a matter of fact, there are some diet tips and strategies you've never heard, but will help you shed that excess pounds.
Here are little-known diet tips you must implement to lose weight fast.
1. Limited Variety
All of us have at one time or another heard the advice that when you are at a buffer, you should just eat all that comes your way. But the truth is that variety does not deserve its good reputation. Variety allows you to eat more. If you take diets with limited variety, you will maintain weight loss.
2. Make Barley Your Breakfast
After it was discovered that taking barley for breakfast will keep blood sugar on constant level, this oatmeal comes with its hunger-fighting reputation. This is due to the fact that low glycemic index are in the carbs present in barley or rye kernels.
This means that unlike some other carbohydrate foods, they increase blood sugar more slowly. This helps you keep away from a spike and a fall in blood sugar, leaving you hungry.
One warning: "Don't buy pearl barley but hulled barely as hulled barley was used for the research conducted.
3. Enrich and Dress Your Lunch Salad
Eating vegetable salad for lunch with little or no dressing is one of the most common mistakes dieters make. By mid-afternoon, they are already starving. For this reason, top your salad with a 3 oz chicken breast. By so doing, you must have added almost 26 grams of protein but only 140 calories.
In addition, put two tablespoons of light salad dressing, making your salad filling enough to make you survive the 3pm hunger slump without breaking down.
4. Stock Your Freezer with Frozen Vegetables
Of course, fresh vegetables are nutritious and mouth-watering. But you have to cut broccoli into florets, wash and slice zucchini, or scrape a carrot. Instead, stock up your freezer with frozen vegetables to make things easier. They are cleaned already, cut and ready for cooking.
Prepare the frozen veggies in advance; microwave all the green beans, and stock them in the refrigerator. You can add to your salad, dump into canned soups, or just eat by the handful.
5. Make Yourself a Big Vegetable Platter
Prepare a big vegetable platter and add some low-fat dip and put it on the buffet for your guests who are weight-conscious. This is only for you and whoever is interested among your family members.
Put it in the refrigerator as it will encourage you to avoid the higher calorie content of the fridge and encourage you to snack healthy.
6. Reduce the Thermostat
The fat-burning power of the brown fat in your body is boosted when you spend quality time at about 61 degrees Fahrenheit in the chilly house. Unlike the white or regular fat which stores calories and accumulates, brown fat is considered good fat.
7. Go Out for Treats
Make yourself work a bit for your preferred treats, if you are kind of person that loves snacks and sweets too much. Don't keep these items at home but permit yourself to go out and buy them when you actually need to.
You have to go to the bakery if you need a brownie. You have to look for the nearest frozen yoghurt shop if you are longing for a frozen yogurt. The more irritating delicious treats are, the less likely you will eat them.
8. Serve Your Meals on Smaller Plates
The bigger your plate, the more food you will probably inside, as said by the experts. Therefore, serving your foods on smaller plates will make you eat less. Nevertheless, do not throw those dinner plates of your away. Use your dinner plates for salads and use your smaller plates to serve dinner.
Have you been trying to lose weight through one weight loss program or another? Have you been wondering about how to lose weight without exercise in a week? One Minute Weight Loss Solution is the answer.
The solution is a research that will make you lose weight with just three to five minutes presentation. This solution is true because there's enough scientific evidence to back it up.
In addition, it is for anyone who doesn't like working out but still want to have an incredible body shape.
It doesn't matter how many times you have tried and failed to get fit, your age, and whether you are a man or woman, this solution is for everybody. This solution is 100% guaranteed!
Get FREE information about One Minute Weight Loss Solution at and start using it yourself in the comfort of your own home.

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How to Cycle Your Fasts & How Long Should You Fast

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Best Weight Loss Solution Requires No Long Hours of Work Out In The Gym

Are you one of those who eat tasty food and pray not to gain weight? Do you feel worn out about your normal workout regimen? Do you feel your heart beating dreadfully when you complete your gym session?
Then you must be desperately looking for a weight loss solution that will keep your body fit without having to spend long hours performing exercises in the gym.
High cholesterol levels and obesity in your body can cause conditions such as diabetes, blood pressure, and even a heart attack. Therefore, healthy living is the best way to keep your body fit. Moreover, you will experience shortness of breath and unable to enjoy exciting moments of your life, when you are obese or overweight.
Losing weight does not have to be complicated or stressful. However, it is imperative for you to explore a number of different useful resources, if you are determined to lose weight. With many products on the market, choosing the best weight loss solution can be very difficult.
Once you identify one, it will make you avoid heavy and rigorous workout you may be subjected to by your trainer in order to make sure you get in shape.
It's a common false impression that losing weight is not an easy task just for the fact that people have all been tricked into believing that you have to work out for many hours every week in the gym, purchase a costly gym membership, and eat a super preventive diet.
The best solution to lose weight will make you achieve the utmost results of your campaign spending little time exercising. It will show you easy tips and tricks of burning fat without working out for hours. Apart from the fat burning advantages of the program, best solution will also provide you with general well-being and positive response.
All you need to do is to perform the right movements that will boost the fat burning capabilities of your body. It must be 100% safe and natural, and needs nothing more than few minutes of exercises every day.
With the best solution for weight loss, there is no need of buying expensive gym equipment and you can exercise in the convenient of your home and see the results you want.
How Does Best Weight Loss Solution Work?
If you spend some time each day doing regular workouts for months and fail to accomplish your goal, you will feel disappointment. This alone will make you lose your hope and self-confidence.
But there is nothing like that with the best solution. In fact, it is all about learning scientifically proven stylish workouts. It works by targeting your belly fats and getting rid of them from your body.
This solution must deal with the fat and drive it out of your body completely. You will experience a significant improvement in your physical health. Moreover, it is capable of reducing your body fat, keeps your blood pressure at lowest levels, and reduces your cholesterol level.
Irrespective of the weight and size, everybody is striking in their own way. The cholesterol accumulating in your body is what is not attractive. When you fail to keep track of the cholesterol level of your body, then your life is in danger. With the best solution you just have to spend a mere 60 seconds each day. You will feel a fantastic and drastic change in your body.
Have you been trying to lose weight through one program or another? Have you been wondering about how to weight loss without exercise? One Minute Solution is the answer.
The 1 minute weight loss solution will make you lose weight with just three to five minutes presentation. This solution is true because there's enough scientific evidence to back it up.
It doesn't matter how many times you have tried and failed to lose weight and get fit, your age, and whether you are a man or woman, this solution is for everybody. This solution is 100% guaranteed!
Get FREE information about One Minute Weight Loss Solution at and start using it yourself in the comfort of your own home.

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Friday, October 4, 2019

7 Keys to Good Health by Good Breathing

A very common slogan among asthma sufferers is "When you can't breathe, nothing else matters", alluding to the desperateness of one who can't inhale the life-giving air. Is life-giving air the full story on breathing? This article takes common breathing advice and gives reasons for its efficacy. It goes further and provides essential elements in breathing technique for better health.
Breathing is perhaps one of the most centrally integrated autonomous behaviours that reach well beyond a simple filling of the lungs. Garcia AJ writes in 2011:
"Breathing emerges through complex network interactions involving neurons distributed throughout the nervous system. The respiratory rhythm generating network is composed of micro networks functioning within larger networks to generate distinct rhythms and patterns that characterize breathing."
The outworking of Garcia's study can best be observed when a person is affected by strong emotions like fear & anger.
Mainstream advice for breathing is to override the autonomous control and consciously inhale deeply through the nose and exhale through the mouth slowly with pursed lips.
Dr Carla Naumburg PhD of 'Ready, Set, Breathe' fame suggests breathing exercises bring mindfulness into daily life. By remembering to breathe, a space is created to restore calm and reduce blood pressure and stress hormones so creating opportunity of situation control.
Professor Konstantin Buteyko (Russia 1923-2003) is credited for a technique characterised by slow and reduced breathing combined with spaced pauses of no breathing allowing Carbon Dioxide to build up to bursting point.
Breathing is a relevant component of the practice of Yoga. Yoga breathing techniques typically accompany either different poses or some form of meditation. Thus it is difficult to separate and ascribe the result to the breathing, poses or the meditation.
Pandit JJ, in 2003 tested 3 breathing techniques for optimum Oxygen uptake, as follows:
1. Three (3) minutes of tidal breathing
2. Four (4) deep breaths taken within 30 seconds
3. Eight (8) deep breaths taken within 60 seconds
The Oxygen uptake was the same for Items 1. & 3 and a higher efficacy than for Item 2. His work illustrates that breathing technique is important.
Enter Nitric Oxide (NO), a colourless gas with a half-life of merely seconds. Nitric Oxide (NO) was named "molecule of the year" in 1994 by Science Magazine.
In 1998 the Karolinska Institute awarded the Nobel prize to US pharmacologists Robert F. Furchgott, PhD, Ferid Murad, MD, PhD, and Louis J. Ignarro, PhD for their discoveries of the role of Nitric Oxide (NO) as being a signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system.
NO relaxes the smooth muscle in arteries providing a larger flow area for blood, thus reducing blood pressure and bring more nutrients to where they are needed. The importance of NO in the human bodily functions cannot be overstated. Even though 1000's of research papers have been written, World research goes on. NO is implicated in heart health, lower blood pressure, better quality of sleep and even erectile dysfunction.
NO is produced in the sinuses, the biggest being the maxillary sinuses either side of the nose. They are closed chambers except for a small soft-tissue opening called the ossium which is open the olfactory airways.
There is no right or wrong way to breathe - the autonomous brain function sees to it that you get adequate oxygen into your system. However, there are ways to breathe to get maximum NO into your system. Here are 7 pointers to help get this amazing gas into your bloodstream.
Nose hair and constricted nose ducting ensure there is a negative pressure in the airways. This partial vacuum causes the sinuses to deliver a small amount of NO-laden air into your inhaled breath. The harder you breathe in the more NO the sinuses will deliver.
Blocking one nostril and in turn the other nostril will increase the partial vacuum to cause NO-laden air to be injected into your inhaled breath.
Close both nostrils and try to inhale. This creates the greatest amount of vacuum in your respiratory system allowing NO-laden air to be sucked from the sinuses. Of course you can only do this for a short time before resuming normal breathing.
NO needs time to be absorbed into your bloodstream. Accordingly it is good to hold your breath for as long as it is convenient. Alternatively exhale slowly to allow the lungs time to absorb the NO.
Lundberg et al showed in 2003 that humming increases exhaled NO by 700%. Other researcher found an even greater increase in exhaled NO during humming. Problem is that it is difficult to inhale while humming. Thus the sequence suggested is to hum for 3 seconds then immediately inhale..
To overcome the problem of simultaneously humming and inhaling, it is suggested to pretend to snore, making the sound as if you were snoring. The snoring sound frequencies are in the range of the maxillary sinuses natural frequencies approximately 110 to 350 Hz. Allowing the maxillary sinuses to resonate will pulse NO-laden air into the inhaled breath volume. Because snoring is an inhaling manoeuvre the NO will reach the lungs in greater volume.
During a descent procedure in an aeroplane headaches are often avoided by use of the Valsalva manoeuvre. This manoeuvre involves closing both nostrils while attempting to exhale until the ear drums 'pop'. This has the effect of pressurizing the sinuses which upon subsequent inhalation release the pressure and inject NO-laden air into the olfactory airways.
A. NO in the sinuses is a finite resource and can be depleted. How can it be replenished? Eat plenty of food rich in Nitrates eg Beetroot, Fenugreek, etc and give your body time to convert the Nitrates into NO.
B. Why not breathe in NO gas like they do for babies with pulmonary hypertension? The dosage of NO in a medical setting is carefully controlled. Exposure of animals to NO has caused drowsiness, unconsciousness and death.
C. Why not sit in a high traffic area and breathe in the NO produced by cars? Motor vehicle exhaust gases do contain NO. However, exhaust gases are a toxic cocktail of other gases such as Carbon Monoxide. The risk of poisoning far outweighs any benefits to be gained.
After about 5 years of buying women's wear from China, India, Thailand, Bangladesh and Indonesia we found a need to ensure supply is according to the following:
• No child labour
• No Azo dyes that cause cancer
• No harsh processing chemicals that hurt the environment.
• Fabric from renewable sources
• Natural fire retardant fabric
We went a little further, and asked ourselves the question:
What can we add to our range of clothing that enhances wellness in the wearer?
We came up with some surprising answers. Watch this space.